
Apex Of Supremacy

Of unknown origin, handsome and cold, distant yet warm, he possesses the affinity of an angel and the cruelty of a demon. He is known as The Fallen Angel. Going from a talented young master who was full of himself, to a broken man searching for his true identity while unraveling the mysteries that bind his soul. Follow the story of Eden Folker as he finds the freedom he has long wished for by becoming what he once was, The... This is the path to his Supremacy. Tag: Fantasy/Slice of Life/Mysteries/Reincarnation/Harem/Antihero/Academy/Romance/Action/Other Races. NB: Each #tag will be developed a little in an auxiliary chapter so you know what to expect. I am a beginner writer who does the writing and editing, so there may be grammatical mistakes. Don't blame me, just report them.

Whiteblack7 · Fantasy
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105 Chs

He and I

POV Scarlett

While Gold Saintess gave us more information about our dormitories, they distributed sheets for us to fill out our measurements for the making of our uniforms.


No less than five hours had passed when we were already given our clothes, which surprised me greatly due to the fact that there were no less than forty students.

"I suppose they made them using a new, more powerful sewing machine than usual," I thought as I looked at the three uniforms and the two pairs of black loafers in my hands.

The uniform included a blazer and a white pleated skirt with gold borders, and the four cross-over buttons on the jacket were also gold, with the emblem of the A.L.L. (the winged sun) on the left side. Under the emblem, we could see a star to identify our class. There was also a black blouse and a golden tie.

Emma: "Lady Scarlett, you seem to enjoy your new clothes very much."

"Oh, no, I was just wondering how they will look on Eden," I replied with a smile, lost in thought, not paying a minimum of attention to her question.

Emma: "Hmm?"

Scarlett: "Huh?" 'I made a mistake.'

"Oh, it seems Lady Scarlett is very interested in that arrogant guy, do you know each other?" she asked curiously.

Me: "Uh, no, not really... He's actually my cousin, my uncle's eldest son, Marquis Arthur."

'Ah, the situation is a bit awkward.'

"Hmmm... But I didn't see him at your birthday party," Emma retorted with a suspicious look.

"He doesn't really like to attend those gatherings..."

"Is that true?" she asked, raising an eyebrow, which really started to annoy me. 🤨

"*Cough* What do you mean?"

Emma: "Oh, I'm sorry for asking such intimate questions."

Me: "Since when was this conversation based on intimate questions?"

Emma was beaming.

'She seems to be having a lot of fun, this busybody, she won't give up on this matter.'

While the situation was becoming more and more embarrassing and I was starting to get nervous about the new question she would raise.

Luxia: "It's already 6 o'clock, and since you now have your uniforms, you can follow these gentlemen who will lead you to the dormitories, so pair up with your roommates. You can also get familiar with other places or meet with your acquaintances, but be aware that curfew starts at 9 pm and that classes start at 7:30 am tomorrow."

'She really is a Saint, she's really saving me from this uncomfortable atmosphere,' I thought as I promptly stood up from my seat.

Emma: "Lady Scarlett, are you so excited to become Lord Eden's roommate?" 😏

I ignored her as we moved towards the line that was starting to form in the auditorium hall.

As a handsome young man with black and silver hair approached, hands in his pockets, I couldn't help but smile.

"Lord Eden, isn't it fate that unites us in the same apartment?" I whispered with a smile.

Eden: "I think it has to do with my luck today."

"You must be very lucky."

"Maybe..." he replied with a self-deprecating smile.

The line started to move, following the guides, and I continued to question Eden about his daily life. Even though his behavior seemed like he was bored with his vague answers, I knew it was nothing personal because he spoke mostly with nonchalance or maybe...

The same annoying voice from earlier rang out right behind me.

Emma: "It seems you haven't even noticed me, Lady Scarlett. You're too absorbed in this conversation..."

Eden and I glanced back. It was Emma next to a young man with a decent build, short black hair, and brown eyes. He had a handsome serious face, but obviously not as handsome as Eden's face. I think his name was Idriss Wade, part of the royal guard family of Iustitia.

Me: "..."

"Damn, I didn't even notice her."

Eden: "Hmmm" 

Emma: "I apologize, Lord... uh, Eden. But there's a question that's been bothering me for a while. May I? Lord Eden, I would like to know the kind of relationship you have with my friend."

Me: "..."

"But what's wrong with her? I swear I'll accidentally break one of her arms one of these days."

Eden: "Lady?"

Emma: "Oh, my clumsiness... I'm Lady of the White House, Emma White."

Eden: "Well, I'm a bit shocked. I didn't know the Lady of the White Duchy was so bold."

Emma: "Lord Eden, I think you misunderstand my intentions..."

"No need to beat around the bush, Lady Emma. I know your intentions. You fell for me at first sight. I know I am handsome and extraordinarily talented, but are you not too easily impressed? You have only just seen me for the first time, let me remind you, Lady," added Eden, being understanding towards Emma's situation.

"I..." I looked at Emma, laughing at how speechless she was in front of his overwhelming confidence and narcissism.

"Loving someone at first sight is surely something beyond your control," I commented mischievously.

Emma: "..."

"I think so too, but you are lucky, Lady White. I am currently single and since you are a beauty, maybe we should meet again at a later date before we embark on a more serious matter, like engagement." Emma had lost her tongue and only nodded in a daze.

"Well then." "My beauty...should I wear a mask from now on?" Eden mused.

After a few seconds, we finally left the auditorium. Although it was getting dark, it was still bright as there were street lamps lit everywhere. A serene atmosphere pervaded with a cool breeze blowing from time to time. It was quite normal as it was still January 9th, barely the beginning of spring.

I was wearing only a sleeveless red dress. A small idea suddenly came into my mind. "Hmmm, it's so cold. Luckily, you have a coat," I sighed.

Eden: "A fire augmenter who's feeling cold from a breeze. Isn't that too obvious, Scarlett? Anyway, how can I let my beautiful cousin catch a cold?" he added while emphasizing the word "cousin" which made me smile resignedly. He deftly took off his coat and placed it on my back, which made me slightly blush from feeling his scent lingering on his coat.

Emma, who seemed to have finally regained her wits, spoke again. "Um... Yes, Lord Eden, I would like to tell you that you are mistaken about my intentions..."

- "Ah, Lady Emma, I thought we had already discussed the matter."

"But what matter?" she asked with a confused expression.

"I cannot engage myself right now. We have only known each other for a short time, and even if I am the most eligible match you can find, what would I tell my poor mother if she learnt of this impromptu news?"Emma: "But..."

Eden: "There's no 'but', Lady White. You must wait until we get to know each other better. Maybe then, I'll consider it."

This exhausting situation for Emma was so funny that I couldn't help but laugh.

"Do you find it so amusing to see your friend so lovestruck?" Eden asked with a slight smile.

*Cough cough*

"yes, yes."

"Hell, judging by the embarrassed look on Idriss's face, I think he is 100% convinced that Emma declared her love for Eden at first sight."

"What a lucky guy," muttered Idriss to himself, which only made a bewildered Emma more alarmed.

As we continued to chat, I couldn't help but be captivated by the magnificent view of the dormitory. According to the guide, a permanent employee of the institute, the dormitory alone covers nearly 400 square meters of surface area and contains four floors (A, B, C, D), with each floor containing five rooms (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) of about 60 square meters. There are even two elevators in addition to the stairs, which shows the luxury of the establishment. An elevator is very rare, the only place I have seen one is when I used to visit my aunt Morgane in the adventurers' tower, but it is said that there is one in each of the towers, the scrutineers' tower and the alchemists' tower. As we toured the first floor, the guides opened the doors to the rooms of those on the first floor at the same time, and so on until our turn, on the third floor.

"Eden Folker - Scarlett Crimson," called out a guide, holding a list.

We calmly approached the designated door.

"Here is your shared room, Room C-2. What is in my hand is a universal card given to employees, which can open all doors in the dormitory. You will each have your personalized card which can only open your room starting tomorrow in class. If you go anywhere, there must be at least one person inside, as you do not yet have your card. As you are not yet entitled to point usage, we have provided you with dinner and breakfast. Now, please enter," ordered an employee as he opened the door.

We nodded and entered our apartment, then closed the door. As we were no longer in public, there was no need to use honorific titles.

"What do you think of the living room, Eden? It's a bit empty, but..."

"Goodnight, Scarlett," said Eden, yawning, entering one of the two doors facing each other, separated by the living room and a shared kitchen. Apparently, they are the bedrooms.

"But you haven't even had dinner yet," I retorted, a little disappointed in Eden's behavior, thinking we were going to spend the night chatting and maybe even flirting...

"I'm very tired and not very hungry. You can eat my portion if you want."

"EDEN!!!" I shouted in annoyance at his laziness.

"Goodnight, Scarlett," he replied, heading towards the left bedroom and closing the door.

Sighing, I headed to the kitchen for dinner. The food was not as luxurious as what I was used to, but it was still edible. Then, after taking a bath in my small personal bathroom and brushing my teeth, I collapsed on the bed, dozing off after a few seconds, dreaming of my future days at this Academy.

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