
Antagonist: Season 1

(After sipping shampane from her glass Miss Bertelli Asked ,the black suited guy, Mr. Agusti) "Tell me, Mr. Agusti, what an 'Antagonist' is in your eyes?" (Enjoying the appealing moonlit from the balcony, he answered in a nonchalant voice) "Well, if you've ask me the wordly meaning ,then, a 'nemesis'. A 'villain'. An unwanted 'competitor' ,but, if go deep down in it's meaning ,then, perhaps...." "Perhaps a true protagonist of their own stories." (Cutting in his words she interfered) (Not liking the habit of cutting his word in middle he turn to glance at her for the first time) "That was interesting word game on your part, Miss Bertelli." "Not 'Miss Bertelli'. You can call me Sancia." "Do you always offer to call your first name like this to anyone, Miss Sancia." (He said sarcastically) "Not to anyone, only you. I've a feeling you'll need it a lot in near future. So, It's better that you start practicing early." (she commented confidently) (After a long pause to notice the woman infront of him thoroughly he replied) "Right, now, I also got that feeling. See you, then." "Sure, see you soon" (Seeing his back getting further and further away. Eventually, she turned to look at the same moonlit scenery he was enjoying earlier and drowned in her own melancholy. ) (Suddenly noticing you .....that's right you!!) Sancia: Hi, readers!! Are you ready to get lost in nothingness?? Do you dare to cross the boundary of consciousness just to get bounded by them more strongly than before?? If you do, then just join me on my journey!!! And let's get started!!!

Violi · Urban
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6 Chs

Midnight Story : A tale of her (Part 2)


Melonia City > Avenir Tech Company > (Secret Laboratory ) > IT department

Date: 20 March 2025 > Time: 7pm

Verona Rosa, a c-level-manager, along with Vieri Monti, a team leader & an expert, was walking forward to room no 105. Her Steps were confident . One can say, this confidence came with a lot of experiences of working for at least 20 years as a programmer.

It took a lot of time for them to pass the 4 leveled security systems before they reached at the door.

After the guards opened the door of the room for them, the first thing Verona noticed was an middle aged man, nearly on his fiftieth year, was sitting on the furthermost chair one could sit on. His back was facing her but she knew the man.

He was the ex-c-level-manager who resigned 5 years ago due to personal reasons, making her the then new c-level-manager. Facing him again after such long time ,made her reminisce the past. She learned a lot of things from him. She respected him a lot.

She has a lot to ask him, but, today they are here to discuss an utmost important issue. That's why, the chairman was also present along with three other experts & two specialists on neurosurgery & of course secretary Sergio along with the exclusive board members are also present.

So, it can't be helped! Without wasting anymore time, she walked forward and sat at the opposite side.

(The chairman) "Since everyone is present now, let me announce to everyone today, I'll introduce ,Mr. Luciano, our ex-c-level-manager. He will lead the project we will be discussing in this meeting from now on . Please give him a warm welcome."

At his announcement everyone became confused and started to whisper among themselves. The two experts were even so bold to look at Miss Verona. After all, she was the one who was leading this project up until now.

To be robbed off such spotlight must make her a little jealous, but, Verona herself knew that she has already reached her bottom line on this project. She definitely is a fine talent.

Moreover, she has years of experiences, but, for this project that's the least one could offer. According to the current circumstances, Mr. Luciano might be able to give a proper shape to this project.

So, when he came to this field again, it's simply decided who will be in charge.

However, human nature is such a thing!

The more simple it seems, the more complex it is. It would be a lie that she wasn't bothered at all. She was a little disappointed. Disappointed at her own shortcomings.

On the other hand, Mr. Luciano wasn't reacting much. On his face, there was neither a smile nor any anxiety. For this very reason "Legendary blank sheet" used to be his other name.

(Interrupting this chaotic situation The chairman talked) "Secretary Sergio, begin with the the presentation."

"Yes, sir. (With this short answer he started to talk after starting the projector) The new project "ST-21" (See through u) which has been currently developing under Avenir, a secret research, mainly concerns human psychology.

Our main target is to venture the human minds and it's thought process and to get control over it at the most successful scenario. We have already conducted our research on various animals. 93% of them were successful. Thanks to all of you who are present here for your contribution to this project. (clapping sound)

However, to fully achieve our goal, our board members have agreed on a contract and decided to conduct our research on human this time." Instantly the whole room became chaotic.

(One of the expert) "But It's illegal, you know that right !"

(one of the neurosurgeon)"That's right, how can you tell us to do illegal researches like this! What if we get caught by the law. Our whole life will be destroyed. What's our assurance?"

Other researchers and programmers presented there also agreed with him. doing research on something new is challenging, but, many people still dare to do it.

However, It's a whole different matter if this research is on human. It's risky.

Moreover, it's not very human either. Not to mention it against law and once one get caught up in court matters with this it's hard to came off clean and there is another matter of punishment.

One can even be jailed if something goes wrong. They can't simply move with such project. They surely need assurances.

At last Mr. Luciano spoke out " Everyone, silence please! "

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Violicreators' thoughts