
Another World with My Rented Girlfriend

Trapped in a fantastical realm, Kiyoshi discovers a volatile magic that weakens him as it strengthens. His rented girlfriend becomes his shield against impending doom, revealing they're humanity's last hope. Amidst a web of secrets, their journey unveils a destiny intertwined with Earth's future.

steve_little_pen · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Mysteries of Magic and Enchanted Blades

(Kiyoshi speaks with Kavato privately, asking about magic swords and magic circles.)

Kavato: Alright, let me break it down for you. There are two main types of mages: elemental and rare type mages.

Elemental mages specialize in harnessing specific elements. You've got fire mages, water mages, earth mages, air mages, and lightning mages. Typically, elemental mages can control just one element, though some exceptionally rare ones can handle two. For instance, fire mages manipulate flames using a wand crafted from a flame tree. This special wood contains the essence of fire sprites, the elements they cannot create elements so they need that wand to make fire. The flame tree has flame in its wood. The legend says that the fire sprite lives in that tree. So the flame in its wood would not burn any one of Buren itself. Fire mage brings fire out of the wand that is made of a flame tree. So they can make fire.

Water mages, on the other hand, can draw water from within themselves if a water source isn't available nearby. They can also multiply it by extracting it from water vapour. they cannot take direct water from the air. They need a small amount of water to take water from the air.

Earth mages focus on manipulating mud and rock.

As for lightning mages, they channel the small electric plus inside their body and chanal through their hand and as it comes out of their hand it will be strong lighting then chanal to the wand and cast the spell. The mage will not get the shock because it is so small amount when it is in their body but when it chanal to the wand the mage multiplies its amount because the wand is special equipment that can change electricity to plasma. Lighting mages are very rear

Some experts in this field can generate plasma without using a wand, a feat that requires immense skill.

Air mages, though extremely rare, work with the element of air. 

Then there are the rare mage types, such as gravity mages, space mages, and dark mages(who use curses).

Now, let's talk about spell creators and magic circles.

A spell creator is a title bestowed upon a mage who has fully mastered their elemental affinity. Regular mages can only use pre-existing spells as weapons. In contrast, spell creators can manipulate their chosen element freely, albeit while being mindful of their Mana Points or magic power (MP). They can conjure attacks by visualizing them, which is crucial in spell creation.

The spells themselves are crafted by a spell creator, who casts the desired attack encapsulates it within a magic spell creation circle, and seals it in a spell or a word. They can sell that spell but they need a license for that too. Only S rank or below can be sealed. We can buy it from a spell picker. For mages, they have a minimum of 4 and a max of 10 chances to take a spell from the skill picker. The first 2 chances will be luck but for all others, we can choose. For an E-rank fire spell, it is 10 gold. To make a spell you must be an extremely skilled spell creator and want also to know the base of magic circles. The spells we buy can't raise their rank with combat experience. The first two spells they get from the spell picker are chosen by the system. (The blue window that shows the detail is the system and the system is the one that picks the first 2 to 3 skills or spells for the adventure. Only spells and skills that are picked by the system and the skills you get by killing monsters are the only ones that can raise rank by combat experience.

Magic circles function like a language, with different shapes holding specific meanings. One can purchase small, F-rank magic circles from magic shops. These come on mana-infused paper, which activates when the user infuses it with their mana. However, keep in mind that a magic circle can only be used once. The ink used for crafting magic circles is derived from magic cores found in monsters.

Those with the aptitude can enrol in the magic academy and learn F and E-rank magic circles. They'll also need to use their own mana to inscribe the circles. For those without the ability to channel mana(commoners), special pens with integrated magic cores serve as substitutes.

For ranks D to B, there are more high languages. It's so difficult to learn and only select students at the magic academy are permitted to study them. For ranks A to SSS, these fields become areas of research, open to a very limited number of elite mages due to their high risk and complexity. A single minuscule error in drawing these intricate circles could result in catastrophic consequences, reducing an entire area to dust. The magic spell creation circle itself ranks as an SSS-level magic circle, and There are only 5 legendary spells created and they are protected by the blood seal, and according to rumour, only two mages have ever fully mastered this legendary magic circle—the "Mother of Mages" and her apprentice"

Kiyoshi: "This is fascinating! Where did you learn all of this?"

Kavato: "Well, most nobles attend the academy at a young age, often before they even awaken their magical abilities. That's where I picked up most of this knowledge."

Kiyoshi: "Is it possible for a common adventurer to attend?"

Kavato: "They'd need to pass an entrance exam, but I'd advise against it for common adventurers. because the spoiled brats of the noble will treat you like shit."

Kiyoshi: "I understand. And what exactly is a magic sword?"

Kavato: "Ah, they are enchanted with the rune language. This language is akin to magic circles but has the advantage of being used more than one time. Legendary weapons, in particular, boast twelve runes. The number of runes dictates the weapon's strength. Runes can defy physical laws, amplify mana, and even change between different elements. The teleportation circles in every city were created by a legendary blacksmith seventy years ago, utilizing a twelve-character rune. The rumour goes that he could merge magic circles and runes. However, after his passing, only a select few still possess the knowledge of using runes. Nowadays, the highest-ranked blacksmiths, known as SSS-ranked blacksmiths, can only craft weapons up to seven characters, an incredibly perilous task due to the immense risk of failure—around a 40% chance. Moreover, it's an expensive endeavour, requiring about 5000 MP per character. Only blacksmiths of the specific Rune Blacksmith type can etch these runes, emphasizing just how potent they are.

The N1 family is renowned for magic swordsmen. The eldest child of the family always inherits the magic swordsman type. It's a rare hybrid class, allowing an awakened individual to wield both magic and a sword simultaneously. If a magic swordsman is a flame user. Then the rune weapons are used to emit fire and many fire spells with sword skills. As he puts her flame on the sword. The sword will be like an intense flame. And you can through the flame like a magic spell. And as you put in mana it will burn more. They are rare and so dangerous.

You see, my father was the firstborn of the N1 family. Surprisingly, he manifested as a regular warrior type, while his brother took on the magic swordsman mantle. he got kicked to another area. As a result, The beast men were the ones who were living in Ramiya 50 years ago before my father defeated them and claimed Remiya for himself.

Mahori aki: What are you two babbling about?

Kavato: Oh, nothing.

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