
Anthology of Many

Multiple stories are written each day about heroes from many genres.

SteamingCloud · Eastern
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21 Chs

The Prequel to Beauty of Spring

In the world of Qiqhong, the name Gu Chen was known far and wide as the most skilled swordsman in the land. He had trained tirelessly for years to perfect his swordplay, and his reputation as a warrior was legendary. But with his fame came great responsibility, and the Qiqhong world was constantly calling upon him to fight against the greatest threats to their peace.

One such threat was the notorious White Flame Demon, Wei Jin. Wei Jin was feared for his immense power and his ability to summon flames from thin air, which he used to incinerate his enemies. The Qiqhong world was insistent that Gu Chen be the one to face Wei Jin in battle, and the warrior accepted the challenge without hesitation.

As the two met on the battlefield, their swords clashed in a fierce display of skill and power. Wei Jin was a formidable opponent, but Gu Chen's mastery of the sword was unmatched. With every swing of his blade, he carved a path through Wei Jin's flames and drew closer to the demon.

Wei Jin's flames danced around Gu Chen, and he could feel the heat radiating off of them. He dodged and weaved, his sword flashing in the sunlight as he deflected the demon's attacks. Gu Chen was always one step ahead, anticipating Wei Jin's every move and countering with lightning-fast strikes.

As the battle raged on, the ground beneath them shook with the force of their clashes. Gu Chen's sword glowed with an otherworldly energy as he channeled his inner strength into each blow. Wei Jin's flames grew more intense, but Gu Chen refused to back down.

With a sudden burst of speed, Gu Chen charged at Wei Jin, his sword held high. Wei Jin countered with a blast of fire, but Gu Chen sliced through it with ease. The two clashed once more, their swords meeting with a deafening clang.

As their swords locked together, Gu Chen felt the raw power emanating from Wei Jin. The demon's flames surged around them, threatening to engulf them both. But Gu Chen stood firm, pushing back against the onslaught with all his might. The two fighters were evenly matched, each landing blows on the other.

Wei Jin's flames licked at Gu Chen's clothing, singeing the fabric and leaving behind scorch marks. But the warrior didn't flinch. He knew that he had to stay focused and keep his eyes on his opponent.

With a quick feint, Gu Chen managed to catch Wei Jin off guard. He struck the demon's sword hand, causing him to drop his weapon. Before Wei Jin could react, Gu Chen swung his sword and sliced through the demon's chest.

As Wei Jin's body fell to the ground, Gu Chen thought the battle was over. But then something strange happened. Wei Jin's body began to convulse and twist, and his skin turned a sickly shade of green. His eyes turned blood red, and his mouth opened in a terrifying snarl. Gu Chen watched in horror as Wei Jin transformed into an actual demon. His body grew in size and his muscles bulged, as he let out an ear-splitting roar.

The demon lunged at Gu Chen, his claws slashing through the air. Gu Chen's heart raced as he realized the true danger of his opponent. He had faced many formidable foes in his life, but never a demon. He braced himself and readied his sword as the demon charged at him. Their swords clashed once again, and Gu Chen felt the sheer force of the demon's blows.

Each strike sent shockwaves through his body, threatening to knock him off his feet. But Gu Chen refused to give up. He fought with all his strength, parrying each attack and landing blows of his own. The demon's flames raged around them, but Gu Chen used his quick reflexes to dodge and weave.

He could feel the heat of the flames as they licked at his skin, but he didn't falter. He kept his focus on the demon, his sword glinting in the firelight. For hours, the two battled, neither gaining the upper hand. Gu Chen's arms ached and his legs felt heavy, but he refused to give in.

The demon was tireless, fueled by a rage that seemed to come from deep within.

Just when Gu Chen thought he couldn't fight any longer, he saw an opening. The demon had grown complacent, thinking that his power and endurance would be enough to defeat the warrior.

But Gu Chen knew better. With a quick sidestep, he avoided the demon's strike and swung his sword in a wide arc.

Finally, Gu Chen landed the decisive blow, plunging his sword deep into Wei Jin's chest. The White Flame Demon let out a howl of pain and fell to the ground, defeated. But even in his dying moments, Wei Jin had one final act of defiance.

As Gu Chen turned to leave the battlefield, Wei Jin spoke a curse upon him. "You may have defeated me, but your victory will be short-lived. Your beloved Yueying will suffer for your arrogance, and you will know true loss."

Gu Chen was filled with dread at Wei Jin's words, but he could not dwell on them for long. He returned to his village, where he was hailed as a hero for slaying the White Flame Demon. But in the back of his mind, he could not shake the feeling that something terrible was about to happen.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, but no harm came to Yueying. Gu Chen began to think that Wei Jin's curse was nothing more than the dying words of a defeated enemy. But then, one fateful night, Yueying fell ill.

Despite Gu Chen's best efforts, Yueying's condition worsened by the day. Her body was wracked with pain, and she was unable to keep food down. Gu Chen called upon every healer he knew, but none of them could find a cure for her ailment.

As Yueying's condition grew more dire, Gu Chen began to realize that Wei Jin's curse had come true. He had been so focused on defeating the White Flame Demon that he had not considered the consequences of his victory. Now, he was watching the love of his life suffer, and he was powerless to stop it.

Gu Chen was beside himself with grief as he watched Yueying lay bedridden. He knew that he had to find a way to save her, but he had exhausted all of his resources. Desperate and alone, he set out into the winter wilderness in search of a cure.

As he trudged through the snow, Gu Chen stumbled upon an old dragon. The dragon was wise and kind, and he took pity on Gu Chen's plight. He told Gu Chen of a rare flower called the Xinqing Flower that could cure any ailment.

The Xinqing Flower was said to bloom only once every hundred years, and it could only be found in the most remote corners of the Qiqhong world. The dragon gave Gu Chen a map to the flower's location and wished him good luck on his journey.

Gu Chen set out on the long and treacherous journey, battling fierce beasts and harsh weather along the way. He climbed mountains and crossed rivers, never losing sight of his goal.