
The Request Page

Hey! This is the request page for my Anything Lemons! As the name implies, you can request anything you want! Request your couple, your situation, what it's from, you could even make somethin' up! You request and I might consider. I am doing anime, video game, and made up lemons. Like I said before, you request, I might consider. You request in the comments. No picking on people because they read this or because of their choices! If you do, you will be reported! Please request though, guys! But just because you request something, doesn't mean it will always be in the book. Thank you! Arigatou gozainmasu!

P.S. Please separate into categories, like Situation: BDSM. Characters: -- and --. From: ----. Somethin' like that. And do not expect yours to be on right away. I would still have to think of the story, and do research on characters and shit. I am not a God. I don't know everything. So you guys plz help me out anddo the categories and plz be patient. Arigatou gozainmasu!

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