
Ant in the prison

Arun_Ram · Book&Literature
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2 Chs

Episode 2

Episode 2

While sleeping in his cell he saw ants roaming here and there, he then saw what they are doing and absorbed keenly about their movement. Tom was genius so he will be thinking so many ways to get out of the prison. He then thought of feeding ants daily and so he decided to feed some sweets to ant which will be provided to him during lunch. He started feeding them and he noted down the time which they are coming to eat and also counted their number. Day by day their number started to increase and atlast he came to know their strength and weakness. He just want to communicate with them to get out of the prison and he was thinking about that all the day. And suddenly he got an idea which he heard before that is reiki technique through which we can communicate with them. He then went to library to check the book which has what he wants. He learned it for so many months and atlast he learned after 5 months. He then went to the ants in his prison and tried to communicate with them and took two weeks to communicate with them and atlast he did. He then communicated with the ant and asked them to find out all the ways to get outside of the prison. Everyday they will come in the afternoon time and will tell him about the ways to get out of the prison. And then he also found that these ants can help him to get out also with their strength. He was planning for so many days to find a correct way. As a first step he asked them make gaps in his prison wall so that they will become weak and he can break them easily. He asked ants to start the process and they started as he told but unfortunately ants couldn't able to do as he told. He then thought of providing them with some sharp objects. He then went to stores in the prison which they used to store axe iron etc... He took many small piece of iron and he asked them use it. This time his idea is working and he was in joy that he will be going out and suddenly inspection people came to his prison...

To be continued