
Anti-NTR Man: I Save The Main Character From Getting CUCKED!

High-schooler Yuuto Sakurai is not your typical teen. He prides himself on his peculiar mission - to protect the love lives of those threatened by encroaching third parties. When charisma and physical prowess attempt to steal away your beloved, Sakurai leaps into action. For just 10,000 yen, he'll ensure your love story remains untainted. Armed with conviction and a no-discrimination policy, he is the Anti-Netorare Man - a one-man crusade against romantic usurpation. Will he succeed? Or will he be swept away by the emotional undertow of his own quixotic journey? Tune in to find out.

Hazy_0832 · Action
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79 Chs


Yuuto's Terms of Service:

3. I will always see a case through after the transaction is made, no exceptions!


Shun's gaze shifted upwards. As despair threatened to engulf him entirely, a glimmer of hope appeared in the form of a familiar face: Yuuto Sakurai. Every eye in the train car was drawn to Yuuto, including those of Yato and Tatsu, as he approached with resolute determination. Each step he took resonated with a weighty purpose, akin to the echoing beat of a war drum.

Tatsu, sensing the change in atmosphere, ceased his advance and met Yuuto's stern gaze.

Tatsu: "Well, if it isn't Senpai! Didn't notice you there." He feigned innocence, swiftly spitting the water back into its container.

Yuuto opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by an even more commanding voice.

???: "Shaddap, ya' fuckin' rapist!" The voice originated from a figure rapidly advancing from behind Yuuto.

Swiftly bypassing Yuuto, the stranger gave a brief, acknowledging pat on Yuuto's shoulder.

???: "I like yer guts, senpai! Lemme handle this bitch." He whispered, eyes locked onto the group ahead.

The newcomer was an imposing figure, standing tall at 1.8 meters, sun-kissed skin contrasting with unruly blonde spikes. Multiple piercings adorned his ears and lower lip. Over-ear headphones nestled around his neck, connected to a device concealed within his pocket, presumably a phone. His school uniform matched Yuuto's, yet what truly grabbed attention was the conspicuously wrapped object, resembling a wooden sword, attached to his bag.

Recognition flashed in Yuuto's eyes.

Yuuto halted, choosing to assess the developing situation. A pang of regret hit him as he pondered on his impulsively damaged phone.

Riko, confused and intrigued, questioned, "Sendo-kun? Why... Call him a rapist?" The train's occupants stared intently, wondering about the next move of this unexpected arrival.

Yato, not one to be easily intimidated, discerned the threat in Sendo's demeanor. Releasing Shun, he strategically placed himself as a barrier, preventing Sendo from nearing the group.

Yato interjected, "Hold on a second, you can't just-" Before he could finish, the towering Sendo forcefully pushed him aside with a palm strike to his arm, causing Yato to lose balance and crash his head onto an iron rail. A chorus of gasps echoed in the train car, and phones were promptly extracted to capture the scene.

Yuuto mused internally, 'Sendo Mahito. Alright then, Kendo club captain. Show me what you got.'

Sendo turned his attention to Riko, demanding, "Point it out."

Confused, Riko stammered, "W-what... What exactly do you want me to point out..?"

With a swift gesture, Sendo indicated the train route map's schedule etched into the side of the carriage.

Sendo replied with icy disdain, "When did I ask what'cha thinkin', woman."

Tatsu, witnessing the increasing tension, rose from his seat and confronted Sendo, "Hold on! Respect your seniors, you can't just-"

Before Tatsu could complete his sentence, Sendo gripped his shirt collar, lifting him effortlessly, and pressed him against the train's wall. The sudden aggression caused a stir among the passengers, many of whom wore faces of concern.

Tatsu struggled to breathe and stammered, "You... cough... think this is smart? In a crowd like this? There could be police around-"

Sendo cut him off with cold intensity, "Shut up! If there was, a sleaze-bag like ye' would be the first to sniff 'em 'round."

Tatsu's face blanched at the realization of his vulnerable position.

Sendo continued, his tone dripping with sarcasm, " Besides, I ain't 'ere to fight. From what I saw, ye got some water on ya' ain't it right? I'm thirsty since I do a lot of kendo. Gimme a sip o' dat."

Tatsu replied indignantly, "After the way you treated me? Why would I offer you anything?"

Murmurs of agreement echoed throughout the carriage. To the onlookers, Tatsu seemed like a mere teenager standing up against an oppressive figure.

Sendo's expression hardened. "Well, fine."

Without another word, he released Tatsu and snatched the water bottle from his grip, sending him sprawling to the side with a swift shove.

"I was never one to give a rat's ass 'bout a rapist's word anyway," Sendo retorted coldly.

Tatsu, unnerved by the sudden shift in power, scrambled to his feet. "Wait! DON'T DRINK THAT!"

Sendo halted, his gaze locking with Tatsu's. "Too bad, this is mine now."

Voices from the passengers rose in protest. "Hey, return it!" They cried in unison.

Tatsu's lips curled into a smirk, buoyed by the crowd's support.

Undeterred, Sendo's eyes swept the crowd, a palpable tension emanating from him. "If all ya'll got a problem with what I do, come at me. I'll take any one o' ya'll, any time!" His challenge hung in the air, the weight of it silencing the onlookers.

With no response, he added mockingly, "No takers? Ye' I thought so. Now, ya'll just keep lookin' as ya always have." Without further ado, he tipped the contents of the bottle into his mouth.

"STOP!" Tatsu lunged at him in a frantic attempt to prevent him from swallowing.

But Sendo was ready. With impeccable timing, he sidestepped and tripped Tatsu using his leg, sending him crashing to the ground.

Yuuto's eyes narrowed, impressed. 'His footwork is impeccable. Rumors about his prowess don't do him justice.'

With the liquid still in his mouth, Sendo approached Shun and spat it all over him. The sudden deluge startled Shun, leaving him drenched and bewildered. Sendo, not skipping a beat, bent down to retrieve the bottle cap near Tatsu and sealed the bottle.

Raising an eyebrow, Sendo remarked, "This ain't water! And believe me, I'd know. I drink lots!" He stared at Tatsu, demanding an explanation.

Tatsu's complexion drained of color.

Sendo's eyes narrowed, "Ya' seem awfully concerned. What'cha got in this bottle? Something ya' shouldn't have?"

The men in the train car exchanged wary glances, their suspicions mounting as Riko's tearful reaction to Shun's predicament became the evident piece of the puzzle.

Riko, voice breaking, whispered, "Shun... I didn't know what... I... I'm so sorry..."

Shun's gaze was downward, filled with a mixture of despair and resignation. She felt responsible, guilty that he had to endure yet another horrifying ordeal, and this time because of her. She wished she could embrace him, provide some solace, but she found herself paralyzed, disbelief marring her features.

Sendo raised the bottle high, addressing the crowd. "Look at here, folks! She looks different after her boyfriend was drenched with this. It's a drug!" Many people, already recording the scene, aimed their devices towards Tatsu.

Sendo then crouched beside Tatsu. "Yer now on camera, rapist. Any girl ya' gon' see today? Well, she's got 'er warnin'."

He then gestured towards Shun. "And if anyone close to him suffers any manipulation or worse like now, remember this rapist," he sneered, pointing to Tatsu, "Tatsuya Asa's the name."

Taking a deep breath, Sendo announced, "I'll get dis to the train guy. But before I leave - if ya want to stand up to the bad guys like me 'ere, join a kendo club! Kendo's good for ya!" He then started walking into the crowd, he searched the crowd for Yuuto, but he was nowhere to be found.

At the following stop, law enforcement boarded the train. While Yuuto had already vanished, the officers detained Yato and Tatsu, transferring the suspicious bottle to their custody.

Following detailed testimonies from Sendo, Riko, and Shun, they were all released after a rigorous round of questions and inspections, particularly given their status as minors and the absence of any incriminating substances on them. By the time they reached their intended station, night had fully descended.

Throughout their journey back, neither Shun nor Riko spoke, the weight of the day's events palpable between them. Sendo, keeping a respectful distance, walked silently beside them.

Upon reaching the junction where their paths would diverge, Shun chose to accompany Riko the rest of the way to her home. The streets echoed their silence as they moved.

Before the entrance to Riko's home, she halted, her voice faltering. "Shun... I-"

Shun, without missing a beat, wrapped her in a comforting embrace, nestling her head against his chest.

"Just... don't," he whispered gently into her ear. "It's okay. None of this is on you."

Feeling his warm, reassuring presence, a surge of emotions overwhelmed Riko. Tears welled up, and her legs gave out beneath her. As they both sank to their knees, Shun held her close, offering solace amidst the storm of emotions.

Riko, her voice choked with sobs, whispered, "Why...? *sob*Why don't you despise me!? Why don't you curse... Or *sob* hit me...!!? I've *sob* done something so unforgivable... I said cruel things *sob* to you... And I really felt like I was going to throw you away for that SCUM... I deserve to be hated..."

Tears streamed down, dampening his shirt where her face pressed against it.

Shun murmured, "It must've been terrifying for you."

Riko's sobs momentarily ceased, her breath catching in a gasp.

"It's not your fault." he assured her.

In a fit of shock, Riko blurted out yet another gasp, as if she's been hit in the gut.

Their embrace tightened beneath the gentle glow of the streetlight.

"...I'm not a fool, anymore. At least, I don't want to be. You're not a bad person, nor someone I want to throw away," Shun responded simply.

Riko's eyes, still misted with tears, carried a mixture of pain and bewilderment.

Shun, with a tender smile, gently brushed her hair, its strands shimmering in the blueish hue of the light.

"Remember our fallout? Not long after, I met someone. Someone different. I vented, thinking I was the sole victim, waiting for an apology," he began, pausing as he caught Riko's curious gaze. "But after our conversations, I realized something."

Riko's teary eyes fixed on him, waiting for his next words.

Shun whispered, "I realized that I got the most incredible, beautiful girlfriend in the entire world. And I… I want to grow into a man who deserves her."

Riko's arms tightened around him, her emotions clear in her embrace.

He continued softly, "...It dawned on me just how deeply I love this girl before me..."

Riko's breathing was heavy, punctuated by her sobs.

"...And she, in all her pain, loves me just as much," Shun murmured.

Riko's eyes widened in surprise.

"That's why she's feeling sad right now. Why she's torturing herself with guilt, believing she is guily of something," he added.

Tears streamed down Riko's face, the weight of her emotions causing her features to crumple.

Shun gently cupped her tear-streaked face, ensuring their eyes met. "That's why it's alright. I promise, Riko, I will grow stronger. Strong enough to protect you," he vowed.

Drawing her close, his gaze unwavering, he whispered, "Because I truly love you."

Their world seemed to pause as they found solace in each other's gaze.

With a voice barely above a whisper, she murmured, "Oh, Shun..."

Tenderly cradling his face with her hands, she drew him close, their lips meeting in a gentle embrace.

As they pulled apart, a soft blush painted Riko's cheeks, her heart fluttering rapidly.

Riko gazed up at him, her voice soft yet inviting, "No one's home tonight... Stay with me?"

With a hint of playful reverence, she added, "My prince."

She searched Shun's eyes, finding warmth and determination mirrored back at her. He responded with a gentle nod and a reassuring smile.

Teasingly, Riko quipped, "Won't your parents be concerned? They're pretty strict about you staying out, aren't they?"

Shun paused for a moment, then promptly switched off his phone.

"They'll understand," he assured her with a wry grin.

Her giggles echoed softly in the evening air, the previous tension dissipating as the warm breeze danced around them.

Riko, with a playful smirk, whispered, "Such a rebellious move... I might have to discipline you on their behalf."

Shun gently intertwined his fingers with hers, his smile genuine and fond.

Riko led Shun into her house, guiding him upstairs to her bedroom.

It was a late evening of pleasure. They experimented, laughed, embarrassed, and played with each other throughout the whole night. They decided to not go to school the day later, and spend even more time together.

...But... Several suspicious men appeared in front of Riko's house... Slowly closing in and breaching her house's main gate with a sinister snicker on their faces.

—----------AROUND THE SAME TIME, THAT EVENING—-------------------

Sendo strolled home alone after parting ways with his upperclassmen, Shun and Riko.

As he walked, the subtle but unmistakable feeling of being watched prickled his senses. There was a predatory undertone in the air, someone shadowing him from a distance.

"Ye can come out," Sendo remarked confidently, casting a brief glance over his shoulder.

A hoarse, menacing voice responded, "Give it to me..."

Turning to squarely face the threat, Sendo confronted a disheveled adult. "If yer after my sword, it ain't happenin' — not even over my dead body," he declared.

The man, donning frayed office attire, possibly a destitute individual or an overly harrowed salaryman, said, "I can't believe you handed it over to the conductor. Just give me that bottle, kid, and nobody needs to get hurt."

His unkempt beard, jittery demeanor, and wide, unfocused eyes conveyed desperation as he approached Sendo with a shaky limp.


Author here again, fellas! What do you think about the story so far!? Let me know your thoughts!

Phew... Pumping out 2 chaps in a day is rough... Hope you like it!

Hazy_0832creators' thoughts