
Does my makeover look good on me?

(One month later.)


"This sect is supposed to be a righteous and honorable sect, but..." I told the great patriarch who was next to me, but finally shook my head. .

Right now we are both close to one of the sects that formed an alliance against us, more specifically the Buddhist sect that always seems to be looking for trouble with me.

And although like all sects and clans at our level, this Buddhist sect also has defenses against espionage and divination.

But due to my various options when scanning my surroundings, my senses can sense some things that even a sect of the highest level cannot hide.

Although I cannot see anything in detail within the sect, but I can feel that under all that facade of pure and righteous energies, from the depths of the sect vile and rotten energies emanated.

Although I am nobody to talk about others, but it is a bit too hypocritical to cross me out as evil incarnate, when these Buddhist monks have so many skeletons hidden in their closet.

And if you wonder why I am meeting the great patriarch here, it is because of me 'proof' to show that I have joined the 'elite' of this world.

Among the many options that the great patriarch suggested to me, I chose the simplest.

A direct attack.

That's why the great patriarch led me to one of the enemy sects, and seeing the Buddhist sect that always gave me trouble was on the list, I quickly chose the sect full of bald men as the target of my attack.

And although the great patriarch was here with me, he was not going to participate in the attack. He is only here to attest to my identity (Because my deification has made me almost unrecognizable in terms of energy signatures). Nothing else.

As I look at the Buddhist sect several hundred kilometers away, and tens of kilometers high, I think about how to start my attack.

'Hmm, I'm going to try to use Celebi's abilities, see if I'm able to get anything useful.' I thought while remembering that I am currently fused with Celebi and Jirachi.

Turns out both Pokémon were fusion types after I turned them into guardian beasts and checked their information.

Although I almost never stay fused with them, since apart from the fact that they are currently quite weak and contribute little to the battle, but... The fact that I do not use them much is due to the aesthetic changes that the fusion with both Pokémon brings.

From Celebi's part, my hair turns light green and my eyes change to blue… And although these changes are only to change the color, I feel very strange when I see my green hair…

From Jirachi, there are a single change, but it is much more… disturbing? The merger with Jirachi, caused a third eye to appear on my forehead...

Fortunately, unlike the giant eye on Jirachi's stomach, my new eye is vertical and the same size as my two normal eyes, so although it is still weird having a third eye, it still feels weird…

But at least I can keep my new third eye closed if I'm not using Jirachi's abilities, so if you don't notice the slight vertical crease on my forehead, it won't even show. My third eye.

Lilith loves any of the changes that color changes and my new visual organ bring to my image. But C-18 and Elanna not so much.

Although Elanna likes my green hair and blue eyes, but the third eye is a bit out of her mind… According to her, my third eye is so 'unnatural' that it gives her goose bumps.

C-18 simply does not like any physical change very much, since according to her, she does not get used to the change.

This is why I mostly don't stay fused with the two Pokémon, plus as I mentioned before, their powers are too weak to be really useful.

Interestingly, although it is Jirachi who has given me a third eye, it is Celebi who has given me the ability to see the future.

Although as I have said many times before, the ability to see the future is very limited. So it only allows me to see about half a minute from time to two or three minutes into the future, plus it substitutes for my own vision, so I can't even use it to predict enemy movements.

Although maybe... If I stopped using my eyes to fight and used my other senses to replace my sight, while using the ability to see the future to know what my enemy would do...

Feasible, but right now it is not possible, Since the current ability to see the future that Celebi grants me is very limited… So until Celebi gets stronger and this ability improves, I will have to stop thinking about this fighting style for now.

Also, with my observation haki it is a bit redundant to see a few seconds or minutes into the future.

Returning to the subject, I am going to use my new ability to see the future, to see the results of my possible future entry attacks.

Let's see... No, that attack is very weak... No, that attack leaves me exposed...

It's funny how my ability to see the future works... As I mentioned before, using this ability replaces my vision, with what my eyes would see in several minutes in the future.

For example, right now I'm watching myself make one of my last modified versions of a flash ending. But when I decide that I am not going to carry out that attack, my vision is blurred for an instant and what I am able to see changes... As if the television channel I am watching changes.

Oh, I think this attack would make a good entrance.

Turning off my ability to see the future, I began to work.

"Hey? What are you doing Arthur? " I wonder the great patriarch, seeing me raise my arms.

"Oh, I'm going to say hello... Although I usually use this move as a goodbye, but I guess it works too." I replied while forming a Genki-Dama.

In a few seconds a massive sphere of pure energy formed above me.

I tried to compress the energy as much as possible, but it was too much energy, so in the end I didn't keep trying to compress it beyond a certain point. Since if I kept trying to compress it, I risked exploding before its time.

"You have to be careful with that boy, if that explodes against the ground it can cause enough damage..." The great patriarch warned me as he looked at my Genki-Dama with a mixture of curiosity and caution, since he himself could feel danger from that monstrous amount of energy.

'It is absurd the amount of energy with which the brat has formed that massive sphere of energy' Thought the great patriarch as he looked suspiciously at the Genki-Dama.

I suppose it has to be a somewhat peculiar sight, since my Genki-Dama has reached a considerable size and compared to the size of my Genki-Dama, I look like a small ant just below my large energy sphere.

Well, now that my Genki-Dama has formed, it's time to roll her.

Exercising control over my Genki-Dama, I set her off in the direction of the Buddhist sect.

Unfortunately, during my look to the future, I did not get to see how the sect dealt with my attack, since I ran out of use of the ability and now I have to wait awhile to be able to use it again, so I am anxious to See how they deal with an attack that destroys planets.

Little by little I see that as the Genki-Dama approaches the sect...



I had forgotten how slow the Genki-Dama is...

Well, actually the Genki-Dama was going quite fast It was traveling hundreds of kilometers per second, but due to the great distance it seemed that the Genki-Dama was going quite slow.

And so gentlemen, it is how the surprise factor is lost.

As soon as they became aware of the incoming attack, the Buddhist sect seemed to come to life.

To get into context, the Buddhist sect seems to be made up of several Buddhist temples built together, giving this aspect of a mystical and holy place.

Returning to the topic, as soon as the Buddhist sect detected the attack, all the temples seemed to glow. And if we were close enough, we would be able to hear voices that seemed like the overlap of thousands of voices chanting Buddhist sutras.

Before long, a golden barrier covered the entire sect, while within the barrier several figures could be seen flying over the sect.

Hmm... I wonder if your barrier will be able to block my Genki-Dama?

Well, we just have to wait and see... Although I have to be careful that they do not give me my Genki-dama back, since in the anime, the great failure of this technique is that since Goku always used it as a last resort, Goku always stayed with no energy to push the Genki-Dama, and they ended up using it against him.

It's good, instead of using the Genki-Dama as a last resort, I use it as an entry card.