
Chapter 1: Artemis' Shrine

A stunning beautiful teenage girl was climbing the stairs. "Another set of stairs to climb." Muttered the girl bitterly. Her blond hair was drawn back elegantly into a bun, her soft blue eyes slotted in nicely with her slight freckled and blushed cheeks.

She took in the breathless view of the mountains, where some had their breaths taken away. She trudged onwards to the shrine of Artemis. The girl was greeted by a priestess she had seen . She had chocolate hair flowing down to her waist with piercing emerald eyes and wore a decorated chiton. The priestess' olive skin radiated with power.

The girl's name was Aria, one of the most loyal follower of Artemis. The priestess was a friend of Aria, they knew each other since the day Aria decided to step foot into the shrine. "Good day Aria", spoke the priestess, her olive skin radiating with beauty.

Aria walked into the shrine, conveniently placed near the peak of the mountains, and wondering how she knew her name. Out of breath, Aria collapsed into a nearby wooden chair, her out of shape body never got used to going out. The priestess sat down opposite her and offered her a cup of tea. They chatted for a while until Aria felt a sharp pain on the back of her head.

"What is the matter?" asked the concerned priestess.

"Nothing, I just have a headache or something." replied Aria. The pain had gone as quick as it had came. Aria's mind felt slightly occupied and murky after that point, unknowing that another deity had joined the conversation. Nevertheless they continued the conversation, with Aria being less vigilant after the phenomenon.

Aria got up with the priestess to pray to the Goddess of the Hunt before leaving. Aria kneeled down, and suddenly felt a horrible pulse of pain in her head that quickly shut down her consciousness, and instead was infected by the Goddess of Love's influence. Her eyes flashed pink for a split second before her head met the floor with a nasty thunk.


The priestess helped Aria back up.

"Are you fine?" asked the priestess.

"Yes, I am dear." replied Aria in rather ravishing tone.

"Are you sure? That was quite a nasty fall."

"I am more than fine, because of you..." gasped Aria, grabbing the priestess' shoulders. Aria, who was influenced by Aphrodite, leaned in, her dazed blue eyes staring intently on the priestess' lips. All Aria wanted to do was to kiss her as passionately as she can.

Aria's weight forced the two to collapse onto the ground, Aria's breasts just touching the priestess' face. Aria licked her lips seductively, and before the priestess could retaliate: Aria jammed her lips onto the priestess, kissing fervently on the soft lips of the priestess. Aria's tongue fought in the mouth of the priestess, dominating the passage and making the priestess feel the involuntary shuddering pleasure. All the priestess could do was to take quick sharp breaths before Aria continued the assault.


After 10 minutes of heavy fighting, the priestess, mingled with sweat, was exhausted. The priestess laid on the ground, bamboozled by Aria's lustful behaviour, but relieved that she had stopped. Aria looked down at the priestess, her blue eyes filled to the brim with ardour. The priestess could not help but blush as Aria bent down and Aria's beautiful eyes invaded her vision.

"Why," croaked the priestess. "why did you... why did you do this to me?"

Aria touched the priestess' crotch, and felt in surprise that the fabric was damp. The priestess gave a low moan as Aria gently squeezed the priestess' thighs. "My," purred Aria. "you just couldn't contain your excitement." She stroked the priestess' silky hair; with the priestess' head on her lap, Aria could see every detail of the priestess. From her stiff breasts to the now soaking fabric, Aria made sure to make use of both their bodies.

"Answer my question." whispered the priestess, her blushed cheeks making her seem more arousing to Aria.

"Because... I love you." whispered Aria back. Her hands now infiltrated and now gently fingering the priestess' wet lady garden. The priestess gave out low moans every few minutes, resisting the urge until Aria finally stopped.

Aria continued to stroke the chestnut brown hair, and every so often caress her face. And ever so passionately peck the priestess soft cherry lips until the sun set into the horizon. Aria stole one more glance at the sleeping priestess, before gently laying her head and slept beside her. The priestess felt soothing flares rising in her body, as she drifted into a peaceful sleep after a strange day of work.

I haven't touched this novel for months! So I am coming back stronger than ever. Feel free to leave any comments or thoughts down below, as I am still relatively new to the art of writing.

Miinuteecreators' thoughts