
Anti-System: the Fallen Angel

In a magical world where Dark and Light mages are revered more than the other mages, the only forces that can effectively fight the Erovian race, an invading battle-hardened race that evolved in a way to counter mystic elemental mages. Samael, a priest's son from the Divine Sanctum of Divinity, had an affinity to the Light Element but no talent in magic. Mocked and ridiculed, he keeps on doing good even if it is through being a training dummy for other mages to test their spells. Driven by his father's good teachings and his childhood friend's support, he kept going and never broke down. He reminded himself of the three Divine Axioms: God always protects, guides, and chooses the side of good. Perhaps this is the way given by God for him to become stronger. But in the end, he was mercilessly exposed to the true evil of the world. An evil that breaks the three Divine Axioms that he believed deeply. Samael's family was shattered by evil that does sins casually, and the System that is fated to be his way to justice was stolen by the person he trusted the most. Due to this horrible event, Samael was forced to confront the true nature of the world which leads him to meet with the Devil itself where all of his questions are answered. Was he genuinely talentless? Or does he not know his true elements? Was there really a happy ending for him? Or was God fated him to suffer evil and die a meaningless death? Is God real? Or is God simply a manifestation of the mind? Is there pure Good and Evil? Or are there only those in between? Once a good man turned into a person of evil, once a devoted man of God now turned into a non-believer, once a human turned into a Fallen Angel. Follow Samael's journey of vengeance as he makes a contract with the Devil and devoted his life to the Devil in order to achieve his vengeance.

TheAlpha · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Comitting Condemned Sins Casually

Samael's eyes were fixated on his mother's back which seems like a shield in this catastrophic event.

Questions upon questions twisted inside his head as his mind tries to comprehend the situation that is happening right now, 'What does that light mage want with father? What did father do wrong? And what does mother means by people that shield themselves behind God's name...?'

Numerous questions emerge at this current moment, and Samael has no answers to them.

But one thing that he knows is that it was a mistake not to tell his mother about what he has seen in the alley, it was a mistake for him to only tell his brother instead of his parents. As he thought of that, his eyes can't help but dart to Lucius, "B-Brother..."

It was his mistake, but Lucius said that he would bear the responsibility if anything were to happen.

Just as he feared, Samael saw Lucius' was in a worse state than him right now. One can see the regrets crawling inside of him and eating his heart and mind away, the regret of not listening to Samael sooner is something he bears alone.


As the five of them were nearing the backdoor, they heard a loud crash coming from the front.

Only Samael and Lily were the ones to look back knowing full well that a fight between Diana and the light mage has already started. But Samael alone knew that his mother is in trouble, she was fighting a mage in the Wizard realm.

Samael doesn't know clearly how strong a Wizard really is, but his father can easily beat his mother.

That alone shows that Diana would be having a hard time since the light mage has the same sparkle as Fedele, showing that he was also in the Wizard realm. But even though Samael knows that he can't do anything to help.

Unlike his brother, he's barely a mage, he is only capable of a few weak neutral spells.

Norman quickly grabbed and carries Samael and Lily while his companion, Asher carries Lucius. Samael know the two of them as they occasionally visit their homes to chat with his father, they can be considered loyalists to his father.

Moreover, the two of them are also mages, both are fire mages.

Upon arriving at the backdoor, Asher glanced at Norman with a frown, "It's locked!"

"Get out of the way!" Norman replied before a ball of fire appeared in his hand.


Exploding the backdoor with a simple fireball spell, Norman and Asher dashed outside quickly before they assess the situation around them with their eyes. Chaos ensued everywhere, the entire city is now on fire, and people are scattering everywhere trying to save themselves.

With a quick decision, they started to make their way east to flee into the forest beside the city.

As he was being carried by Norman, Samael saw the condition of the city and can't help but suck in a cold breath. His spine feel an inhuman chill, he saw mages slaughtering innocent citizens without a bat of their eyes.

None was spared whether it was a woman, an elderly, or even a child. Everyone was being killed.

Samael, Lily, and even Lucius were in a trance. Such brutality committed by mages was unheard of, something God had been known to condemn yet the perpetrators continued to commit them so casually. Everywhere their eyes looked, they saw a glimpse of the destruction. Gory blood splatters on the ground, the walls, and even the horses running by were painted in an auburn hue that seemed to stand out against the background of the city.

'G-God is watching... H-How could they keep on sinning like this? Please stop... STOP!'

Samael thought, he wants everything to stop right now but the world is not that kind.

Taught by his own father that God is always watching everything he does no matter the time, he can't believe these mages are killing the innocents knowing full well that God is above, and is watching them.

Even though they are already quite a distance away, there was no end to this bloody scene.

"That's Fedele's sons!" A mage noticed them from a distance, pointing with his bloody index finger to alert the others. "Stop them!" he shouted before he quickly dashed in their direction, a violent wind exploded underneath his feet.

Realizing this, Norman and Asher have their expressions stiffen as they were spotted.

"Exploding Gust!"


Out of nowhere, the space between Norman and Asher exploded with a violent wind that pushes them apart, this gives about five seconds for the pursuers to dash toward them and closed in the distance.

But Norman was alert and skillful, his finger burned with fire as he points at the pursuers. "Ignition!"


Norman's spell causes the ground in front of the pursuers to explode with searing fire that managed to halt their steps, and this allows Asher to rejoin Norman again as the two keep on making their way toward the east wall.

"Keep running you, canine scamps! It won't be long before we catch up to you!" a mage yelled.

A second mage then followed with a laugh and an ominous warning, "God won't save you tonight!"

Upon hearing these savage words that irritate the ears, Asher abruptly stopped which caused Norman to look back in panic. "Don't take the bait! They're only trying to keep us here until their stronger mages arrived!"

"I know... but I can't possibly let them go unpunished," Asher said with a murderous look.

Letting go of Lucius from his embrace, he slowly turns back to face the four pursuers that are smiling and chuckling like animals. Soon, Asher's hands burns with fire before he glared at the four mages, "Don't use God's name so lightly you, animals! I'm going to melt those dirty mouths of yours!!"

Following Asher's anger, the fire on his hands burns even stronger before he charges at the four.

Knowing that there was no point in trying to dissuade Asher from expunging those four mages, Norman gritted his teeth, "Lucius! Snap out of it and follow me!" He shouted, trying to pull Lucius from his frozen trance.

Out of the three, he has the power to protect himself, but the situation leads him to be useless.

"Brother! We need to escape..." Samael muttered, also trying to bring his brother back to his senses. But it was useless, his brother was not responding. Yet this sparks some anger in Samael's heart, "LUCIUS!" he shouted.

Upon hearing this, Lucius blinks his eyes and slowly glanced at Samael who is glaring at him.

"Come back to your senses! Mother doesn't want us to die here, and we need to leave right now!" Samael added once more. But this time, Lucius nodded his head before the four then continues making their way to the east wall.

While going through the street, Samael keeps on chanting the first Divine Axiom inside his head.

'God always protects... God always protects... God always protects...'

In a time of desperation such as this, the only one that can help is God and he believed in his heart that God will always protect him and his family as they are devoted to him. No matter how dire, the Molantar Family will come out of this unscathed with the divine protection of God.

The rest of the way, they thankfully managed to not be spotted by other mages.

But they were pained to see the people of the city that they knew and greet every morning were not as lucky as them, dead bodies scattered throughout the city, a total extermination of the humble city they lived in.

Amidst the run, Norman mutters under his breath, "No mages are left to defend the city..."

Upon hearing this Samael widened his eyes as he now realizes that this is definitely the plan of the light mage who is fighting his mother, there was no doubt about it. Only the regular guards of the city were left, no mages are left to defend the city.

'Just why, why are they doing this?! Please stop...' Samael thought, tears falling down his cheeks.

It didn't take long before they managed to arrive at the east wall, Norman helped Samael and Lily to get over the wall before he and Lucius followed after. Casting one last glance at their burning city, the four quickly ran into the forest to find shelter until it was all over.

Meanwhile, the chaos keeps on going until the painful screams were replaced by complete silence.

Only the cackling of burning buildings alongside the laughter of the triumphant mages can be heard from inside the city, the innocent citizens of the city were slaughtered completely. None of them was spared, everyone is dead.

At a particular spot, a man with glowing white eyes came out of a destroyed house.

Dragging a supposed corpse in his hand, the man stepped into the street and saw that the entire city has been taken down. The man nodded in approval before his eyes fell on an approaching man, he has sleek back red hair that matches the fire in the surroundings.

"My men already cleaned up the city," the man with red hair said before he stopped in his tracks.

Glancing at the dead body that is being dragged by the man with white eyes, a sinister smirk spreads across the man with red hair's face as he added with a maniacal chuckle, "From the looks of it, you're also done with your part too"

"Bring your men to the front of the city, we'll wait for him" the man with white eyes said.

Not intending to linger, the man with white eyes turned towards the city's main entrance while dragging the corpse in his hand. The man with red hair kept silent as the man with white eyes walked past him. But before he does as he was told, he turns his body to look at the man with white eyes' back.

Pondering for a moment with an evil smirk, he then asked, "Hey, tell me something..."

"I take it you're a man of faith, seeing as you hail from the Divine Sanctum of Divinity. But don't you think this kind of act will displease your God? Not that I'm religious or anything, but I'm just curious" he added, his eyes sparkling with intrigue.

Upon hearing this, the man with white eyes stopped and looked over his shoulder.

The man with white eyes fixed the red-haired man with an intense look before he replied in a drawn-out manner, "God's will is always aligned with that of humanity. No matter the route taken, if it serves human interests, God will approve. What you see right now is not a dark path, but a righteous one clad in evil ways"

After saying that, the man with white eyes then turns to his front again and continues his walk.