
Another one of these stories huh

[A/N: Haha I haven't really researched much into one piece because I'm not really interested in anime, I'll write a couple of chapters so I can get the people's thoughts on it.]

"Ugh.." I gripped my forehead as I felt an aching headache fill my brain with numbing pain.

'Huh?' I quickly thought to myself as I looked around my surroundings.

I was surrounded by green Nature, with a relatively small beach in front of me, birds chirping over head and the buzzing sounds of bugs around me.

"Did I get kidnapped and dropped into Tafiti or am I dreaming?" I continued to look around confused.

My ears..? Perked up, I slowly reached towards them to feel them.

They were soft but strangely long and pointy.

The last thing I remember before suddenly arriving here was being in my bed, unless I still am in my bed.

My life? Oh it wasn't much, I still had my parents and of the sort which I am grateful for along with a pretty standard living situation.

All though I rarely had anything interesting or dramatic in my life, watching stuff on the internet like anime, manga, or light novels were a fun thing to fill up that empty space.

It was more or less of a hobby.

Making youtube videos was also on the hobby list, though it didn't really help much considering the fact that most of the larger youtubers get the most attention.


I slapped my cheeks to snap myself out of this dream, only to be met with a stinging pain on my cheeks.

"Oww... Maybe I shouldn't have done that so hard." I groaned as I regretted my choices.

Looked at myself, I could see that my buttercups up here have grown in size and my hair has turned silky and blonde. Down to the bone, I overall felt stronger then I once was.

I checked my pockets if I still had a certain object...

"Score! My phone is still here!" I yelped as I opened up my phone to be met with something strange.

There were only 4 apps that were on the phone.




And last but not least, the app store.

I quickly checked the app store to only find more useless things like video editors, audio recorders, blah blah blah where are the games?


Name: Kazuko Yasushi (A/N: I got this from the internet, don't mind if it sucks)

Age: 19

Race: Half-Elf

Title: Dimensional Vlogger

Strength: C-

Agility: B

Vitality: C+

Intelligence: B

Charm: A+

Luck: B-



Hmm I'm a half elf? Also what's up with the dimensional vlogger?

I questioned the strange status on my phone as my ears fluttered around.

'Gosh I should hide these ears, maybe they're going to be valuable to others in this world like those other fantasy games.' I thought as I continued my hike across the Jungle.

"Stop right there!" I heard a loud shout.

I instantly froze as I looked around for the voice.

"Hup!" A girl suddenly jumped down and looked at me, "Hmm, you're not from here, who are you?" She asked as she narrowed her eyes.

"Huh?" I muttered.

I quickly scanned her, she wore a bikini of the sort for some strange reason, she a pretty small woman, and she was wielding a spear.

"Hey, you hear me?" She asked once more, pounding her spear's rim on the ground.

"Oh! I apologies, I mistakenly arrived here, could you perhaps tell me where I am?" I asked kindly.

"Mistakenly arrived here? Oh please, how do you end up here out of all places! It's in the calm belt, not like you could've washed ashore or something! Egh never mind." She shook her head.

"Hmm, you don't seem half bad, plus you're a woman so I don't think they'll mind..." She said in thought as she put her hand on her chin.

"Haha, sure, why not long ears, you're on the island of Amazon Lily, right in the Calm belt and riggght above the South Blue I believe." She scratched her forehead awkwardly.

'Amazon Lily? Calm belt? South Blue? Now hold the phone, I recognize these names!' I thought immediately as I realized where I was.

The world of One Piece!

I was taken aback by the information but still kept a calm stance and a poker face.

"Could you maybe take me to a town or something?" I asked politely, where was the village in the Amazon even.

"Sure! But you're gonna have to keep up Missy Long Ears!" She teased me as she quickly ran towards the opposite direction of me.

'Crap, gotta go!' I immediately pumped my legs forward and managed to actually pass the Amazon girl.

"Wow! You're fast! But you're gonna have to try harder than that!" She smirked and immediately jumped, using a tree branch to launch her forward.

'You gotta be kidding me...' I looked on with a dead-panned expression.

"Oh I forgot to introduce myself!" She shouted in the distance.

"I'm Skyler, but sky is fine, oof!" She accidently face plants into a bush as she was speaking to me.

"That didn't happen OK?" She blushed as she ran even faster.

"Uhh sure?" I replied with a confused face, I barely managed to keep up with her, however for some reason my stamina was quite large as I managed to keep a steady pace.

"Almost there!" She grinned as a massive mountain appears, with stone snake heads protruding out of it's sides.

'I guess that confirms it, I really am in one piece?' I thought, baffled.

Upon reaching the entrance, two even bulkier women were guarding the entrance.

"Eto... What did you bring now?" Asked one of them as they facepalmed.

"Hey it's not that bad! Maybe hehe.." She smiled embarrassingly.

I peek from behind, revealing myself to the guards, I wasn't really sure if they would accept women from the outside.

"Whos that?" One of them asked, pointing at me.

"Long ears? I met her when I was going around hunting in the jungle." She said, extremely nonchalant.

The muscular woman began to inspect my body, which made be feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Well, considering she doesn't seem that strong, I guess it's alright." She shrugged, "Just don't go causing trouble, or else, you'll uh. Die or something." She nodded.

"Sure...?" I asked, confused at her wording.

We managed to walk right through the entrance and get on by.

"So, where to long ears?" Sky asked.

"I have a name you know, Kazuko." I replied.

"Did you say something long ears?" She smiled a stupid grin.

"Forget it, maybe-" I was cut short to the shrieks of some girls.

"Did you hear?!! A man was caught and is going to get justice!" Someone yelled out loud.

"Really?! I can't wait to see the Gorgons feast on them!" Another squealed.

Soon, a large mob of women started heading towards one area, which looked to be like a large arena of the sort.

'A man was caught? Does that mean, luffy is here??' I thought.

"Oh Oh! A man was caught? C'mon let's watch!" Sky told me, and by telling me, she meant dragging me by my arm and speeding towards the arena.

We managed to get a seat amongst the massive crowd a spectators, front row fortunately!

"Look!" Sky pointed towards who I was assuming Luffy.

He wore his classical straw hat, even so, he looked exactly like he did in the anime!

I pulled out my phone and started recording a video, strangely, the quality of the recording was extremely high quality, unlike it usually was.

'Maybe my phone got an upgrade, wait does this thing even die?' I questioned before watching the battle once more.

"What's that thing?" Skylar pointed out.

Oh right, I forgot that phones are non-existant here.

"You know what a picture is right?" I asked, "Yeah, oh wait look look!" Skylar immediately pointed towards the top of the mountain.

There, sat the one and only, Boa Hancock, weird name.

Along with her, are the Gorgon sisters im pretty sure, but they're in their human form right now.

Down with Luffy, were the statues of the Amazonian people who had tried to help him, I guess we missed on that for being just a little late.

'Considering how weird this is, recording this probably won't be a bad idea, maybe even uploading it to youtube?' I thought curiously.

"Helloo? Earth to long ears?" Sky waved her hands in front of me.

"Oops, sorry I was just zoning out in thought." I awkwardly scratched my head.

"Well, you're not gonna wanna miss it, looks like things are getting fired up, considering I can't hear really hear Ms. Hancock from up there. Oh she's the boss by the way! She's super cool and, and hot." Sky drooled over at the sight of her.

I slapped the back of her head to get her out of whatever fantasy dreams she's having, "Owch! Ok ok I'll stop." She laughed.


and then a nukeclear explosion killed everyone in the end, blah blah blah the island is a donut shape now.

chapter is around 1471 words or something I can't uh tell because I forgor to not save and im too lazy to fix or something so yea

leave any suggestions to fix or something idek

inspired book and stuff i hope peple just click on this because of elf booty oh im writing this at 2 am because I had the genius idea of not continuing this later on bauahaha thatss how they anime laugh right

I'll re-write this or something later