

In ancient times, a battle raged between two powerful figures over a mysterious box. The sage, determined to protect it, sent the box to Saturn, but it eventually found its way to Earth, forever altering humanity with the substance known as anti-matter. Two hundred thousand years later, Moho-Sha Cycle, a worker at the Community Service Center, discovers his hidden anti-matter abilities. When chaos erupts at a coronation event, Moho-Sha steps up to protect the crowd, earning the attention of the Anti-Matter Corps. Recruited by Nami Dabur, Moho-Sha embarks on a journey filled with trials, new allies, and formidable foes. As he joins the Corps, he faces the threat of ancient enemies and uncovers the truth about his own powers, setting the stage for an epic struggle for the future of Earth.

joshua_Daniel_7381 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


As we gathered around the circular table, anticipation hung thick in the air. Blaze, our commanding officer, made his entrance, his presence commanding attention as he addressed us with a welcoming smile.

Despite his formidable rank, Blaze exuded an aura of approachability, instantly putting us at ease.

"Welcome, recruits," Blaze began, his voice resonating with authority.

"Today marks the beginning of your journey as members of the Anti-Matter Corps.

"As he spoke, Blaze motioned for the other Rank 10 agents to join us, including the familiar face of Matt.

It was a testament to Matt's character that he, despite his high position, remained humble and approachable among his peers.

"Now, onto the entrance exam," Blaze continued, his gaze sweeping over the assembled recruits.

"Teamwork will be essential in this test. Each of us will select three candidates to join our respective teams.

"My heart raced with excitement as Matt stepped forward to make his selections.

"I pick Maya Luna, Moho-sha Cycle, and Nami Dabur," he declared, his voice carrying a sense of confidence and trust in his chosen teammates.

Next to make his selections was a formidable-looking man with black who is 5.9 feet tall and black eyes dreadlocks and a dark complexion and a commanding presence.

"I choose Akuma Deki, Felicity Rose, and Faltu Singh," he announced, his voice brimming with confidence.

Then, it was the turn of the woman with long pink hair and a brown eyes and fair complexion with determined expression.

"I'll pick Ochitsuita Hidoi, Beam Bimu, and Jaden McDaniels," she declared, her tone carrying an air of certainty.

With the teams assembled, Blaze issued the final challenge.

"Let the fight begin," he declared, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.we all chuckle as we prepared to face off against one another, united by the shared excitement of the challenge ahead.

So the ladies went first for the fight. I wished Maya good luck, and she responded, 'I'll try my best.' In her mind, however, she was determined, thinking, 'I will succeed, no matter the cost.' Suddenly, she was engulfed in a flashback.

'I remember when my dad died,' she whispered to herself.

'Since we were rich, everyone thinks I still live normally, but they didn't know the emptiness of growing up without a father.' Another memory flooded her mind.

'I recall asking my mom to play games with me, but she always said she was too busy, honey.' Determined to prove herself, Maya concluded, 'But now I've joined the Antimatter Corps, and I'm going to win this.

Maybe then, everyone will give me the attention I need.'"

Maya Luna stepped into the arena, her heart pounding with anticipation.

She squared her shoulders, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Across from her stood her opponents, their determination mirroring her own.

As the signal was given, Maya wasted no time, summoning her Antimatter powers with a fierce determination.

"Antimatter: Ice Blizzard!" she cried, channeling her energy into a powerful blast of freezing cold.

A swirling vortex of ice and snow erupted from her hands, engulfing her adversaries in a blinding blizzard.

The opposing fighters struggled to withstand the onslaught, but Maya's icy assault proved too much.

With each gust of wind and flurry of snow, her opponents found themselves pushed back, their movements slowed by the biting cold.

But then beam unleashed an attack. With a focused intensity, she unleashed another wave of Antimatter energy. "Antimatter: Peak Light Reflection!" she shouted, directing a beam of radiant light towards her foes.

The intense brightness illuminated the arena, temporarily blinding her opponents and leaving them vulnerable to her next move.Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, Then Felicity unleashed an attack too, summoning vines of Antimatter energy to ensnare her adversaries.

With a flick of her wrist, she commanded the vines to tighten their grip, immobilizing her opponents and leaving them helpless before her.As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, Felicity stood victorious, her determination and skill proving too much for her opponents to overcome.

With a triumphant smile, she nodded in satisfaction, knowing that she had proven herself worthy of the title of champion.

It was my turn to face Akuma. I approached him, taunting, 'Hey, you demon, I'm going to beat you.' He replied with a smirk.

As he prepared for battle, I noticed a peculiar computer mouse-like device with an antenna, emitting a yellow glow.

Curious, I asked about it, but he brushed it off.As Akuma walked away, lost in thought, he suddenly fell into a flashback.

He recounted how he was born after his father's death, with a lightning tattoo on his neck, earning him the name 'Akuma' or 'demon.'

He endured ridicule until the night he ran away and was struck by lightning, imbuing him with Antimatter energy.

This event, known as '2 Minutes of Disaster,' caused chaos until a device, similar to the one on his ear, was implanted, controlling his powers.

With his newfound abilities, Akuma joined the Antimatter school, and now, he aims to join the Antimatter Corps, using the device in his ear to harness his Antimatter energy.

"the arena, cloaked in yellow lightning. Ochitsuita followed with a burst of powerful wind, while I entered with a blast from my green transparent palm.

The fight commenced swiftly.

Ochitsuita unleashed his first attack, "Antimatter: Wind Gale," sending a powerful gust that knocked us back.

As I recovered to counterattack, Akuma surprised me with "Antimatter: Thunder Drop," striking me painfully.

I fell, allowing Akuma to focus on Ochitsuita. He launched "Antimatter: Straight Lightning," hurling Ochitsuita to the arena's edge.

Reacting quickly, I countered with "Antimatter: Big Hit," slamming Akuma with a forceful blow.

Both Akuma and I tried to retaliate, but I intervened with "Antimatter: Spears," pinning them to the wall.

Another blow followed, "Antimatter: Double Big Hit," striking them down.

Thinking I had won, they but attack me and I flew up to the sky .

As they descended with their most powerful attacks, I invoked "Antimatter: Glove," using a green transparent palm to cushion my fall. With their defeat, I was declared the winner, though the battle left me dizzy and drained.

After the fight, Nami found himself sitting alone, lost in his thoughts. A sudden flashback gripped him, recalling the painful separation from his parents.

"I boarded the train," he narrated, his voice heavy with emotion. "After the two minutes of disaster, we all boarded, but I found myself on a different train, journeying far from Europe.

"Arriving at an orphanage, Nami was eventually adopted by a family, but only his father, mother, and little sister accepted him. The rest of the family bullied him relentlessly. He recounted how he had possessed his anti-matter abilities for a long time.

In the arena, Nami made his entrance with a powerful wave of water.

Jaden followed, emerging from a swirling dark blue portal.

Faltu tore his shirt dramatically before effortlessly passing through a wall, revealing his surprisingly immense muscles.

As Nami squared off against Faltu and Jaden, he quickly assessed the situation.

Faltu relied on raw physical strength, augmented by the addition of anti-matter black energy to make his blows even more formidable.

Meanwhile, Jaden wielded the power of dark blue portal.

Drawing upon the power of the blue sea, Nami prepared to face his opponents.

With a deep breath, he called upon the crashing waves and Anti-matter swirling currents, channeling their energy to augment his own abilities.

Faltu charged forward, his muscles bulging as he delivered a series of powerful punches infused with anti-matter black energy Anti-matter devastating blows.

Each blow landed with bone-crushing force, threatening to overwhelm Nami with sheer brute strength.

Despite the relentless assault, Nami remained calm and focused, his eyes darting as he searched for an opening.

Meanwhile, Jaden began to conjure dark blue portals, making all their attacks bounce back to them.

With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed torrents of energy, sending them hurtling towards Nami with deadly accuracy.

Nami deftly dodged the attacks, his movements fluid and precise as he sought to evade Jaden's onslaught.As the battle raged on, Nami's powers of the blue sea grew stronger.

With each passing moment, he drew upon its power, using it to bolster his defenses and enhance his attacks.With a burst of energy, Nami unleashed the full force of the blue sea, summoning a massive tidal wave that crashed down upon his opponents with overwhelming force.

Caught off guard, Faltu unleashed a massive force blow and Jaden unleashed an attack Anti-matter: back to sender, their attacks hit themselves , their defenses crumbling under the relentless assault.In the end, it was Jaden mastery of the portals that proved to be the deciding factor.

With a final, decisive surge of power, he incapacitated both nami and faltu, emerging victorious from the intense battle.

As he stood amidst the aftermath, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his abilities, knowing that he had proven himself worthy of his place among the ranks of the Anti-Matter Corps.

After the match a man announced loudly "since one person in each team won all of you have gained your way in the anti-matter corps "

"Yesssss!" I shouted drawing everybody's attention.

Let's see what the anti-matter corps has for me.