
Another World with My Rented Girlfriend

Trapped in a fantastical realm, Kiyoshi discovers a volatile magic that weakens him as it strengthens. His rented girlfriend becomes his shield against impending doom, revealing they're humanity's last hope. Amidst a web of secrets, their journey unveils a destiny intertwined with Earth's future.

steve_little_pen · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Secrets of the Sleeping Potion: The Journey Begins

The next day, as the sun rose,

Kiyoshi and Sakura received a letter from KAVATO. The letter stated:

"I am heading to the capital for registration. Could you two guard me on the way? It's a quest, and I intend to give you 1 gold coin for that."

The following day, they all gathered at the front gate of the Alchemy Guild. KAVATO was visibly excited as he greeted Kiyoshi and Sakura.

"Hey Kiyoshi, how do you do? I heard about you and Sakura – the Healing Sword and the Lightning Reaper," he exclaimed.

"I'm doing well here, how about you?" Kiyoshi replied.

KAVATO proudly announced, "I am both an alchemist and an adventurer of the e-rank."

"That's cool," Kiyoshi acknowledged.

"Let's move. We can talk on the way," Sakura suggested, eager to begin their journey.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Kiyoshi asked KAVATO about his purpose for heading to the capital. KAVATO explained that he had developed a new potion called the "Sleeping Potion," derived from the pollen of a carnivorous plant. The red flower of this plant is very beautiful but when an animal touches it it pops pollen by inhaling it the animals sleep for 3 hours and within these 3 hours the plant traps the animal in its wine and covers then press it to death and sucking the blood. Through the spin in the veins.

A potion was made from the pollen I extracted from the flower. The potion is in 3 forms: powder, liquid, and gas.

It can be used as a medical term and sleep even monsters."

Impressed, Sakura commended him, "It is amazing to become an alchemy master at such an early age."

Eager to understand more, Kiyoshi asked, "What will this potion do exactly?"

KAVATO elaborated, "The power form can make an E-ranker sleep for three hours, taking effect in 30 seconds. It also has an antidote that can reverse its effects within 30 seconds. The liquid form will induce a two-hour sleep for E-rankers, taking effect in 15 seconds, with a reversal antidote available within 30 minutes. The gas form will put an E-ranker to sleep for one hour, taking effect in 5 seconds, and has no known antidote."

Intrigued, Kiyoshi requested, "Then I need a favor from you. I need some of that liquid. It would be very helpful if we could use this as a weapon."

With a warm smile, KAVATO agreed, "Okay, the first potion is for you, Kiyoshi."

"Thanks," Kiyoshi expressed his gratitude.

As they embarked on their journey, Sakura questioned KAVATO about the need for protection

Long story short as my master said I am the first to get an alchemy type as a awaken.

Alchemists are common and considered low-level jobs, which made my family so angry and sad. In my family, my father and my 2 brothers are all warriors or sword users. Our family is renowned for its sword style. As the younger, I was the one to be the next Lord but no one in my family allowed this because I am weaker than my brothers and also an alchemist. So they are planning to make my second brother the next lord of the Ramiya.

After we met months ago I tried to join under one of the 4 alchemy masters. There are only 4 alchemy masters in Ramiya. 3 of them have 3 alchemy gangs that control the operation and price and the alchemy guild oversees their actions. The only way I can become an alchemist is to join any 3 gangs. But the 3 gangs didn't take me in. Having said that I was the young son of the Lord, I could get one but I can't use my family name like this.

My father banned me from using my family name. So I decided to study under the 4th alchemy master Hekima. He is lazy and doesn't take students. He lives in the End mountains. he is crazy to live there. It is a very dangerous place where the most poisonous plants and animals inhabit and there is a legend that there is a snake in there which has the deadliest venom in the world its called taipan and it has 3 heads it can kill 200 e rank people in one bite.

I went to that crazy place and explain my situation and he said," I see it's been so sad for you so get lost now."

And shut his door. I stood there for 3 days. At last, he let me in and made me do all the housework. Eventually, some part of the river will be poisoned, so I must bring good water from the faraway river. After lunch, he teaches about the formulas and how they can be made.

After 2 months.

"Hey kid, look at nature, compare it to what you studied, see it in different ways, test it in different ways. Put your heart into it, think about what you want, and then make your dream potion."

By the way, master what poison did you make to become an alchemy master?

Hekima with a wide smile:" Oh boy it's the greatest potion in the world and the most significant one. Only one alchemist knows it, that's me because I created it.

KAVATO asked out of curiosity: "What is so significant?"

HEKIMA: "It's the love potion." I study the hormones in different animals and make a poison that will make women or men fall in love with you. It will last one night."

KAVATO: "What a peavey potion that is."

(HEKIMA) He is an orphan who loves alchemy and girls. As his mother said, his father was an alchemist, which is why he respected and loved alchemists. He lived with his mom in the old tiny house where she died when he was 10 years old.

It is his job to collect herbs from the End-mountains and sell them on the market.

At 12 he masters the mixing technical by reading the Alchemy book that he stole from the Alchemy master BENJIRO who was a very old man with a long beard and had a smile on his face all the time. He was the former guild master of the alchemy guild and taught students. One day Hekima was caught stealing books and benjiro, talk to him and was impressed by the skill that Hekima had so benjiro enrolled him. He was killed when Hekima was 18. That was a shock to him. BENJIRO was like a father to him. In that year he got the title of master but was not allowed to teach students because of his age and lack of experience. When he was 20 he took a student and taught him, but during the training in the forest, the student was bitten by a snake. The student took an antidote for snake bites. But the snake was not normal. It was the Taipan snake. It is the most venomous snake in the world. He hide the whole thing from HEKIMA thinking it was a normal snake. Everyone blamed HEKIMA for his death after he died.

Now he is 30. No students like to learn under him because he is described as a pervert, cruel and a murderer by the other 3 gangs. Additionally, the 3 gangs are competing for money and popularity in the potion industry. They take talented students to their gangs. They don't need another master to compete with them.

HEKIMA now lives to treat the sick and sell rare herbs from the mountains.)

KAVATO: I am targeted by the 3 gangs because if this product is out on the market at this price, then the sales of their potion will drop. And if I get fame then my master too and more students will reach out to him and to me. so in all the ways it is bad for them. the HIKORAs leader ALKI want my potion formula. He brought me a deal that if I give him the formula, his son TOMA will claim he made it and become the master. I will get 50 gold coins and a job as assistant leader.

It was a good deal but it's hard to give the formula I tried so hard and it disrespects my master. So the HIKORA gangs are trying to take the formula forces fully. That is why I need protection.

As they cautiously moved forward, Sakura suddenly alerted, "There is someone near." The atmosphere grew tense as they prepared to face any threats that might come their way, realizing that their journey was now fraught with danger and intrigue. The trio braced themselves for the challenges ahead.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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