
Another World Story

This story is about an average high school boy with an average lifestyle who likes to read novels especially fantasy ones and was transferred to another world along with his classmates from his school. As they were transferred our protagonist, John Kaiser, was the sole student among his classmates who were left behind, leaving him all alone in their classroom. As he was wondering what happened to the others, he remembered one of the novels he had read. It was a story of a fantasy world, where a king of a human kingdom summons heroes from another world to save their world from the demon king, a typical Isekai (Another World) fantasy novel. Our protagonist, John Kaiser, started to contemplate and question 'why?' why was he the only one not summoned? And as his questions go crazy, a light emerges from the place where he was sitting. Is this the start of our protagonist's fantasy adventure as a hero? Or will he live the same life again as an average person even in another world?

Ezract · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Day Twenty-Three: Confront (4)

I've been hunting just around the cave to make sure none gets near, my only concern is if that 5 meter monster from before showed up. I don't know if I can fight that guy, even if I got a lot of stats, it's not enough, I need to plunder more skills and stats, if possible, I need titles that can boost my stats or skills.

Though, my only source of good stats and skills rarely show up around this cave. There were some potus rabbit that showed up earlier though, but I decided not to kill one, I still feel a little hesitant to kill them... You ask why? I got a potus rabbit companion for pete's sake! Do you know how it feels looking at those big blue eyes of his while I hold unto the parts of his kind!? It's uncomfortable! Uncomfortable I tell you!

I feel like I stole money from my parent's wallet and hid it behind my back while they eye me!

Welp, not like rabbit would care if he found out that I got rabbit pelt on my storage. Hmm... Should I also create clothes for that rabbit? I think those pelts would fit for his size...


Evil thoughts begone! I don't want to dishonor our friendship!


Just kidding, I'll make one for him. Heh.

You talented furry bastard I'll show you how good a human can be!

Arriving at the cave's entrance, I saw rabbit and the girl conversing with each other, welp... it's more like small talks and nods that I saw and heard.

Those two got a long really well, sitting side by side while leaning on the wall of the room the rabbit made for the girl as they converse. Unlike me who does not have any conversation partner, I sat in front of the campfire. It's currently night time and I hunted those dog bastards to bent my frustrations earlier.

And now it's time for dinner.

I looked into my storage inventory for something to cook.


~ x190 (16) Mugu Herb

~ x122 (21) Lom Grass

~ x25 (4) Night Wolf Fang

~ x12 (3) Night Wolf Bone

~ x89 (23) Red Hapin Flower

~ x76 (10) Yellow Hapin Flower

~ x64 (19) Blue Hapin Flower

~ x87 (19) Orange Hapin Flower

~ x102 (14) Sagra Twig

~ x201 (12) Dried Potus Leaves

~ x15 (4) (Small) Broken Haki Reindeer Antler

~ x2 (1) (Large) Broken Haki Reindeer Antler

~ x6 (2) (Medium) Broken Haki Reindeer Antler

~ x198 (7) Night Berry

~ x182 (2) Potus Fruit

~ x1 Giant Pumpkin Leaves.

~ x21 (5) Sagra Branches

~ x52 (31) Hallow Top Acorn

~ x82 (61) Fera Vines

~ x1 Haki Reindeer Dagger

~ x1 Blue Burnt Blazer

~x18 Night Wolf Pelt

~x11 Haki Reindeer Pelt

~x1 Haki Reindeer Cleaving Axe

~x1 Sagra short bow

~x18 Hallow Top Acorn Arrows

~x2 Sagra Fishing Pole

~x4 Sculpted wooden bowl

~x28 Liva Fish

~13 Pon Fish

~x2 Potus rabbit Pelt

Hmm... Liva Fish huh...


-Liva Fish-


Liva fish, a fish that lives in the fresh water side of the Seira Forest, it forms a school with other Liva fish in order to protect themselves.

Has a body full of scales, the insides of the Liva fish is meaty and can be eaten raw.

Weak towards sharp objects.

This type of fish was the type of fish we ate the night that that girl woke up, it's shape like a liver, I think that's where it's name came from. It's good when raw but even better when cooked, though I say cook I can only spit-roast the fish and meat that I have. Welp, better than nothing right?

I didn't took any meat from the monster that I've killed, I haven't eaten anything that include monster meat during my almost two months stay here in this forest. If you're going to ask why? It's simple really, I don't know what is edible and what isn't, though my enhance discerning can see through that, it's not all powerful, so basically I don't have knowledge in this world, despite having the 'Ashura's Life' passive skill.

Though, I somehow get how the Ashura's Life work, I don't want to risk it. I need to eat the meat first before it can be registered in the system.

Would've it hurt if you didn't balance that out? Knowledge is one thing I lack the most, and my skills that's supposed to be giving me those knowledge are not even giving it without a price to pay! Like where did my skill points went?!

Curse this unhelpful system, I don't need you anymore!


Just kidding~ I still need this system.

Anyways, I better start roasting this fishes.

I started to barbeque the Liva fish that I caught earlier, I first took some potus twigs that have been chiseled out to be sharp at the top side and round around the edges. Then I inserted the sticks from the mouth of the fishes to the end, I've already removed the unnecessary organs of the fish while I was at the river and used it for bait to catch some black dogs. Finally I dug small holes for the sticks to stand to. I wait for a few minutes and the fish is done.

I don't have any ingredients that I could use as a seasoning for the fish so I endured the tasteless taste of the fish.

It's delicious!

Welp, this fish is good even if raw, so cooking it would be even better.

I cooked about eight pieces of this fish, rabbit only take two fishes, so there would be three fish each for me and the girl.

I called out the rabbit and gave him his and the girl's share of the fish. After taking the fish to the girl, the rabbit went back to me and I gave him two potus fruits and a dozen of night berries.

The rabbit then again went back to the girl, my gaze following his back as he hops toward the girl. When he arrived I saw the girl looking at me, she no longer points her sword towards me unless I get close, so I think this is progress.

The girl and I stared at each other for a moment before she averted her gaze from me.


It's sad not being able to talk to anyone... The rabbit rarely talks to me now, I don't know what's up, but I think he's trying to ease the girl and telling her that it's safe and I wouldn't do anything to her. Welp, that's what I think... I swear if that rabbit were dissing me behind my back... Welp I doubt that, I can see progress every day, I hope tomorrow she would be able to get close to me, it's really sad being ignored.

We finished eating our dinner and washed the sticks that I used by using everyday water magic. I can't use this water magic for drinking though, it just makes me more dehydrated than hydrated, maybe it's because it's made of magic? Welp, I'll experiment when I got the time.

I took some water from the fresh water river near here, and boiled it. I got a rock basin for it, I still don't have metals as it's really hard to find, so I used the rock basin and boiled the fresh water to remove the bacteria. Then I give rabbit their share of the water.

After drinking our fill, I then boiled another set, this time I used my everyday magic. After boiling I took my top clothes off and use the excess of my burnt blazer that I turned into the girl's undies, to wipe my body. I created to basin for this type of thing, one was supposedly for rabbit and the other for me, I decided to give the other one to the girl and I also gave her the other excess part of the blazer to wipe her body .

As the girl was cleaning herself inside her earthen room, the rabbit and I cleaned ourselves near the campfire.

After we cleaned ourselves, we waited for the girl's signal before the rabbit entered and took the basin out of her room. Then after a few minutes of the girl conversing with the rabbit they decided to sleep, the rabbit went back to my side and the girl went back inside her room. By the way, her room's a little better than mine, welp, I don't have one, but still!

Welp, it's my decision anyway so I guess I could tolerate it.

After that thought, I too decided to sleep.

*Chirp* *Chirp* *Chirp*

Aaah! Morning!

Stretching my body out, I stood up from my self-made bed, then fold it and set it aside.

I then began stretching more, warming myself out for my new daily routine that I decided to do when I was travelling with the rabbit.

First off, I jog around the cave while searching for preys. After murdering one dog bastard that I found wandering near the cave, I then took my Haki Reindeer Dagger from my storage.

Leveling my weapon mastery passive skill, I also used some everyday magic to fire some magic, stone needle, fire bullet, water bullet, wind cutter. Alternating between each element of the everyday magic I shoot them until my mana was exhausted.

After exhausting my mana, I continued practicing my dagger skills. I haven't got any skills related to daggers yet, so I guess I need to make a move that the system can recognize.

I tried stabbing, slicing and throwing repeatedly, but no matter what I do, I can't get the skill.

I think I need more practice in order to get it.

This system is not fair at all!

I practice continuously and before I knew it it's almost noon, I woke up early I don't know what time, but I guess it's like 6 am or something. And now it's almost 12 noon.

I repeated my actions until the 3 suns glare at me with their lukewarm heat.

As I was about to finish my training I saw her, the girl that's been free loading in my precious house I call 'cave' was outside, watching me.

I stopped moving and looked at her, she stared back.

After a few moments of a the staring contest, the girl then took a deep breathe and let it out, before moving towards me.

Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Ooooooiiii!!!

What is this? she's walking towards me? Why is she walking towards me? She's also holding unto her sword! Is she planning to kill me?! Now that I am exhausted she plans to kill me?!

I did say yesterday that I want you to get closer to me, but not this kind of close!

I don't want this kind of confrontation!

Wait, now that I took a closer look. Is she trembling...? excitement? No. I think she's still scared, but why go near me when she's still scared?

Does she also want to train?

Confront final part.

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