
Prison Break Part Three

As Draven landed on the spacious hall, the atmosphere crackled with tension. Benches and tables were scattered around the area, providing inmates with a place to roam during their time outside their cells. The sound of his landing echoed throughout the hall, drawing the attention of both inmates and guards alike.

From the balconies above, guards and black elites quickly jumped down, surrounding Draven with a wall of menacing adversaries. Their faces bore expressions of grim determination, knowing they faced a dangerous and unpredictable opponent.

"You're not going any further, Reaper!" one of the black elites barked, his eyes fixated on Draven.

A cold smile played on Draven's lips as he eyed the formidable foes before him. His wings unfurled, adding to his imposing figure, and he cracked his knuckles, ready to face whatever came his way.