

His heart was cold, cold enough that even ice would lose its coldness seeing his freezing heart. Even fire has to lit off his flames after witnessing his fiery eyes. People often say he has water running in his system rather than blood. He chose to live like that after he lost his innocent mother and father whom he considered his role model. But now he was more vile and vengeful than he ever was. Because now he lost his brother. He had vowed to protect him with his life and he failed. He would go the end of earth and to the gates of hell to avenge his brother. She still blames herself for his death. The memory was still fresh in her mind. She was punishing herself each day, every hour, and every moment of her life. Both of them were mourning for the same person so destiny played the wicked game to seal their fate through the same person they loved most.

Keisha_Mars · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

His arrogance

She couldn't sleep all night. Her mind was clogged with the thoughts of him. She didn't understand why she was still in pain? Its been over a year and her heart was still with him.

She quickly finished her breakfast and ran upto her car to start her day off which she knew was going to be awfully bad because she didn't get much sleep, her eyes had bags and she was looking like a raccoon.

" Did they call again? "

Putting the files on the desk which she had to review she asked Sara. She answered her with a shake of head in No. Ruth was quite intrigued about that man whom she knew nothing about apart from his last name so she searched about him. ORION VASSILIEV. And it was quite interesting that he was also Russian just like him and he recently came here for inauguration of his new company and to expand his business. He was a billionaire. No doubt.

'No wonder I didn't pin point his accent. I was so used to it. '

She made up an excuse for herself.

She was reviewing the designs which recently came for her approval when a knock grabbed her attention.

" Come in. "

Sara came in stumbling on her way to catch upto Ruth's desk. Ruth noticed her quick, dread steps.

" All good? "

Quickly with shaky hands Sara handed a paper to Ruth. On realizing what it was her blood boiled in rage. She cursed with all the profanities she knew existed. Ofcourse in her mind. She was not a person of swearing and cussing.

It was a notice from the government to vacate the place for she had not paid the land tax for four months.

Was it some sort of prank? Because she was never nowhere near to the dues in paying the taxes. It was unreasonable. However she expected him to be behind all of this. She was no fool. He has money and power. He could keep government under his pants.

What a sick game he was playing?

She wondered crumbling the paper in her hands. Now she was also scared that she may loose her boutique but she would never give up this easily.

" What do we do now? "

Sara fumbled with the pen in her hand.

" Leave it to me I will handle it in my way. Give me his details. "

Ruth unknowingly put her hand on her forehead to ease the pain which had increased ten folds after getting the enviction notice.

Sara knew whom Ruth was talking about. She put his deatils on her desk. On noticing Ruth's condition she genuinely felt sorry for her. Sara knew how much Ruth had gone through from the past one year. Although she didn't know much about Sal but knew how much they loved each other.

" Ma'am I think you should take leave for a day atleast. In that way you can fight him better. And don't forget I'm always with you. But for now you need rest. Your health is more important than anything else. "

Sara gave her concerned advice to Ruth.

Assuring Sara with her smile that she was good she clutched the phone in her hands typing the devil's number. She waited for him to pick up the call and it was answered on the third ring.

" I knew you would call but I didn't expected you to call this early. "

His voiced was as deep as hell. For once she was blank that he knew it was her. And she hated a thing with a passion - when someone run a background on her. The mocking tone of him did nothing but to infuriate her more. As much as she loved his face she hated his personality . He was nothing like her Sal.

" I didn't call you for the agreement. "

She deadpanned.

" No? "

He sounded amused. He thought after the notice she would eagerly call him for the agreement. Little did he know she was not one of them who you could pull down so easily.

In the meeting with her earlier he saw her as all of them who thought bigger of themselves but has no clear motive. He studied her but came up with only one thing in his mind, money hungry. He took her as she wanted large sum of money than he was offering ,more than the land should cost.

" No. I wanted to talk to you , in person. It's time we should handle this like matures and not some kids who are ready to pounce on the back. I think you are better than this. "

She roasted him in a most innocent and sweet way he could never comeback at her. Indirectly she said to him that she knew it was his doing for sending a vague notice to her.

If she could settle the problem with him the notice would be pointless . He would obviously comeup with the idea to stop the officials to take any further step in eviction.

" Fine I will text you the place, date and time ."

He gritted dripping poison from his words.

How he wished to shush her perfect running mouth with his...

Ruth disconnected the call and planned how she would talk to him. He intimated her in a way no one has ever done.

All her day passed in reviewing the designs and thinking how to make him understand she didn't want to sell her shop. She wanted something like he could make his hotel without having her to shift her boutique to another place.

Money was never a problem to her. Her boutique was well known and the turnover was quite big, also Sal left her with big sum of money which she had not touched yet.

It was late , no one was in the office , Sara had also gone after suggesting Ruth that she should also leave. Ruth was grateful that Sara was her assistant cum friend. She was not like other girls who would take it for granted. Sara knew where to act all professional and where to be with her like an actual friend.

* * * * * * * *

He didn't know what had happened to him but he was excited to meet her. As much as he hated her big mouth he also loved that she was first human alive that had insulted him without a scratch on her body.

Speaking of body, he studied her really well, the grace with which she walked, the confidence with which she turned down the biggest offer he had ever offered anyone. At first he was curious that why she looked like one word from him and she would jump on him crying with happiness. He didn't figure out the emotion in her eyes. For once it looked like a ray of hope.

And he took that emotion in a wrong way. Like she was happy he was here and can offer her more money but how wrong he was.

However she surprised him with sweet and sour truth one has ever showed him. She demanded respect.

" Orion. C'mon man I'm here for past five minutes and you are not even looking at me. "

Came irriting voice of his friend , well best friend, that's how he liked to be known.

" What you need Mark? "

He had enough in his plate for now he didn't want to add anything as he was already disturbed with the new found ... he was unsure what to call it... new found feeling?

" Now that's not how you greet your best friend ."

Irritated with all the drama of Mark, Orion gave him a look of -Shut up or I will make you - which he knew would work.

" Okay. I came here to ask how it's going with the matter. Did she agreed? I heard you are having some problem. "

Mark asked in all professional tone like he was not playful just a minute before.

" No. I had never met such an disobedient and stubborn girl like her. And I can handle my problems. "

At his revelation Mark raised his brows but didn't comment. He knew better to interrupt Orion. He was like a ticking bomb, you just have to pull a string and he would explode. And he had no wish to die today.

" Hmm. Quite a lady she is. Have you run a background on her? "

Mark asked, knowing Orion for past twelve years he was sure he had done it. Orion only has her number that contractor gave him .

" No. "

Came an unexpected answer from Orion , the man who had always done his work with perfection, legal or illegal , didn't even care to check the details about the person he was about to buy the land from , in which he was about to make his biggest hotel.

" I didn't think it was necessary, I only knew the person was a woman and that was enough. You know how these women are, they just need money and I offered her 30 fucking millions. "

His nose flared remembering how she turned him down.

" And she declined it. "

Mark completed the sentence for him.

" What's her name again? The owner of that shop?"

Mark asked again, curious about the woman who had left Orion in a conflict.

Both of the men knew each other when they had just touched their teen years. They knew each other like the back of their hands. Mark was the one who never was difficult with himself and showed what he feel but it was different with Orion. He was the quite and mysterious one, who didn't lose his mind over petty things and handled the problem with his calm posture. He never showed any expression other than the brooding face he always kept on.

But one should never take his calmness as his weakness. He was the devil himself , he could destroy anyone with the snap of his fingers. So why did that girl, Ruth was still alive? The looming question. Even he didn't know the answer to that question.

" Ruth. Ruth Glatzel. "

He answered.

Orion thought after looking at him she would gladly take his offer, who would decline a body such as his. Women literally die to sleep with him but here she didn't even bat an eye on him that way.

" She wants to talk to me, personally after I forced the officials to send a notice to her.

I will meet her tomorrow."

Mark hummed but didn't say anything. He was also in dilemma. He was afraid that if Ruth didn't agree on his terms he would turn his steps to the other way and would take the land forcefully or worst kill her.

" Let's see how it goes and what she had to offer now. "

He sounded amused.