

Dwight Denvers walked in the hallway of the campus wearing his bright smile paired with a white shirt covered by a denim jacket and a skin tight jeans. It is his last year for college, of course would be happy. He would get a job after graduation, probably marry, have a family, grow old, and die of old age.He have a plan for his future, and he is somewhat determined to achieve such plan.

On the other side of the hallway stands Denise Smith,the new girl. She's wearing her bright smile paired with her white shirt covered by a denim jacket and a skin tight ripped jeans. It's her first year of college, of course she would be happy. She would study hard, graduate, find a job, probably marry, have a family, grow old, and die of old age. She has planned for her future and she is somewhat determined to achieve her plans.

Club Meeting (A month after the first day)

"Welcome to Supreme Student Government. I am Dwight Denvers, the SSG President. I believe everybody present here aside from the SSG officers are the Presidents of each department." Dwight took a pause and everyone nodded their heads. "So without further ado, let us start the meeting..."

That very moment is the moment when Dwight and Denise met each other's gaze.

After that moment, an unexplainable mutual understanding clicked between the two and they have become each other's best friend. Everyone start to think that there is a thing going on between the two. It is true for Dwight,  he does have a feeling of affection for Denise but Denise see him nothing more than a friend.

"Your eyeglasses can't hide the sparkle on your eyes." Denise often says every time Dwight put his reading glasses on. Dwight would just smile and try not to fall harder for Denise.


With no one to celebrate with, Dwight invited Denise to an out of the country vacation. Denise gladly accepted the offer.

After that vacation, everything has changed fot Denise.