
The days are passing by

I'm listening to you

You and I

I don't even know what


In last days, weeks, months

What happened

This day

That week

These months

After all those years?

Oh Dear, no more

Huh, isn't if funny? I'm finally

back bro...

Kennen is kinda weird to play

ya know?

He's strong and weak at the same time

You need to go in yet to hold

back until *it* happens

When you'll feel alright

Yes Dear, we won't won

We won't meet again soon

Maybe I found another reason

for life? To live?

Maybe she will bring me to the

deepest desires

Maybe she will broke me even

more than you

But what has changed you


Well, I don't care anymore

That's why I'm funny

Addicted to lol

Everyday drowning my


Yea that's right

The thoughts with water in their


Hitting up to brain

Like, the best drug?



And you're sitting chilled as fuck

The phone is calling

Is it for me?

Answer it baaka

So I pick up
