
Anthology of Many

Multiple stories are written each day about heroes from many genres.

SteamingCloud · Eastern
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21 Chs

Story Four: Meng Li

Meng Li was a woman of extraordinary beauty. Her body was the envy of many men, who longed to possess her and make her their own. But Meng Li was not a woman who could be owned or controlled. She was a fierce warrior, feared and respected throughout the land for her incredible strength and skill.

Despite her beauty and her many admirers, Meng Li was a woman of great loyalty and devotion. She had eyes for only one man, a weak-willed poet named Tai Lian. Tai Lian was not a man of strength or power, but he had a talent for words that captivated Meng Li's heart.

Tai Lian had been bedridden for years, too weak to stand or move on his own. But even in his frailty, he continued to write poems about Meng Li, poems that celebrated her beauty and her strength, poems that spoke of a love that transcended all boundaries and limitations.

Meng Li was touched by Tai Lian's words, and she devoted herself to his care. She brought him food and water, tended to his wounds and injuries, and sat with him for hours, listening to his poetry and sharing her own stories and experiences.

Despite the challenges of caring for Tai Lian, Meng Li remained steadfast and loyal. She refused the advances of other men, even those who were powerful and wealthy, and she remained devoted to Tai Lian until the end of his days.

When Tai Lian passed away, Meng Li was heartbroken. But she did not let her grief consume her. Instead, she took up Tai Lian's pen and began to write her own poetry, poems that celebrated the beauty and power of love and devotion.

Meng Li's poetry became famous throughout the land, and her name became synonymous with strength, beauty, and loyalty. Many men still longed for her, but they knew that they could never possess her. For Meng Li was a woman who belonged to no one but herself, a warrior who had found her true love in the heart of a weak and ill poet.

And so, Meng Li continued to live her life on her own terms, devoting herself to her training and her poetry, and remaining faithful to the memory of the man who had captured her heart. She was a woman of great beauty and strength, but she was also a woman of great loyalty and devotion, a woman who had found her true love in the most unexpected of places.