
Another World In Alethea: For The Greatest Ending Of All Time

Red_Blizzard: DRAGOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!! TankDragon_72: LLLLLLLLLL imagine losing to me LOLOLOLOL TWICE IN A ROW!!!! Red Blizzard: STFU you little sh*t! next time is payback! Ur going come crying to me when next month's results comes out!!!! Two of the top ranked players in the world had a long history of fighting for first place in the game called, The Legends Of Alethea. A game that has tens and millions of concurrent players daily and they stood at the top. The two legends that are on the top of Alethea, were currently in a predicament. They reincarnated as the main characters of the game. TankDragon becoming Theodore Ignatius and Red Blizzard becoming Selene Aventus, two characters that are destined to die, because choosing one would lead the other to die. Better yet the world was going to be on the brink of extinction! Watch as the two rivals and nemesis work together, trying to survive and save their new loved ones. Of course, the two are also tied into an arranged marriage. How are they going to deal with that or use it to their advantage?

Pages_47 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Crown of Wrath

"The starting bid is 100 gold!"

"I'm back!"

Theo opened the door wide open with a voice of urgency, jolting Elsa, Bennet and Violet.

"Is something wrong? Young master?" Bennet worriedly inquired his master.

"I'll tell you later Bennet, Selene, is it true?"

Selene, not turning her gaze away from the stage, pressed the button for auctioning.

"Shut up let me bid"

"500 gold coins from number 7! 500 gold coins from number 7! Can we get up to 600 gold coins? Anyone?"

Theo looked over the VIP balcony and saw it, the Crown of Wrath.

Theo smiled, knowing if they get this item basically saves a whole continent. A step on changing destiny for the better

It didn't matter how much it cost, Selene and Theo had to get The Crown of Wrath.

"800 gold coins! From number 72! 800 gold coins from number 72! 950? Does someone want to bid-! 950 from number 7!"

F*cking number 72, stop bitch!

<Number 72, are probably the demons Selene> Theo

<I know, Theo. They're the only guys who are being a bitch right now> Selene

1400 gold coins from number 72! 1500 from number 7! How about 170-! Number 72 bids 1800 gold coins!"

The crowd went wild. It was officially the highest bidded item in the auction.

"Is it really worth that much? Whoever bidding this must be a bigshot"

"This is insane! I didn't know auctions can get this heated!"

"What a bunch of lunatics. It's just an indestructible boxed Crown. If a Grandmaster can't use it, who could?"

Selene scratched her hair in frustration and slammed the button once more.

"Aaaah!!!!! Just give up already! 3000 gold!"

Selene couldn't handle it anymore and screamed at the top of her lunges from the balcony, her voice carrying all the way from the balcony to the stage.

"Uh 2000 gold from number 7! 2500 anyone? 2009 gold going once-! 2500 gold from number 72!"

Selene trembled in anger, hearing the demons bidding higher than her once again.

".... Theo can we just expose them here and now?"

Theo held Selene's shoulder, attempting to calm her down from doing anything drastic.

"It's fine Selene, we have the money, just keep bidding until they run out of funds. We'll get it no matter what"

Who could blame Selene? The item that could change millions of lives' fate was within arms reach.

Attaining the crown of Wrath was equal to getting rid of an immensely strong opponent years before it could even release from the world.

Selene couldn't help but imagine what would happen if she let this chance slip by.

Selene took another step in front of the balcony and shouted.

"5000 gold! For the Crown!"

The audience gasped in horror.

"Holy sh*t number 7 is nuts."

"They've lost their minds. This is too much"

".... if I could have that much money... My wife wouldn't have left me"

Violet worriedly looked at her two companions, desperately trying to get the current item that was getting auctioned.

She believed that there must be an important reason why they were acting so strangely.

She simply sat on her couch and hoped that they succeed on what they were trying to get, despite her immensely inner confusion

"5000 gold going once! 5000 gold going twice! This will be the last call! Is anyone willing to bid for more than number seven!?"

Just say we won already! 

Selene cracked the balcony railing in annoyance at the, in her perspective, a greedy and incompetent announcer.

"5000 going thrice! SOLD to Number 7 for 5000 gold! A reminder to anyone who is intending to buy and pay for the merchandise, please head to the counter area to receive your item in exchange for your money"

Theo and Selene at the same time ran outside with great speed as soon as they heard that they won the bid.

"Bennet! follow!"

"Elsa! Let's go! Violet, we're leaving first. I promise to make it up to you later"

They were already at the end of the hallway before Selene and Theo's servants responded and followed after their masters.

Violet was left alone in the room with her maid, also confused about what's currently happening. She had the weirdest day in her life

My past self would definitely smack me if I ever told her that Selene and her fiance was the craziest and deranged couple of Alethea.... I still can't believe what's happening right now. It feels like I'm in a dream.


"I have received 5000 gold from your Aventus Black premium card. I thank you again and I hope you have a wonderful time with your item"

Selene grabbed the item, chucking it in her storage ring, while she was accompanied by Theo.

They dashed to the entrance of the Auction house as soon as they finished storing the item.

Sorry Father, I had to use the emergency card you lent me, I promise to pay you back later.

Selene finally had the Crown of Wrath in her hands.

She didn't particularly feel anything because of the high tier ancient sealing spell casted on the crown, so Theo and Selene had no way of knowing how to open it.

But that didn't matter. All they had to do now was take this item to the safest place possible, away from the demons.

They were currently in one of the outer sectors of the capital.

There were five sectors of the capital, all separated by a wall.

The most outer sector or the fifth sector was where most commoners lived, it is also the biggest out of the five sectors, occupying almost half of the capital.

The fourth sector is the place for the personal army of the royal family, basically where the soldiers trained.

The third sector was where most of the nobles' temporary residence were and where most of the rich merchants sold their merchandise.

The second Sector was where the Dukes and Marquis residence were as well as the home of the imperial Dark knights.

And finally the first sector was the citadel, where the palace of Aventus laid and the church of Thanatos laid.

Selene and Theo were currently at the outer layer, because it was more convenient for other foreign nations to participate in the auction hence why it was held in the outer sector rather than the third sector where the nobles were.

Both of them wanted to at least get to the fourth sector to guarantee their safety, because Selene's grandfather, Duke Elliot Shadowblade was in charge of the whole sector.

His assassins, hidden in the shadows to protect the princess, will probably inform him that the the princess of Aventus as well as her fiance for whatever reason were rushing back to the fourth sector and for that reason alone Theo and Selene believed that they were definitely going to get reinforcements in about three to five minutes.

Why would they need to rush and leave the auction as fast as possible and hope for reinforcements would come?

Because they believe that the demons will attack them even if they're cover gets blown and the duo believed that the demons will throw everything at them as long as they achieve their objective of getting a hold of the Crown of Wrath.

Selene and Theo arrived at the entrance and what was waiting for them were Elsa and Bennet with horses prepared for them

Theo climbed the horse in a swift and experienced motion, while stretching his hand out to Selene.

"I'll ride this one with Selene, you and Elsa, follow behind us and protect us from-!?"


The entrance of the auction house exploded

"We have to leave now!"

Theo pulled Selene up and hoisted her behind him and kicked the horse to sprint at the direction of the fourth sector. 

Elsa and Bennet followed.

"There has been an enemy attack! Call the knights!"

"AHhhhhh!!!! My leg!!!"


Chaos ensued in seconds.

Dozens of unknown assailants in robes suddenly appeared out of nowhere and gave chase to Selene and Theo.

F*ck! There's clearly Marquis demons! How!?

Theo noticed that the demons were pursuing and getting even closer and closer to their position.

The demons were running behind them and above the rooftops to get a better vantage point.

The horses they had was on par with the speed of an expert tier, but Master tier or Marquis demons were far beyond that, meaning their speed was steadily catching up to the speeding horses. 

This is even worse than I thought!!!! How is father not noticing their presence!!??

By now Selene and Theo believed that the barrier that covered the whole country that detects any signs of Marquis level demons and above should have triggered and alerted all grandmasters and pinnacles close by for extermination.

Don't tell me they're using one here already!?

Theo clenched his fist and gritted his teeth in anger.

There were exceptions to this rule.

And one of them was the current method the demons were using.

A simple artifact jammer that temporarily deactivates the detector with a certain amount of range for a small period of time.

An item rarely used by demons because of how precious they were for espionage missions.

The item in Selene's hands was just that important to the demons.


A ominous destructive fireball was casted and aimed at the riding Theo and Selene.

Sh*t! That's impossible to dodge!!!!

Selene exclaimed in her head as she stared at the spell that spelled their doom.