

Hi everyone! This is my first story. So please Support me. Constructive comments are welcomed. Please don't be harsh as I am still in the learning phase. If there is any mistake please point it out as it will be helpful for me to improve.

Now a few words about the story plot.

One day I had this strange dream, I travelled back in time and faced a Zombie breakout. so cliched right😅 I thought so too.. Not only that, I also had a crush, love rival and a bestie. After waking up I had a lightbulb moment and thought of writing a story out of this crazy dream. I always wanted to try writing a webnovel always stuck at how to take the story forward but this time I am a bit confident in bringing this story to you all. Let us travel together with this strange dream of mine.

Once again this is my first time writing a web novel so please be understanding and Kindly advice me on my mistakes and suggestions are welcomed too as it will help me improve and inspire me to write more. Love you all and please support me and my story. I hope it will be to your liking.