
Ant wars

Ant wars. A game where 10000 poor die every week just for a chance at decent living, but nothing more then a Saturday live show for the rich. It's a brutal climb to the top to a deadly fall to the never ending pit of human depravity. This is murder. This is survival. This is...Ant wars.

Enejiang · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

[7] The loot box

"Go! Go! Go!" yelled a soldier from our side, breaking the spell.

Soldiers and workers from both teams surged forward, driven by the allure of the mysterious loot box. The promise of its contents, potentially game-changing supplies or weapons, drove them on, pushing aside any former hesitancy.

Our side's approach was more chaotic, a mad dash fueled by desperation. The soldiers, with their ant-themed armor, led the charge, using their spears to vault over obstacles and push aside debris. Behind them, workers raced, some trying to keep up, others aiming to flank from the sides.

The enemy team was slightly more organized. They split into two main groups, with one heading straight for the box while the other moved to intercept our team.

The middle ground, a wide expanse of plaza between the two barriers, became a frenzied battleground. A soldier from the enemy side lunged at one of our workers, his spear aimed at his throat. The worker deftly sidestepped, grabbing a broken pipe from the ground and swinging it at the soldier's helmet. The clang echoed, and the soldier stumbled back, dazed.

Nearby, a trio of soldiers worked in tandem, using their spears to create a defensive wall, pushing back any opponents that came too close. They made a formidable trio, their movements coordinated and efficient.

But as more and more participants entered the fray, the skirmishes became wilder, less predictable. A female worker from the opposing team, her jumpsuit torn, dodged and weaved through the melee, her eyes set on the prize. Just as she was about to reach the crate, Feng lunged at her, tackling her to the ground. They grappled in the dust, neither giving an inch.

Above, the drone hovered, its camera lens capturing every moment, broadcasting this brutal contest to unseen viewers.

Amidst the chaos, a group of our workers managed to form a perimeter around the loot box. They tried to lift it, but it was sealed tight. As they searched for a way to open it, enemy reinforcements charged, their spears glinting with lethal intent.

Soldiers in blue clashed with their red counterparts. The glint of spearheads, illuminated by the sun, was a recurring flash amidst the chaos. A soldier in blue lunged at a red, his spear aimed for the chest. The red sidestepped, but not quickly enough. The spear grazed his side, tearing the fabric of his jumpsuit and drawing blood. He roared in pain and counterattacked, swinging his spear in a wide arc. It connected with the blue soldier's helmet with a reverberating clang, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Not far from them, two workers, one from each side, were locked in a desperate struggle. The blue worker, leveraging his size, managed to pin the red to the ground. They grappled fiercely, hands searching for any vulnerable point. The red worker, spotting a shard of glass nearby, grabbed it and stabbed, landing a fatal blow to the blue worker's neck. Blood stained the dust as the blue worker's life ebbed away, his fingers still clutching the jumpsuit of his adversary.

Amidst the skirmishes, a group of red soldiers managed to form a semi-circle around the crate. They were using their spears to keep the blues at bay. However, their formation was breached when a blue worker, using the element of surprise, lunged at them with a metal rod he'd picked up. He managed to knock one of the reds unconscious before he was tackled and subdued.

A blue soldier spotted her counterpart amidst the throng. Without a word, they charged, spears leading the way. The resulting clash was a dance of death, each parrying and counterattacking with precision. Their combat became a small circle of focus amidst the wider chaos. After a series of intense exchanges, she managed to land a fatal thrust, her spear piercing the red soldier's heart. He crumpled, and she withdrew, pausing to catch her breath.

The casualties were mounting. Bodies, both blue and red, lay strewn across the plaza. Each death was a stark reminder of the high stakes of this cruel game. Screams of pain and shouts of determination filled the air, punctuated by the metallic clashes of spear on spear.

The reality of the situation bore down on me like an immense weight. The surreal, morbid nature of the game clashed violently with my sense of humanity. Sounds of fighting became distant, replaced by the ringing in my ears.

I stumbled away from the center of the chaos, my heart racing. Images of bodies lying lifeless, faces twisted in pain and fear, replayed in my mind. Every step felt like I was moving through a thick, cloying fog. The dryness in my throat turned to nausea, a rising, uncontrollable sensation.

Before I could comprehend what was happening, I felt my stomach churn and a sour, bitter taste erupted into my mouth. I dropped to my knees, clutching my gut as I vomited violently onto the ground. My eyes watered, and my entire body trembled with the force of it. The world spun around me, and for a moment, I felt detached, floating in an abyss of horror.

The acidic taste lingered, a stark reminder of the gruesome scenes I had just witnessed. I gasped for air, attempting to calm my heaving chest. My skin felt clammy, and a cold sweat formed on my forehead.

What in the hell did I sign up for?

Q: What would you do in this situation?