
chapter 1-

I am 17 years old now and I am in college. I have 2 new friends, Ellaine and soraya. Both are amazing friends. They take great care of me, and they are very supportive. Ellaine is the quiet one. She likes my cousin Roland. I've been trying for ages to get them together because it's not just her that's feeling the same way. "Ellaine, when do you next hang out with Roland?" Soraya mentions, surprised about hearing the news. "I think it will be next Thursday. Just after college". She replied. Ellaine and Roland always call every night blushing, I think it's cute how they like each other. But it's really annoying how they haven't gotten together. But Roland has given me hints that next week might be it! "Alley, how is that new guy doing for you… What's his name?", "karlial. And there's nothing going on with me and him, Soraya!" I was really angry when this was brought up. Rumours around the school have been circling around the school that me and him were in a relationship. But that wasn't really the case. He was a friend from my old primary and we just became civil that's all.

"Calm Alley, I know they where false rumours going around but I just wanted to confirm that it is not true!" Soraya explained. Ellaine has gone quiet again and messages Roland on her new generation phone. Soraya nudges me without Ellaine seeing, "I really hope they get together soon, because look at her face..." Soraya whispered under her breath. "What are you two whispering about?" Ellaine noticed how quiet we had gone and questioned us. "N-nothing!" I quickly responded. Roland starts walking in the direction we were located at. I glanced at him in confusion to realise what was going on. "Ellaine, wanna go get some lunch at the cafeteria together?" Ellaine blushes at what Roland said. "Yes, I mean! I wouldn't mind Roland... But what about my friends?" I looked at ellaine and nodded at her to go. She got excited and left in a rush. Now it's just me and Soraya. "Soraya, wanna go for a walk outside the school?" Soraya looked at me as if I was invisible. Something is up with her... Shes been acting cold towards me recently. "I've got a study group. Maybe next time Alley. And I wont be walking back with you after school. My parents are coming to collect me." She walked off towards a classroom full of students. I guess it is just me and only me...

Walking up a small hill, I noticed the woods that i used to play in. I followed the path towards the woods and noticed a swing. I stayed in the woods for a certain amount of time until i heard two people speaking. Two teenagers not from the college that I was in walked passed. Noises where made from the bush that I hid in... It sounded like a animal so i jumped out of the bush scared, without realising I bumped into someone. "GAH... I am so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into yo-" Before i could finish the sentenced and looked up. "Alley? Is that you?" I looked up at this person with golden blonde hair in surprise. It's him... "you are Alley right?" I looked at him in pure shock. "Aiden, what is taking you so long?" A voice behind the woods spoken. Aiden still held onto me, I pushed him away, away from his touch. A girl runs up to Aiden and hugs him. "Where have you been! I walk off ahead and you disappear!"... "sorry V, I got distracted." Aiden responds. Aiden looks back at me and tilts his head a little and smiles. "You haven't changed... Well except the quiet part." V looked at him in confusion and looks at the direction he looked at...me. "Oh my- Alley! It has been awhile! Do you go to college here?" Still afraid to respond, i just nod. "come on Alley, no need to be shy around your old friends!" V goes for a hug bug i step back. "Why are you both here?" ... Aiden looked at me in surprise and just shook his head. "This is the place we all used to hang out." ... "what he was meant to say is that it is a free world and that too!" V interrupts.

V then went to grab Aidens hand. Why is she holding his hand...

V begins to speak "Me and Aiden are-