
Apex Predator / Part 1

Nathan is a young man who lives in a world where magic disappeared a century ago. All kinds of creatures are a danger to humans, and among them, dinosaurs and dragons are the most prevalent. However, they do not stop humankind from being a danger to themselves. One day, when returning to his village, he found out it was attacked by an enemy tribe and most people were killed or enslaved. He'll do everything to have revenge on his enemies, and find truths of this world that he could never imagine.

NunoReis · Fantasy
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20 Chs

A Trap

Jason's POV:

"Wait.. Raptor hunting already? You didn't even teach me how to properly use a sword yet!"

"Do not worry, this is a nice opportunity and we shall take it, besides.. Raptor meet is delicious."

He cannot be serious.. I guess he didn't eat at all today, maybe being hungry is affecting how he thinks...

"So, how exactly shall we find and kill some of those?" I question Jason.

"Earlier today on our way here, there were some footprints, they were too big for the Dilos we killed earlier, and the perfect size for Raptors, so there should be some nearby."

He points with his hand to a nearby cluster of trees, and continues:

"Do you see the foliage of those trees over there? If we climb them we'll be hard to notice. Perfect for an ambush."

"And what do we do to kill the Raptor?"

"Well you have a sword don't you? You simply jump down and swing it at his neck."

Yep... he's gone mad. Does he not realize that I've only used bow and arrow until now? The only time I have used my sword was just now in order to kill the Dilophosaur... And what happened to the 'making the Raptors fall in a hole' strategy... Well I guess we can't really dig any with just our hands.

"So uhhh, how do we make the Raptor stand still at the tree so I can get a good hit?"

"We got the perfect bait. Two fresh Dilophosaurs, if the Raptors that left the footprints are still around, they'll notice the smell and come check what it is."

"I see.."

This can go wrong in so many ways... I never even jumped from a tree before.

Jason's POV:

I hope the kid isn't scared, but I think everything will be fine. There was enough footprints for two or three Raptors, so if more than one comes I will have to help him. Let's get ready:

"Grab the one you killed and bring it to the trees." I told him while picking up the dead dinosaur I killed.

We reach the trees and place the corpses on the ground bellow a thick branch, perfect for sitting on and hiding.

"Climb it and get in position, they should be here any time soon."

Nathan climb the tree and stands still on the branch above the Dilos. The leaves hide his body completely so there should be no problem.

I grab my knife and cut the Dilos bellies up, so even more smell would come out, making it easier for the Raptors to notice.

After that, I climbed the tree as well and sat on the branch next to Nathan. It shouldn't take long for our next target to show up.

"Wait, what if there's more than two? They usually hunt in packs right?" Nathan asked with worry.

"Just focus on the one closer to you, if you don't mess up, you'll slice his neck in one blow. I'll handle all the other ones."


We patiently wait, completely hidden on the tree. A few Dilophosaurs picked up the smell and noticed the bodies, then quickly went away knowing they were in danger.

After half an hour, two Raptors finally show up.

"Jason, look! They're coming!" Nathan says, both excited and anxious at the same time.

"Be quiet, and just focus on doing your part, no more talking."

Doing as I say, the kid shuts his mouth and we both watch the Raptors getting closer and closer. They walk slowly, trying to sense any danger nearby before checking on the corpses.

Finally, they are in range.

I look at Jason and just like for the Dilos, I signal with my hand..






We both jump from the tree at the same time.

Nathan stretches his arms back for a higher momentum and takes advantage of the force of gravity for a better attack.

He hits the unaware Raptor on the neck and slices it completely, separating the head from the body.

As for myself, I pin the Raptor down, grabbing his mouth and laying on top of him, so he can't get away...

I have other plans for you little Raptor.

"Good job kid. Now kill this one."

"Huh? Can't you just snap his neck like last time?"

"I could.. if I wanted to." I let go of the Raptor and it jumps back to access the situation.

He notices his friend Raptor dead next to Nathan and gets visibly angry. Perfect.

"Nathan, time for your 'Attack Dodging' lesson." I tell him, while standing back from the now furious Raptor.

"What? You really are crazy!"

"Just don't let him hit you on the head or neck, his teeth are not strong enough to pierce that thick leather your armor is made of."

"Armor!? This is just my normal clothes!"

The Raptor jumps on Nathan with the intent to kill, but the kid quickly leaps back and manages to dodge it.

"Good job." I say. "Now be careful, he will likely dash forward and swipe his tail on you. It really hurts."

As expected, the Raptor runs to him once again, and spins around, using the momentum for a strong tail swipe. Nathan leans to the left and avoids it.

He's doing better than I imagined.

"Next time, you must counter attack, you'll get tired before the Raptor does, and that will be the end of you."

The fast Dinosaur attacks the kid once again, and it seems the kid has a plan in mind.

The Raptor jumped high. It seems he'll try to pin Nathan do the ground.

"You can't dodge mid air!" Nathan screams out, with the Raptor quickly getting closer.

He raises his sword and points it directly at the Raptor. The dinosaur falls on it, cutting his chest open and killing him at once.

"Good job kid." I say, proudly.

Nathan sits on the ground, tired from the fight.

"Please... next time, just tell me I'll have to fight something head on..."

"Well, I guess I should warn you from time to time, but situations like this give great experience."

"Ye.. ye. Whatever."

I help him get up and we start inspecting the dead Raptors.

"Nice kills Nathan, let's bring them back to the village and cook them. You'll love it."

"I really hope I do.. otherwise it would have been a waste."

"Nothing is a waste, even if it tastes bad."

We pick the Raptors up and tie them to our backs with a set of ropes I had prepared beforehand. This should make it easier to carry them.

Nathan's POV:

That was traumatizing..... I didn't think I'd make it out alive. Either way, I now see why most people don't manage to pass the Warriors tribe entrance exam. If Jason was not here I would surely be dead.

"Well then, let's head back."

Tired from the recent fight, we start our way back home at a slow pace... but then.

Not too far from the spot we fought the Raptors, we hear a loud roar.

"Oh no.. Nathan! Drop the Raptors!" Jason orders me.

I immediately do as he says, untying the Raptor from my back.

"Follow me, fast!"

We start running back the way we came from.

"What was that?" I asked, wondering what dinosaur made that roar.

"That sound, that was a Carnotaurus."

I see.. for us to kill it right now would be very difficult. Besides, I really don't think I'm ready for such a challenge yet.