
Apex Predator / Part 1

Nathan is a young man who lives in a world where magic disappeared a century ago. All kinds of creatures are a danger to humans, and among them, dinosaurs and dragons are the most prevalent. However, they do not stop humankind from being a danger to themselves. One day, when returning to his village, he found out it was attacked by an enemy tribe and most people were killed or enslaved. He'll do everything to have revenge on his enemies, and find truths of this world that he could never imagine.

NunoReis · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Endwalker's Diary

Nathan's POV:

Faye takes a deep breath and says:

"About a week ago, the leader of Starfall, Kayne, proposed an alliance between the two tribes, and of course I agreed. Fifteen years ago, they helped us push back the Dark Clouds and force them to retreat north across the True Ice Mountains, and even defeat their dragon. And now they've finally asked for an official alliance between the tribes, but why are they doing this after so long?

"I believe you're thinking about it too much." The captain, who I just saw for the first time, speaks up. "Maybe they just want to make it official, and nothing will change. And don't forget, their strength will be more than welcome in the coming battles, the Dark Clouds should have some secret allies too."

"Liam, are you suggesting we ask for their help? We haven't done anything in return, so I'm really not sure they're ready to fight with us again." replies leader Faye.

"No, we don't have to ask them. We all know why they helped us and will probably do it again. That's why they wanted a real alliance when the Dark Clouds started attacking. They'll definitely help us again."

What does he mean by 'we all know why they helped us'...? I'm not sure I follow him. From what I've heard so far, the Starfall tribe appeared out of nowhere and helped the Warriors simply because they were in trouble.

Captain Zlodey sighs and joins the discussion:

"The Endwalkers aren't here now, we can't be sure they'll help us. In my opinion, we should talk to Kayne when he gets here. In the meantime, we'll try to find Jason."

Again, all this talk about Jason being the Endwalker. I wonder if I'm involved in any way, because apparently only I can read his book.

"Anyway, we should attack the Dark Clouds soon, while they're still recovering from their recent losses." interjects Captain Lafina.

"Indeed, we now have an advantage, and we'll use it, with or without Starfall's help." It seems that Faye is convinced of her decision to attack the Dark Clouds.

"What's the point of this meeting if you've already decided on our next move?" asks Captain Liam.

Faye points at me and replies:

"Because the Endwalker has chosen this boy as the one who can read his book, the seal has been lifted."

They all look at me at the same time... I wonder what they're thinking.

"So, I don't really know what I have to do with any of this, but I didn't even know Jason was such an important person until now." I say, hoping they'd stop with the weird stares.

"If he chose you, then there must be a reason for it, what were you to him?" Captain Liam questions me, hoping to find out the reason I was chosen.

"There's no blood relation. He was the blacksmith at the village I lived in, and he fought along side my father in the war fifteen years ago."

"What is your father's name?"

"His name was Paul. He died in the war."

They all look down for a bit, probably having some undesirable memories resurging from the last war.

"Anyway, Jason gained his title by going to the End of the World and returning alive an well. He brought a Basilisk's head as proof, but I'm sure that's not the only thing he found, his diary was sealed with magic after all." Faye breaks the silence, confirming on how Jason began being called Endwalker.

But I though there was nothing past the edge of the world... It is simply a big circle and if you try going beyond it, you'll fall on an endless void, never to be seen again. Perhaps Jason found something there that gave him access to the magic that humanity has long lost...

Lost in my thoughts, something strange started to happen:

"Mmm guys? The book.. it is shaking!"

Jason's diary began shaking uncontrollably, getting to a point that I couldn't keep it still any longer, making it fall on the ground. After a few seconds it started shining a vibrant yellow, and then completely stopped.

What the hell is happening...

"Well that's new." Captain Zlodey says.

"I'd try reading it before it explodes..." Lafina adds.

I guess I'll have a quick look now that it stopped moving on its own...

I pick it up from the ground and open the book on the first page.

"Please don't curse me, please don't curse me." I mumbled, afraid of getting killed by some ancient magic...

On the first page is a map of the world with all the known and important locations. Well, at least the eastern part of the world. The Warrior's base is near the center of the world, just a little up north from the middle. To the west is the huge lake I saw when we attacked the Dark Clouds outposts to get our people back. It is so big that you can only see the other side of the lake if you are high up in the air on a flying mount. To the north of the Warrior's base lay the True Ice Mountains, separating our territory from Dark Cloud's. To the east, there are the Windless Plains. It seems there are a few powerful tribes over there, but they have always minded their own business and never really interacted with us. And finally, the south, the book says where the Starfall base is located, it isn't very far from ours. There's something weird though... Below the Starfall territory, the world should end there. Instead, there is a weird star shaped symbol marked on the edge of the world. I wonder if it has anything to do with the Starfall tribe...

"It appears I am still alive... there's just a map of this part of the world on the first page."

"Is there anything uncommon?" Captain Zlodey questions.

"Yes, bellow the Starfall tribe territory, at the end of the world, there's a star shaped mark. Perhaps it has something to do with them."

"Who knows... either way, there's no point in traveling there now, we have many problems yet to solve here, and it would take weeks just to get there on a Dimorphodon."

"Indeed." Faye speaks out. "We should focus on ending the Dark Clouds for good, after that, we'll have all the time to explore. Let us wait for Kayne to visit, and we shall see what becomes of the alliance."

I wonder how this will play out...

"We shall build an outpost at the True Ice Mountains to ensure we don't get any more unwanted visitors in our land. And unlike the Dark Clouds, we'll defend it properly and use it as an operations base near the enemy territory. Liam, you and the Captain of the first division will be responsible for its defenses, I'm sure you'll do a nice job."

Leader Faye tells us her plan of building an outpost just like the Dark Clouds had recently done.

"Very well. Where is the captain of the first division though? I haven't seen him in so long that I don't even remember his name." Liam asks.

I don't think I have ever heard anyone talk about the first division's captain. I am curious on what kind of person he is.

"His name is Eldor, how can you forget a captain's name... And he's currently busy in a important mission. He should be back in a few days." Faye replies.

So the remaining captain's name is Eldor. I wonder what kind of mission he is doing, it must be really important if he couldn't attend this meeting.

"Alright. I'll prepare my division to build the outpost right away. Is there anything else?"

"For the other captains, yes. Zlodey and Lafina, I have received some reports of a T-Rex and a pack of Carnotaurus approaching from the east. Please take care of that."

"As you wish." Captain Zlodey accepted.

I guess I was wrong... I had the impression that Captain Zlodey was the one giving out the calls, but it seems Faye has her talent on leading, despite sounding uncertain at times. But... a T-Rex huh... and some Carnotaurus as well. I hope we manage to defeat them easily.

"That is all. Good luck everyone."

We all get up and leave the room. Captain Liam leaves the castle right away, without even saying goodbye to anyone, I assume he's taking his mission seriously as well.

"Nathan, go get the rest of the division, I'll lead you to your new rooms. Meet me at the entrance of the castle in half an hour." Captain Zlodey says.

"Yes sir!" I exclaimed, happy to get a new and fancy room for myself.

As I was about to start my way to the exit, I notice Captain Zlodey and Captain Lafina exchanging some 'interesting' looks. He said half an hour, but I'm sure it will be at least one...

I leave the castle and head to the inn, hoping my friends are still there. Arriving at the inn, I realize a lot of people have left at this point, they were surely surprised by the sudden announcement about the Starfall tribe but there's nothing anyone can do. I search my friends in the interior, excited to tell them we got new rooms and a new mission. The five of them are at the usual table, munching as much food as possible...

"Hey guys, I'm back!"

"You took your time. What did Captain Zlodey had to say?" Leonard questions.

"First things first, we got new rooms in the castle. I gotta say, the interior is nothing like what I expected. And second, we have our next mission. Together with the third division, we'll take care of a T-Rex and a few Carnotaurus that have appeared east of here. In the meantime, the second division will start building an outpost at True Ice Montains, just like the Dark Clouds did, this time, we'll be the ones attacking."

"Wait wait... slow down." Filipe says, "So we're gonna kill a T-Rex? Aren't they like, super huge? How do we even do it?"

"Well, I'm sure Captain Zlodey has a plan in mind.. I hope. Either way, we need to be at the castle's entrance in half an hour to be guided to our new rooms. Make sure to finish eating before that."

"Don't just stand there and eat as well then, we know you haven't eaten anything yet." Daniel says.

I guess he's right... And that meat does look great. Time to eat.

Katherine's POV:

"Everyone, please get on the carriages, you'll now be taken to the new Warrior's town dedicated to raided villagers, if you haven't eaten yet, you have ten minutes before departure." A tall man with a surprisingly thin voice shouts out to everyone in the camp.

It seems Captain Zlodey was correct, they really have a place for us to stay.

"Come Allen, let's get on the carriage." I pick up Nick's body and bring him on as well. I still want to bury him properly, preferably in a graveyard. After a few minutes, everyone was on the carriages and ready to go.

"Will they take us somewhere bad again?" Allen whimpered, scared of being hurt again.

"No sweetheart, we are with the good guys now, you don't need to worry. We'll be alright." I reply in a calm and pleased voice, making sure he can feel safe now.

He lays his head on my arm and closes his eyes, trying to rest a bit more.

"We will be on our way now, you may rest if you want, it will take around three to four hours to arrive. We'll have a break halfway through for bathroom needs and eating."

The Triceratops start to move, pulling the carriages that were tied to their saddles with them. Hopefully this will be a comfortable trip, it seems Allen will fall asleep anytime soon..