

His heart was cold, cold enough that even ice would lose its coldness seeing his freezing heart. Even fire has to lit off his flames after witnessing his fiery eyes. People often say he has water running in his system rather than blood. He chose to live like that after he lost his innocent mother and father whom he considered his role model. But now he was more vile and vengeful than he ever was. Because now he lost his brother. He had vowed to protect him with his life and he failed. He would go the end of earth and to the gates of hell to avenge his brother. She still blames herself for his death. The memory was still fresh in her mind. She was punishing herself each day, every hour, and every moment of her life. Both of them were mourning for the same person so destiny played the wicked game to seal their fate through the same person they loved most.

Keisha_Mars · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

His mix-up


It was one of the greatest achievement of her. Now she can hire models to showcase her talent in front of others in a fashion show just like other brands. It was not as big as brands like Christian Dior or Michael Kors but atleast ESSENCE will be there.

She was still clueless why she named her shop Essence but with time she liked it.

" Sara make sure all the clothes that we will exhibit suits there theme. And let me know once you are done. "

Ruth trusted Sara. To the point that she would leave for a week and still be sure that Sara would handle it. She knew Sara would never break her trust on her.

" When should I send the catalog of the dresses to them for the confirmation? "

Sara asked scribbling something on her note.

" Tommorow, much better if we send them sooner than later. So they can tell us if something needs to be altered . "

The show was next week. Not much time was left but everything was ready.

" I will send your coffee in five minutes. "

Sara expressed her appreciation with smile. Ruth came before everybody else and still was working continuously. For the past few days it has been like this. She would come at 7 in the morning and would work till 10. She had to attend several meetings and spent most of the times in designing. She was working hard. Sara wanted to help her, even with smallest things . Coffee was a stress reliever for Ruth.

A smile graced on Ruth's face. She was thankful for Sara. She cared for Ruth. She could point out small details in Ruth, when she was sad , stressed, happy, angry or anxious.

" Thanks. "

Sara left her cabin leaving Ruth to focus on designing.

Her phone buzzed up in the silent room halting her hands on the paper.

" Darry? "

" Hey. Did I called at the wrong time? "

" No. Tell me what can I do for you?"

Darius did call her at the wrong time but she was Ruth. She didn't want to hurt her friend. It was only with Orion where her mouths runs without any filter and she didn't care much what she had said. He brings out worst in her . The reason unknown to her. Why?

" How about a lunch? I know you haven't had yet. "

Darius liked Ruth. It was clear to him how he feels about her. Unsure to her feelings he acted as her friend masking his emotions in front of her.

Their past lunch date was horrible. The reason Orion. Darius wanted to makeup for it. He was sorry that he pestered in Ruth's life regarding Orion. He cared for Ruth and he also knew Orion was a dangerous man. He didn't want Ruth to get hurt. So he advised her to maintain his distance from Orion.

Their conversation started with Orion and ended with Orion. Ruth was fed up talking about him and didn't understand why Darius was so skeptical about him. At one point she snapped, frustrated listening his name.

" Uh.. I don't think I can go anywhere now. I have so much work to do. "

Deflected she answered. And besides that she just had a coffee and had no appetite.

" You don't have to. I'm outside your shop. Tell me what do you want. "

Surprised Ruth that what he was doing here in the first place.

She still had her focus on the paper in front of her.

" Anything would be fine. "

Ruth was never the picky one. Darius already had bought them food on his way.

Within few minutes a knock was heard and came in Darius with a big catish smile.

" Stop overworking yourself. "

He placed the food on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Came around her desk, took her hand ,leading her to have her lunch with him.

" There was no need of these. "

Although she had no mood of eating anything she didn't deny that it touched her heart. Darius was thoughtful.

"I'm not listening anything. "

He took out the dishes. There was lasagna, chicken Alfredo, croissants. They ate resuming their conversation. However this time Darius didn't brought up anything regarding Orion. After finishing their food they sat and talked about their highschool days. They were so different. Ruth was the nerdy one while Darius was the goofy and playboy.

Ruth was tired. She didn't get much sleep last night and her muscles were sore sitting in a constant position for more than a hour.

In no time she was engulfed by a peaceful sleep . Darius sat there, dazed and amazed by her beauty. He had seen enough women in his life. Hot, beautiful, sexy, you name a kind. But there was something else in Ruth which intrigued him. Always had ,from their school days. After all she was the only one who didn't swoon over him and didn't take a shit about him.

She was serene, easy to talk but also a smart woman. She was beautiful inside and out. If not by her beauty then she could surely make people fall in love with her by her nature.

He corrected her posture by keeping her hands beside her hip which was limping out of the sofa and cleared her face from her hairs.

He waited for her to wakeup, read magazines which were on her desk. Ofcourse they were fashion magazines.

" I slept for an hour? "

Her gruffy, sleepy voice sounded hot. Unconsciously he gulped looking at her face.

" You did. "

He confirmed for her.

" You needed it. "

Further added.

Stalking in her direction he stood in front of her. Confused, Ruth left her place and stood in front of him. Tucking her hairs behind her ear he looked down to her window of world. Her eyes were beautiful, doe eyes with long thick lashes.

His hand was still in her smooth ,long locks.

Suddenly the door to her office was jolted down and Orion appeared in his black suit. A devil in disguise.

Three of them have three different expressions on their faces. Darius was irritated that whenever he was with Ruth Orion had to spoil it, with or without his presence. Ruth was confused what this man doing was here, at this time. She had no meeting with him, then why? Whereas Orion , if looks could pin nail on heads Darius would have been on the wall with a big nail on his forehead.

He took in the state of Ruth. Her dress had crumbled , her face flushed and her hairs were all over the place. Were they making out? Orion concluded. The slightest idea of them kissing each other hit his heart hard. He felt his anger boiling up.

" Mr. Vassiliev? "

Again she took his last name. As if she was not familiar with him.

" Can I talk to you?...... Alone. "

Orion asked. Darius was still standing there while Ruth took her seat behind the desk.

" But why? "

His intense gaze did something to her. Her legs were bouncing under the desk and her nails were scratching the wooden surface in anticipation. Orion looked calm, dangerously calm.

" Can I talk to you ?"

He repeated. Although he didn't had to say the word 'alone' this time. She knew he wanted privacy.

" Okay. "

She meeked out ,looking at Darius. He took his queue to leave them as Ruth already agreed to converse with Orion. He waved at her before leaving ,shutting the door.

Now her attention was solely on him. Exactly what he wanted .

" Why? "

" Excuse me? "

Ruth failed to her understand his question. Why for what?

" Why you don't call me by my name. You don't like it or you have thing for taking last name. But as far as I remember you call him Darry. So I can conclude that you only have a thing with my name. "

What in the universe was he talking about. No big deal in talking with him formally.

" We are business partners Mr. Vassiliev not freinds. I don't mix relationships. "

She kept it short.

" I see. "

Ruth didn't noticed when he came in front of her and sat leaning on her desk.

" So you wanted to talk about this matter?"

" Alone. "

She added further . Not forgetting how he has mentioned that word.

" You don't like my presence? "

Orion had ruined their moment. That's what he thought. Her and Darius were in the middle of their kissing and he came before that could happen.

" But you enjoy his presence. "

He didn't have to point out who he was talking about. Ruth was no fool. She understood.

" Mr. Vassiliev... "

" Orion. "

His face very close to her. His voice deepening an octave. She could point every subtle details in his face. He was handsome. Although his face was hard, he had gifted looks.

" Liar. "

" Huh? "

" You say you don't mix relationships with work but didn't find it wrong doing it with him? "

Orion accused her of what she didn't know. She was still astounded of how close he was to her. Orion caged her in her seat with both of his hands on her either side.

" Did you enjoy it? "

He talked with her in pieces which she failed to understand.

" Hooking up with him? "

The words spiraled in her mind and she understood what he was talking about.

A loud sound of her palm meeting with his cheek echoed in the room. She slapped him.