
Another World In Alethea: For The Greatest Ending Of All Time

Red_Blizzard: DRAGOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!! TankDragon_72: LLLLLLLLLL imagine losing to me LOLOLOLOL TWICE IN A ROW!!!! Red Blizzard: STFU you little sh*t! next time is payback! Ur going come crying to me when next month's results comes out!!!! Two of the top ranked players in the world had a long history of fighting for first place in the game called, The Legends Of Alethea. A game that has tens and millions of concurrent players daily and they stood at the top. The two legends that are on the top of Alethea, were currently in a predicament. They reincarnated as the main characters of the game. TankDragon becoming Theodore Ignatius and Red Blizzard becoming Selene Aventus, two characters that are destined to die, because choosing one would lead the other to die. Better yet the world was going to be on the brink of extinction! Watch as the two rivals and nemesis work together, trying to survive and save their new loved ones. Of course, the two are also tied into an arranged marriage. How are they going to deal with that or use it to their advantage?

Pages_47 · Fantasy
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85 Chs



Adrean Aventus burst into the indoor training hall of the estate, finding two familiar figures fighting against each other. One of them was getting pushed back hard.... Really hard

"Good! Good! You've become more proficient in reading your opponents as well! The only thing you need to work on is how you control your body and probably a better swordsmanship technique!" Irene loudly proclaimed as she kept hammering Theo with her mace.

"Kuh!" Theo barely deflected the attack Irene threw at her.

Adrean's face contorted when he saw Irene, sensing someone was negatively giving off their intent at her direction, she paused and glanced at the culprit.

"Hoh. Looky here, the dumb bird has arrived" Irene said with a dagger-like glare.

"Hello kitten, I'm not happy to see you at all." Adrean said as he looked down on Irene.

"Hah.... Hah.... Hah...." Theo on the ground breathing heavily from fatigue.

Thank god, he arrived earlier in time to stop my sister or that mace might've caved my skull for sure....

While Theo was on the ground, he observed the two nemesis glaring at each other in enmity.

Ah but I might get involved in their fight! F*ck I gotta leave!

Before Theo got up and ran away, Bennet, his servant, arrived at the scene and bowed, giving a message to everyone in the room.

"Excuse me, The servants have prepared food for all of your graces, Her highness Irene and His highness Adrean must be famished, please follow me to the dining room, Her highness, Selene Aventus has already seated and is waiting for all of your presence" Bennet said in calm and professional voice.

Nice timing! Bennet!


<I'm about to suffocate, i just want eat in peace.> Selene

<Same. I also forgot that these two don't really get along well> Theo

Me and Selene, who usually ate lunch in the garden, were in the dining room for the first time, because of two master tier individuals who were silently eating but radiating an aura that clearly shows their resentment at each other at the end of a long dining table.

And beside each master tier individual were Selene and Theo, who were internally uncomfortable with the situation.

<Theo say something!> Selene

<Why are you pushing this on me? This scene wasn't part of the game so I have zero clue what to say. Plus don't want get pummeled by sister Irene!> Theo

Some parts of the game were obviously skipped to keep the player from not getting bored to death and only highlighted major events that took place in the story.

"Didn't expect the muscle head, battle hungry lion, and hot blooded princess would care for my sister's sibling"

Adrean said as he placed his fork down, despite only taking a couple of bites of his meal, suggesting that his appetite was appalled and Irene's presence was clearly the reason in Selene's and Theos perspective.

"What's wrong with meeting my future sister? And who are you to insult me! You narcissistic, cowardly, chicken piece of sh*t!"

 <Hey, Theo I don't remember your sister being this vulgar before.> Selene

<Color me surprised as well, this is the first time my sister has shown animosity to someone other than criminals and demons...> Theo

<Their history must run deep. I bet all my gems that they had some kind of falling in love story the past! Omg your such a genius Selene!!> Selene

<..... Or they just hate each other's guts.>Theo

An Era of peace came after Theo's and Selene's fathers became the leaders of their respective nations. Before attaining peace, the two strongest nations in the world, Virtus and Vitoten, were embroiled in war.

 After all the gods of both of the were the complete opposite of each other. One worshiped the Goddess Aleana of light and life, while the other worshiped the God Thanatos of darkness and death. It was also stated that before that the sibling gods hated each other, giving prophecies to their followers to go attack the other, trying their best to one up each other.

Multiple small and large scale battles were fought between nations as if the hate was directly injected into the veins of their followers.

 Even if peace has come and the current leaders of each nation were the best of friends, recent history is still ingrained from the past generation.

It was only obvious that there would be rivalry between Irene and Adrean, because as the heirs of two of the strongest countries of the world, they had to never relent and never have the other have the upper hand at all times.

They represent the strength and pride of their countries on their back after all.

"Hah! A monkey like you would never understand the intricacies of my genius."

"This is what I mean! You narcissistic bastard! We're taking this outside! Now!"

They also really hate each other's guts.

Irene loudly protested as she summoned her mace and shield.

"Hmph! Here you are again solving everything with violence. If a duel is what you want, I, Adrean Aventus, accept your challenge!"

Adrean stood up from his seat and summoned an expensive looking black staff.

"Shadow Leap"

 A shadow under Irene and Adrean appeared, swallowing them from the room, leaving Selene and Theo in their lonesome. Seconds later, sounds of battle can be heard from afar.

Selene broke the silence, whistling.

"Hue hue hue~ they definitely dig each other~."

"Your clearly delusional, the estate might be in danger because of them, let's go call Arnold and Linda for help"

Arnold was Adrean's attendant and Linda was Irenes's. Both master tier individuals escorted their battalions behind the estate.

Selene rolled her eyes and replied.

"You're boring, Theo, how are you going to hook the two lovebirds later when you're like this?"

"Shut up, lovebirds don't try to beat each other up as soon as they see each other."

"You clearly aren't a believer of 'tsunderes'."

"Don't blend reality with entertainment"

"Don't jump into conclusions, can a woman not have her imagination?"

"Ahhh! Whatever! Can we just go and stop Sister and Adrean from fighting"

"Che* hmph"

Selene harrumphed her way out the room where she was greeted by two of their attendants.

"Where to, Lady Selene?"

Elsa in her usual maid outfit asked. Theo and Selene noticed Adrean's and Irene's servants weren't present, as they were probably on their way to stop the two from fighting.

Selene nodded affirmatively and spoke

"To Brother and Her highness Irene."


Selene and Theo were fast walking side by side, leisurely communicating telepathically until a chill ran down their spine.

<Selene.... I think they're here....> Theo

<Yeah. Let's hurry it up> Selene

"Bennet. Elsa, I believe our parents have arrived, let's pick up the pace"

""Yes Lady Selene""

All four increased their pace and after a few minutes arrived South West of the estate, where a big training field was situated and it was also the place where the two elder siblings fought.

 Before they could even get to their destination, they were met with three familiar people chatting at the intersection of the hallway.

Two women in their mid twenties and a female child holding the hand of the Black haired lady. All the women were unmistakably beautiful and anyone in the world would easily recognise them.

"Oh my, if it isn't our adorable children" Said the black haired lady.

The blonde haired lady approached Theo swiftly and embraced him tightly

 "I missed you, sooooo much my son! Have you been well?"

 Agh.. too tight....

"Mother..... I can't breathe..!"

The two adult ladies were Aurora Ignatius and Levana Aventus, mothers of Selene and Theo.

 "Sister Selene!"


And finally Kali Aventus, the youngest child of the Aventus household and is at the age of nine.

"I missed you sooooooo much! Like! Like this big!" Kali carried by Selene stretched her arms wide with glee.

" Me too, Kali, I miss you as much as well." Selene patted Kali with her left hand.

While the sister's were enjoying themselves, Theo was on the verge of fainting from her mother's hug.

"Mother... stop....." Theo said with a purple face.

"Hahaha of course, of course! Ohhhh, I just noticed! You're at the start of Astute!? How on Earth!?" Aurora said with wide eyes.

"Indeed, my daughter has broken through as well and is of the Adept tier."

The two mothers glanced at each other and then glanced at their children questioningly.

<Do it as planned> Theo

<I know> Selene

"Hahaha, we somehow found a beast of chaos and slew one..." Theo said with a wry smile.

A minute of silence hung in the air.

"Oh I see.... YOU TWO WHAT!?" The two ladies shouted loudly in terror

Kali, still in the arms of Selene tilted her head adorably in confusion.