

Thion, a young man from the 20th century, wakes up mysteriously in a strange place with a new body, like Cain Caesar, a noble of the decadent class. When the nation began to witness huge changes, what happened behind the scenes to make him incarnate anew here, with a mysterious past and this body, and what befell him in his previous world, passing through many things, gradually revealing the truth lurking in the darkness. Angel? Devil? Exalted? Evil spirit? Savage? No one knows what lies within that darkness, only those who have walked in it and those who hold a candle to light it. بالنسبة للقراء العرب الرواية موجودة ايضا في نادي الروايات https://rewayat.club/novel/anti-fate

Sajad_d · Fantasy
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4 Chs

the dream

The night is strangely fresh and starry today….

In the middle of this city glowing with the light of advertising banners located almost everywhere.

The movement of the population continued without stopping, it was already late, and despite the approaching midnight, the street did not show a sign of slowing down, it was still crowded, and the noise was coming from everywhere, because of this this city was also known as the City of Sound.

Which caused some problems for people who want to spend their lives quietly. by accident . Amidst the crowd of visitors moving like waves back and forth on the street, a black-haired man stopped there, he was quietly looking at the night sky that was filled with stars, illuminating the sea of ​​space so charmingly.

From the features of his face, he looked a little Asian, as he seemed to be about twenty or twenty-five years old with a lean build, he was staring calmly up there, not paying attention to some people who were giving him annoyed looks, some of them threw some obscene words at him and he stopped abruptly. .

But despite this he gave him just a small stare, then removed his eyes from the sky and continued flowing with the torrent he was pushing. .. Like a herd that pushes each other. This young man, Theon, 23, works for a reputable company in the local milieu, sitting inside a closed office with an 8-hour commitment, with a decent salary of 1,000 punch per month, but if you look at the effort involved in the work, really, it was Just a waste of time, he could have looked for much better jobs with a higher salary, even if it was the same salary but with fewer working hours while he could have saved the remaining time to learn a hobby or practice sports, perhaps it can be said that he wasted his youth in that small company. But with that, Theon didn't care much about this, even being a little satisfied with this, it was a relief for him to get away from The society surrounding him has always looked down on his surroundings.

"A lot of things happened that made me believe that this society was no longer livable. It was not for humans. Only ugly pigs would accept this dirty ocean."

As his body swayed through the crowd he kept moving nonstop uttering some nonsense, his work term had already ended, on his way to the hotel he was currently staying in he passed a traffic light and after two blocks he finally arrived at a five storey hotel.

Light Night Hotel] He took steps near the hotel's glass door, and when he approached it, it opened automatically.

Then he entered the hotel reception. In front of Nadria, the waiter was sitting on a chair in front of a glass reception desk, on this desk was a small computer screen Theon moved towards the receptionist who was dressed in a black and white receptionist's uniform and black tie. Hello, I want the key for room 13 from the first floor. When he got in front of him, Theon said while showing a white card bearing the same hotel logo hanging outside. "Hello, well, wait a little bit... Good, that's it."

When he saw the card and the number on the computer, he pressed some buttons on the computer, then smiled tactfully and said to Theon, then took out a black key from under the desk. " Thanks .." "No thanks, it is our duty to serve our customers..." The waiter smiled straightening his back Theon nodded and then headed towards the elevator on the right. He didn't have the energy to climb the stairs even though he lived on the first floor. After a few seconds, he got on the elevator and then it opened.

He was walking in the hotel corridor, which was five meters wide.

There were lights on the top of the ceiling every few meters, which made the hotel really bright. In addition, there were a few bushes.

on both sides. He couldn't believe how this floor only contained rooms that were on the lower level. Meanwhile, he had arrived in front of the door of room number 13. Open the door with the lock and pass the card from the side of the detector.

Then he entered inside. The room was inside, with whitewashed walls and a floor. When he took off his shoes, he stepped on the smooth tiled floor.

There were the basics of a medium bed, a desk on the side, a drawer and then a cupboard, in addition to a bathroom. small . "Huh…" Following the boring routine, Theon sighed deeply and then threw himself on the bed. The eight hour work was exhausting Extremely I'm going to sleep Changing my clothes..... Theon wanted to change his clothes, but his weary body prevented him from doing so, he lost his strength when he lay down as a strange sleepiness seemed to overwhelm him and heavy his eyes, until he closed them and finally gave up

Pay attention!! You have to move it lightly, it shouldn't get a single scratch. vibration What is this?,,, It was like waking up from a deep sleep, Theon could regain consciousness a little bit.

He could hear some voices near him, they seemed to be speaking very strange words whose meaning he didn't know. As his eyes opened little by little, he could see some shadows in front of him, it was as if they were transporting him somewhere.. The shadows flowed, appeared

"Pay attention!! You have to move it lightly, it shouldn't get a single scratch"


What is this?,,,

It was like waking up from a deep sleep, Theon could regain his consciousness a bit, he could hear some voices near him, they seemed to be speaking very strange words that he didn't know the meaning of.

As his eyes opened little by little, he could see some shadows in front of him, it was as if they were teleporting him somewhere..

"damn where is this? And why does it look like I was kidnapped!"

Shadows were flowing, appearing and turning away, while his blurred eyes were regaining their sparkle, when he opened his eyes completely…. Only for a moment could he see the person in front of him, it was a man of short stature, dark hair, the most bizarre of things.

His eyes were surrounded by a black halo that looked as if he had not slept for many months, at the same time Theon set his eyes on the strange clothes the short man wore.

"A star? Are you kidding what that is?" A black robe surrounded him and in the center was a red five-pointed star and some zigzags.

The odd one in the middle... There were storms raging in his brain, but before he could even look up more information.

"I see he's about to wake up, My master asked to bring him in without making a fuss, he is a strange phenomenon indeed..... "

To his left, another man in the same black robes spoke, talking, and suddenly Theon felt his touch on the head. "Damn it, I don't mind..." He only felt a slight numbness in his consciousness until it flooded his soul once more and darkened his world again.

In a dark house.


In one of the rooms, there was a blond-haired young man with beautiful facial features lying on the soft bed.. Then suddenly the young man's body began to writhe.

With a panting sweat was flowing from his forehead until his eyes opened forcefully, "No, I have to run away!!!" He just shouted in horror. Sitting on his bed waving his hands in the void like a lunatic. "Huh… huh… huh."

The blond youth was panting quickly, catching his breath, staring at the empty room around him. "This dream again… huh." The young man was remembering the exact details of his dream, as if he were reading some poetry.

"Sir Cain, I heard a shout from your room. Do you need help?.."

. Suddenly the sound of a knock on the door caught his attention with the voice of an old man behind him. Cain's eyes twitched for a moment, then he took a deep breath to calm his erratic breathing. From escaping reality now.... I have truly reincarnated into another world" He muttered to himself a few words, On his first day in this place, he tried to escape immediately, he was so shocked.

I just thought maybe it was just another dream, but for the seventh time For him to wake up again on this bed and in this room and to that old man's voice....that's enough to prove that in any way...this is the reality.But this reality was so strange, Kane had a hard time accepting it.

This dream .... What is the interpretation behind it? It just seemed real. I was being transported, but where? And did they transfer me here? Then if not, how did I move into this body, the so-called reincarnation.. If it is like this, then my other body must die in my world, which begs another question, how did I die? killed? Accidental? Kane asked many questions at the same time, he felt the fog surrounding him, although he knew that it was illusions from his mind, but this was the closest example of the situation in which he was so that this dream that he had every day was repeated over and over again, he became more suspicious in a closed circle like a maze But he did not find a way to guide him to the truth. "Damn it... It's no use, I'm going to take a shower now." When Cain didn't find any clear answer, he only cursed and then got out of bed.

Tired of thinking over the past seven days.

I am very sorry if the language is not understood, English is not my specialty

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