
Anthony and Quinn

"What am I going to do mom, I don't know what i'm going to do" Anthony sobbed. His mother smelt like home, a scent that had always calmed him, but this time, this time it couldn't, he would need more than home to calm him. He was a mess right now and he didn't mind, his mind couldn't comprehend how to say goodbye to the love of his life at the last year of highschool.

Amateratsu_Uchiha · Teen
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


Entry 1

Say you'll see me again...even if it's just pretence

...im sorry to announce that I have less than a year with you guys, I have this terminal illness and the doctors said I won't make it, I hope you make this last year memorable for me...

These words crashed Anthony's life, at that point he didn't know what to do or say, the girl he had a massive crush on since forever stood in front of the class with a sad smile. The whole class sat frozen, lost for words. He could feel the stares of his friends, they knew, they knew it was going to break him.

Quinn gave a nervous chuckle. She knew everyone's reaction would be like this. After the announcement, she went to her seat, everyone including the teacher was silent. Silence dragged on until the teacher had no other choice than to teach. The lecture dragged on painfully slow for Quinn, she could feel the stares from everyone and she hated it. She was already at peace with death, had accepted her fate, the fate of how lack of finances couldn't save her life and even if her parents somehow found money, finding a donor was another issue. The bell rang and she hurridly rushed out of the classroom, it was the end of school today weekend coming tomorrow, she had strategically dropped the news today so she could have the time to build up new courage to walk to school next Monday.

"Ready kiddo?" She heard her father's voice call out. His voice sounding depressed more and more each passing day since she hit the final stage of her illness. She doesn't blame him though, she would feel that way if she had to watch her child fade away. But she wouldn't get that benefit, she wouldn't get the benefit of seeing her child let alone watching them fade before her eyes.

"How did it go" he asked quietly. She had told them, her parents, earlier this morning that she'd be announcing her death in advance to her classmates, everyone had the right to know she was going to die. Despite not having real friends, she was known in the school, she was the school's student president for heaven's sake.

"Same old Papa...same old".

Anthony was a total mess. His body shut down to airplane mode as he walked down the hall to his locker.

"...Ant..." Someone called out to him, placing a hand on him.

"...it's alright Ant...". Anthony jerked away, glaring at whosoever. He slammed his locker shut and rushed out of the school, catching a glimps of Quinn as her father drove off. He angrily walked to his car and started it.

" Are you alright man". Once again he ignored and drove off.

Getting to his house, he carelessly parked his car, rushing out of it and slamming it shut. He couldn't breathe, this can't be happening, not to Quinn, not to him. All his future involved her, taking her out of it ment no future for him, he was thrown off balance.

"Anthony Killian Knight if you get your car destroyed once more I'd....." Mrs Knight trailed off staring at her son in dispair.

"...Anty..." She called out softly as he took shakey steps towards her. She held him close, her heart breaking as she felt her shirt get wet. Then she knew what ever was going on was really a big issue. Anthony never cries, even as a baby, the scarcity of his tears alarmed his parents and the doctors but there was no other choice than to get used to it.

"What am I going to do mom, I don't know what im going to do" Anthony sobbed. His mother smelt like home, a scent that had always calmed him, but this time, this time it couldn't, he would need more than home to calm him.

Mrs Knight could only hold him tightly wishing than anybody up there could help her son out. She listened to his mumbles trying to get a hint of what was going on. In the end, she could only come up with one thing. Someone was dying, someone so dear to her son's heart, someone neither she nor her husband knew of. At that moment, her heart shattered. God no, her son was too young for this, it was too early to loose someone. Her only hope was since he was young he'd forget about this person, sooner than later. She gulped, holding back her tears. She had always wondered what would make this son of hers cry, but nothing prepared her for this. She saw her husband slowly walk out, his face filled with curiosity, fear and worry.

"What's wrong?" He mouthed but she could only shake her head in saddness. Right now, talking about it would only hurt Anthony more, they can only stay close and help him with his grieve, the pain of loosing someone is something no one wanted to feel, not even the worst person.

Anthony gripped his mother's shoulder tightly before letting go then walking numbly into the house brushing past his curious father. He was a mess right now and he didn't mind, his mind couldn't comprehend how to say goodbye to the love of his life at the last year of highschool.