
Ragna vs Tarkan (3)

"This…" The people couldn't help but gasp.

"Isn't Ragna kind of fighting pretty well?"

"Y-yeah. Maybe he is not as weak as we think he is?"

"No. He should have been worse. Did he join Libation Fiesta because they managed to transform him into this strong?"

The people were confused by the fight since his improvement was so big that it was hard to believe. 

However, the situation in the arena was actually better than what was visible for Libation Fiesta.

Their injuries had caused Tarkan to slow down for a bit. 

At the same time, Ragna's condition wasn't that different. He bit his lips. His arm was hit pretty badly, to the point where it was hard to actually hold his spear. Still, this was nothing compared to a Tier 4 beast's attack. 

Ragna hurriedly waved his other hand, shaking Tarkan off his shield.