Follow itsuki kagami in the world of attack on titan, where he will live a happy life with someone he likes, while killing titan, slapping eren, and messing up the plot.
As itsuki walk down the street of shigansina trying to find eren. he saw people interacting with each other, and kids happily running and playing. He shook his head as he know that this peace will only last for 3 years, until the day the colossal titan and armored titan made a hole through the wall."*sigh~*i need to get stronger before that happens"shaking his head he continued searching.
(few hours later)
'*sigh~. I'm tired as hell, its already been an hours and i still cant find him. 'itsuki thought as he look at the setting sun.' i should find a place to sleep, maybe they'll let me sleep in the orphanage for a while. Luckily the time limit is a week or i might meet god again 'itsuki looked around and he saw something coming at him at fast speed, he tried to dodge but it was already close at him. "ugh!" as itsuki drop on the ground.
"owww~."it looked at itsuki and said with a worried face" ohhh, sorry. I didn't see you there, are you all right? "then help him to stand up
Itsuki saw who it was and was stunned. 'its him' standing up itsuki said with a tick mark on his head" do i look alright to you?"
" I'm really sorry about that i....!? "he didn't eve finish wath he was gonna say when itsuki suddenly slap hin on the face.
the boy was stunned" hey what was that for!? " he said anger visible on his face.
" that's for not looking where your going. Your lucky I'm the one you bump into, if it was another person you won't get away with just a slap, you know?"
" i know, thanks. I'm eren by the way, eren yeager"he said then reaching out his hand.
" itsuki, itsuki kagami" itsuki said while shakind his hand. "why were you running anyway?"
"oh, my mom is cooking my favourite food, wanna come? My mom is a great cook" eren said smiling .
"you sure? Won't i be a trouble to you?" itsuki said while acting confused. He didn't really mind going with him since he didn't eat anyting since he got into this world, and he was in a body of a child so he really need to eat something.
"un. I'm sure, and you look like you're hungry" eren said smirking slightly.
"I'll take your offer then." 'and i can also get closer to Grisha if eren is the one introducing me.'
"let's go" he said sprinting toward his home.
Seeing him run itsuki also started running. "hey, wait for me"
(eren's home)
"I'm home" eren said as he open the door.
"oh. Eren welcome back, come sit I'm almost done here~" his mother said as she focused on cooking.
"un. And i got a new friend, i bump at him earlier and then we became friends, he looks hungry so i brought him home"
"hello ma'am. My name is itsuki kagami. Sorry for the trouble" as i introduced my self i suddenly smelled a delicious smell coming from the kitchen, and my stomach cant help but rumble.
"oh. Its no trouble at all come sit you sounds like your hungry. And my Carla yeager" carla said while smiling warmly and fixing the food to the table.
Hearing that i sat next to eren and tried the food "hmmm. This is really good" i said as i continued munching on the delicious food.
"see, i told you its good" eren said smirking proudly at itsuki.
"thanks for the compliment, and you should slow down the food isn't going anywhere" eren's mom said while looking at me with a slight chuckle.
Embarrassed. "ah, sorry about that, i still haven't eaten anything since morning" i said after drinking water, then looked at their shocked face. "what?" i asked confused, about why they are shocked.
"what do you mean by what?, what about your parents? Did they mistreated you?" eren's mom asked worriedly.
"yeah, did they?" eren also asked looking at me worriedly.
"no, i dont have a parent" i shook my head since i don't really have parent even in my previous life.
"then how did you live until now?" eren asked me confuse to how i live until now.
"well, i live an orphanage until a week ago"
"a week ago?" eren asked me again still confused.
"un. A week ago the one taking care of the orphanage died from heart attack." i said as i finished my food.
"oh. Sorry for your loss!" the mother-son duo said in unison.
"no. Its okay" i said and i heard eren's mother asking me again. "then how did you get food? You said you ate this morning"
"un. I hunt for meat or wild vegetable in the forest, or fish in the lake"
"it must have been hard for you" eren's mom look to me sadly and said. "you know what? Why dont you just live with us?"
"yeah, you can sleep in my room, its big enough for two" eren said excitedly he didn't have any friend so he was really exited about it.
"ehhh, are you sure? Aren't i already troubling you guys just by eating here?" even though i really need a place to stay i dont want to bother them.
"en. I'm sure, and eren is also sure about it, right?" eren's mom said looking at eren"yeah I'm sure. And besides you also need a place to stay right? "
" right... Then sorry for the trouble, and no worries i'm gonna help in the chores, and getting food. I'll also build my own house." i said while tapping my chest looking confident.
" eh? You can do that? How? "curious eren asked." yeah, how? " eren's mom asked as he clean the table and of course i also helped.
Nodding i said" yes, the the owner of the orphanage teaches me " 'yeah, that's a lie im just gonna buy it from the system'
" cool~, hey can i help? I can also help in hunting! "eren asked excitedly.
" sure you can help, but not in hunting" 'who knows what your mother will do to me when she found out you got hurt while hunting'
"ehh, fine. But im gonna help getting wood" eren said while pouting as i laugh.
"hahaha~,sure but dont complain when its heavy."
After that we continued chatting and laughing happily, until we heard something.....
(to be continued)