

Houdininus · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Awakening Ceremony

Magnus continued with the awakening ceremony, meticulously opening the nodes of each survivor one by one. However, his process came to an intriguing halt when he encountered an individual whose nodes were already unlocked.

"It seems your nodes are already open. Interesting," Magnus pondered, his mind racing to comprehend the implications.

Curiosity brimming, the young man couldn't help but inquire, "What does my gate look like?"

"It appears to be a water gate, but no, it's something different," Magnus responded, his shock intensifying as he gazed upon the unprecedented sight before him. "A Persona Skill?!"

"I thought you said it was water," the young man remarked, confused by the sudden revelation.

"It's not uncommon for a persona skill to bear resemblance to an elemental skill. So, it does make sense. But I'm thrilled to witness our very first persona skill of the day. What's your name, kid?" Magnus inquired.

"Korollas," the young man replied.

"If you train your skill, Korollas, you will undoubtedly become the strongest," Magnus commended, his voice filled with genuine admiration.

"Thank you," Korollas expressed his gratitude, his determination fueled by the king's words.

Magnus continued the awakening ceremony, unveiling six more individuals with distinct persona skills. Yet, his awe reached unprecedented heights when he faced someone with the potential for a skill beyond his wildest imagination—Nico.

"What power," Magnus exclaimed before unexpectedly striking Nico in the stomach, causing the young boy to cry out in pain.

"Ah, my apologies," Magnus quickly apologized, glancing towards Sora, who stood ready to retaliate. "But as you can see, he healed almost immediately. Clea, please escort this boy to the guest room for me. I wish to observe something afterward."

With that, Magnus proceeded with the remaining survivors until, finally, it was Sora's turn.

"The last one, huh? How ironic," Magnus mused, a sense of significance resonating in his voice.

"Huh?" Sora responded, his confusion evident.

"The Final Lightning King. I have long awaited this meeting," Magnus declared.

"Uh, nice to meet you, I guess? So, you have to awaken it by punching me, right? Go ahead," Sora consented, preparing himself for the impending impact.

"Don't deceive yourself, Lightning King. You can see it, can't you? My aura," Magnus remarked knowingly.

Indeed, Sora had been able to perceive everyone's aura ever since waking up on Auden's ship. However, he hesitated to acknowledge or accept that something might be wrong with him once again, especially after the tumultuous events on Earth.

"Yeah, I can see it," Sora admitted, nodding in confirmation.

"Come with me," Magnus beckoned, leading Sora to a different room—a spacious chamber adorned with grand paintings and ancient relics. Inside, three individuals emitted auras as intense as the King himself, awaiting their presence.

Magnus gestured toward the individuals, known as the Royal Guards, who stood before Sora, their presence emanating strength and unwavering loyalty. Their eyes locked onto Sora with a mix of awe and reverence, and they bowed in unison, paying homage to the newly anointed Lightning King.

As the atmosphere hummed with anticipation, Magnus stepped forward, his voice carrying the weight of destiny. "Sora, these esteemed individuals are the Royal Guards, the sworn protectors of the Lightning King. They are the epitome of skill and strength within our kingdom."

Sora absorbed the gravity of their presence, feeling the weight of responsibility settling upon his shoulders. He nodded respectfully in return, acknowledging the Royal Guards' unwavering dedication.

Magnus continued his exposition, his words resonating with a sense of profound significance. "Now, let me elaborate on your position, Sora. You are the final Lightning King, destined to wield a skill unlike any other—a founding skill, the first known skill that holds the rumors of unparalleled power."

Sora's eyes widened with a mix of excitement and curiosity. The weight of the title he had been bestowed with began to sink in, and he couldn't help but wonder about the potential dormant within him.

However, Magnus swiftly clarified his own role, revealing a truth that had been concealed for decades. "But I must confess, Sora, I am not the true Lightning King. I have merely served as a proxy, occupying this seat until your arrival, for over fifty years."

Sora's eyebrows furrowed in surprise and intrigue. "So, you've been waiting for me all this time?"

Magnus nodded, his expression a blend of wisdom and anticipation. "Indeed, Sora. I have vigilantly searched for the true successor, the one who can surpass me and rightfully claim the throne. Once you have grown strong enough to surpass my strength, I will gladly hand over the reins of the kingdom to you."

Sora's determination flickered in his eyes as he realized the immense journey that lay ahead. He was ready to prove himself worthy of the title he had inherited and the trust placed in him.

With a smile, Magnus revealed his final surprise. "To assist you on this path, I've found you a teacher—Leland, the strongest soldier in the Lightning Kingdom."

At Magnus's call, a figure emerged from the shadows, emanating a formidable aura. Leland's lanky figure leaned against the wall, exuding an air of nonchalance that bordered on indifference. His casual demeanor belied the expectations that came with his reputation as the strongest soldier in the Lightning Kingdom. He glanced at Sora with a half-hearted gaze, his voice laced with a hint of skepticism.

"Man, do I really have to teach this kid, Magnus?" Leland drawled, his tone tinged with a lack of interest.