
Aphrodite Merovingian

Aphrodite Merovingian. Her life takes a turn when she moves down to America with her family. She struggles to fit in the unfamiliar surroundings, juggles school activities friends and love. After finally fitting in and getting comfortable, something threatens to take her away from it all. Follow up on Aphrodite as she learns to fight for what she wants and has come to love.

Michelle_Daniels_0855 · Teen
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5 Chs


Life they say is full of choices yet some of us don't have a choice in life, i thought looking out the window with the booming music that filled my ears.

Slowly i drifted of to sleep,maybe in my dream i can make my own choice.

"Aphy" My mum called lightly tapping on my shoulder.

"No" I mumbled turning my back to her as i placed a hand on the leather seat leaning close.

The smell of neat and new leather penetrated through my nose and i sniffed.

"Aphy, come on get up, we are here" Mum said tapping my shoulder a little bit hard.

"Go away" I mumbled now awake but still with my eyes shut.

"Aphy if you don't get up now, i swear i-".

I quickly opened my eyes and sat up straight to stare at my mum whose blue eyes are staring daggers at me.

The door opened then and a rush of cool breeze blew past making mum's beautiful brown hair cover her face.

She pushed a hand through her face gathering her hair behind before climbing down the limousine.

" Thanks Philip" Mum said to our butler Philip who came with us to America.

Philip doesn't have any family, no wife or child, he has been working for our family for 58 years and he's pretty much family now.

So when mum and dad asked if he would move with us he agreed saying were else would he go if not with his family.

Well you see the reason we moved to America was due to dad built a branch of our company here and needs to monitor it for few months so rather than to move alone, mum suggested we all move and i hate it here.

With a sigh i grabbed my guitar bag strapping it on my left shoulder and i noticed my headphones on the leather seat.

I can't believe she took it off me, i grabbed it and placed it on my neck before climbing down.

Philip shut the door after me before going around it probably to get our luggage.

I looked around noticing we're at the garage before looking ahead, a huge mansion is just a few meters away, i looked behind taking in the black high gate a distance away and wondered why they felt to put such a big space between the gate, garage and the house.

Our Mansion back in the UK is twice as big as this but the space is just alright.

"Let's go" Mum said walking ahead with Philip behind her as he struggled with two of our luggage.

"Why do we have to walk down anyways my feet hurts" I complained before walking behind Philip.

"Right from the moment you step out of our house back in UK and got in the car till we boarded the plane and Philip had to go get our limo till now,your feet hasn't walked for a few distance so tell me young lady how they hurts". Mum said shooting me a glare over her shoulder.

" It just does" I muttered making her shook her head at me.

We got to the door then and mum rang the door bell, few seconds later the door opened as a short guy with bald hair bowed his head to us before stepping aside.

"Take the luggage from him and he will escort you back to get a few things" Mum ordered before walking past her heels making a loud clicking sound on the ground.

OK so maybe its both our heels.

We walked around the corner and into the living room.

The first thing i noticed is how wide the living room is, a beautiful white chandelier up on the ceiling.

Two huge sleek white leather couch positioned at both directions.

A huge TV fixed on the wall, i heard the sound of footsteps and i turned to see five people running down the spiral stairs and a few others came out from one of the many corners this mansion seems to have.

"Welcome Ma'am" They said with a bow of their heads.

"Is everything ready?" Mum asked and an old woman of about late 50s stepped forward.

"Yes ma'am, after your last visit and instructions we have successful done all you asked" She said before staring at me.

"Alright" Mum said before placing a hand on my shoulder "Am Rachel Merovingian" Mum introduced herself to the staffs " And this "she said lightly pushing me forward " Is my daughter Aphrodite Merovingian ".

" Welcome to the States young miss" the woman spoke up "Am Rose the head maid".

I simply nodded.

" Your daughter is very beautiful ma'am" Rose said with a smile and mom smiled "Of course, she is my daughter after all" she said proudly making me roll my eyes.

"This is Marco our chef, he can prepare almost everything' Rose said as the older guy smiled before he slightly bowed his head to mum and i.

"And Roman, he's a famous French cook known in France" Rose said motioning to a brown haired guy in a polished white chef outfit and cap, he would be in his early 30s but he looks nice.

"Am honoured to be hired to work for the Merovingian family" he said thick French accent i admire.

"Lara and Sara are in charge of house chorus within the house" Rose said and both lass bowed dressed in maid outfits the only difference between them is one is a bit lighter than the other.

"Tina here is the server and your own person maid" Rose said as a petite lass with chestnut long hair stepped forward, she should be around my age.

"Brick and Rock are in charge of security" Rose said motioning to the two hulks beside Roman.

"Martin who we past at the gate is in charge of the gate" Mum said and i nodded though i have no idea who Martin is.

"Nancy, Max and John just run some stuffs at the company" Mum motioned to the three people in suits .

"Nice to meet you ma'am " they said as Philip and the other bald guy walked in with our luggage dropping it gently on the ground.

"Marlon and Joe are the drivers " Rose said and Marlon gave me a smile while Joe slightly bowed.

"This is Philip our Butler and he will be in charge of the household activities, so you're all under him, see to it that you follow his instructions and i will not tolerate disrespect towards him is that clear?" Mum said.

"Yes ma'am" They said in unison.

"You're dismissed" She said before walking off behind Rose as they went around the corner.

"I will take you to your room ma'am" I turned to Tora or was it Tiara as she picked one of my luggage.

I nodded and walked behind her up the stairs.

The hallway is long and endless and i wondered how many rooms are here on the third floor.

I admired the paintings on the wall as we walked by.

She stopped in front of the third door by the right and she pushed it open.

I walked in after her taking in the huge and spacious room.

The drapes are closed making the room a bit dark.

The walls are painted pink with a few paintings on the wall.

A medium size couch is positioned at the left with a King sized bed at the right with pink covers and four pillows, a medium size plaza on the wall positioned to face the bed and couch.

A huge brown closet at the far end of the wall and a few meters away is a mirror on the wall with a table and a little leather seat, a reading table at the left side of the window.

I noticed a door at the right just a few meters away from the main door.

"You may leave" I said without turning around and i heard her mutter 'thanks' before the door shut.

With a sigh i took off my guitar bag and placed it on the bed before walking towards the window.

I pulled the drapes apart and gasped at the view.

I watched the waves in awe, i inched to feel the white sands with my bare feet and i smiled at the thought and i love the fact that is empty save for about six to eight people.

I can't believe a beach is right behind our house, i best quickly unpack and ask mom if i can visit the beach.

I walked back to my bed after grabbing my suitcase.

I unloaded my clothes which were all gotten from around the world, from Italy , Spain , and a few outfits i got when i modelled at Hawaii.

I unloaded few heels, bags and hats and other stuffs.

My other belongings are being shipped over tomorrow together with few outfits i order from Paris.

I placed my i-pod, i-phone and Macbook , my CDs and i brought out few posters of my favourite popstars which i will place on the walls later, i placed all these on the bed before zipping up my suitcase.

I placed my outfit separately on the bed,a blue off shoulder vintage top with white shorts which i got when i modelled last holiday at Bahamas.

I opened my closet before neatly arranging my stuffs inside, next is taking a hot bath.

I gently placed my mug on the tray before taking the napkin Tora handed to me.

I wiped my mouth and placed it back on the tray while staring at my mum.

"Hey Mum" I called and she raised her head up while lifting her fork in her mouth.

"Hmm" She answered after slowly chewing

her Flamiche, a French food fill with cheese and vegetable with fillings of leeks and cream and it tastes really good.

Tora gathered my plates before walking off and i slipped my glass of milk preparing myself for the speech.

"I was thinking-" and she groaned before dropping her cutlery.

"I assure you its nothing bad" I said and she gave me a scrutinized look "Alright, let's hear it".

" I noticed the beach is just behind our house and i will like to-"

"No" She said cutting me off and i frowned "But why?".

" You know fully well you're not allowed out leave the house, we can't have you wasting your time with meaningless things " Mum said as Tora walked back in handing her a napkin which she uses to wipe her mouth.

The plates slipped out of her hands and a loud chattering sound could be heard and she squat down "A.....am so sor..sorry ma'am" she stuttered.

"Clear it up right now!" Mum yelled and she flinched before picking up the broken pieces and bolting off.

"Have you finished writing the reports for next week's conference?".

I lowered my gaze " No".

"You know fully well its due in two days, your father won't be happy if he hears of this". She scolded " He's to arrive tomorrow ".

" What?" I exclaimed snapping my head up "But he said he won't be done with the project in Italy till next month".

She raised her glass of milk to her lips and after a sip she dropped it " Well something came up and it was postponed till two weeks time and he said Apollo can handle stuffs over there ".

" Oh!" I muttered having nothing else to say.

"Oh and before i forget, you're starting school tomorrow, i dropped everything you need in your room earlier so be up on time".

I blinked twice " But have always been homeschooled and i don't want to be in a room filled with disgusting kids".

She ignored me and sipped her milk so i tried a different approach.

"But i wouldn't fit in, they would know of my identity and be all annoying and i-"

"It's a small rural town Aphy, they don't really know much about those stuffs, you would be surprised that not one person would recognise you".

" But Mum-"

"Well plans change" and with that she pushed her chair backwards getting on her feet and i watched her walk away right after dropping bombshells on me.

I squint my eyes at the ray of light "Get up" Mum said making me groan.

"Am so tired Mum" I said pulling the bedspread over my eyes.

"Get up now or you will be late for school" She yelled pulling the spread off me.

"Do i really have to?" I ask before rolling on the other side of my hips.

" Apppphhhhyyy ..."She screamed and i jumped down the bed.

"Am up, am up!" I yawned with a stretch before looking up at the wall clock.

"6:30!,really Mum!?"

"You take forever to get ready so i need to wake you up on time, quickly have a bath and dress up" She said and i grabbed my towels from the closet before walking towards the bathroom.

I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the bath tub and grabbed my strawberry scented shampoo from the low shelf before applying on my blonde hair.

Few minutes later i wrapped a white towel around my wet skin, then i dried my wet hair with the other towel.

I walked out of the bathroom to find my mum going through my closet.

"What are you doing?" I asked walking towards my bed.

"Am helping you with an outfit for school" She said holding up a red vintage shirt with blue jeans.

"Aren't i suppose to wear a kit to school?" I asked staring at the shirt and jean she laid on the bed before taking off the towel from my hair.

"Nope, students here don't wear uniform" She answered "And put this on quickly".

" I can pick out my own clothes you know " I said grabbing a pair of black heels from the lower section of the closet.

"School starts by 8:30 so get dressed now, Joe's waiting downstairs" She said walking towards the door.

"Who's Joe?" I raised a brow in confusion.

Mum sighed "Just hurry up and come downstairs for a quick breakfast" she said before walking out the door.

I sat on the little leather couch in front of the mirror staring at my self.

My hair is a dark blonde with light roots and it turns even darker when wet.

My eyes are a silver colour with a little black around the iris which people find unique and am always asked if it's contacts.

My lips are round and natural pink and most times i only apply lip gloss to it.

When i was born the nurses and doctors were overwhelmed by my beauty and called me a goddess.

Mum and dad named me Aphrodite after the Greek goddess.

I receive a lots of complaints from Mum and Dad's friends about my looks and also i always get gaped at whenever i pass by.

Everyone always compliments my beauty which am fully aware of.

With a satisfied smile at my look, i picked up the brush and gently pulled it through my long hair.

I used my face wiper to clean my face before applying lip gloss on my lips.

I sat on my bed after dressing up in the clothes mum selected while putting on my heels.

I walked to my reading table after selecting my brown Louis Vuitton bag and placed everything inside: Binders, notebooks, a pack of pens, pencils and crayons, my student ID card which was given to Mum when she registered me, my rubber and correction pen.

I grabbed my i-pod from my bed and headphones which i placed on my neck.

I took out my American Express Centurion card, my Harrod American Express card and my Black Master card from my top drawer and stared at the three of them, with a shrug i placed the American Centurion card in my bag and returned the other two to the drawer.

A knock came through and i answered.

The young maid walked in "Umm...am here to tidy up the room". She said in a timid voice and i nodded looking away.

Taking one final look at the mirror i walked out of the room right before grabbing a pair of sunshades of the dressing table.

Getting to the garage i found Mum giving instructions to an average man dressed in black suit.

"Oh my!" I exclaimed placing a hand over my lips.

Both mum and the man turned in fright "What?" Mum called out and i ran towards my baby.

"I can't believe it, when did it arrive mum?" I asked tracing a hand over my white Tesla Model S.

"Early this morning, the rest of your stuffs will be arriving later tonight" Mum said before staring at her wrist watch.

I know it might seem like i over react but i have missed my baby, Dad got it for me two years ago for winning a project in France.

"Time to go Aphy, it's 8:00, i can't believe it took you an hour and 30minutes to get ready" Mum said giving me a look of disbelief.

"I have to maintain this beauty" I said motioning from my hair down to my toe.

"Just get in" She said as i grinned cocky "Joe drive safe" that made me stop in my tracks.

"Excuse me?"

"You know fully well you're not allowed to leave the house without a driver" Mum said with a shrug.

"B-but i - i thought things would be different now and besides i will be 18 in a few months and i have my driving license"

"Not happening dear, Joe will drive you anywhere you want to go"

"By anywhere you mean, school and the company right?"

"That's right, now off you go" She said with a shoo of her hand as Joe opened the back door.

With a frown i climbed in and he shut the door before walking around the car to the driver's door.

"Bye Angel" Mum said blowing me a kiss through the window.

Looking away from the window i lifted my headphones over my ears.