
Another World In Alethea: For The Greatest Ending Of All Time

Red_Blizzard: DRAGOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!! TankDragon_72: LLLLLLLLLL imagine losing to me LOLOLOLOL TWICE IN A ROW!!!! Red Blizzard: STFU you little sh*t! next time is payback! Ur going come crying to me when next month's results comes out!!!! Two of the top ranked players in the world had a long history of fighting for first place in the game called, The Legends Of Alethea. A game that has tens and millions of concurrent players daily and they stood at the top. The two legends that are on the top of Alethea, were currently in a predicament. They reincarnated as the main characters of the game. TankDragon becoming Theodore Ignatius and Red Blizzard becoming Selene Aventus, two characters that are destined to die, because choosing one would lead the other to die. Better yet the world was going to be on the brink of extinction! Watch as the two rivals and nemesis work together, trying to survive and save their new loved ones. Of course, the two are also tied into an arranged marriage. How are they going to deal with that or use it to their advantage?

Pages_47 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Auction Part 3

"That's an amazing discovery, a shared skill that lets you get telepathically connected to the other person and its astonishing that it came from a lower tier dungeon."

Violet muttered with one hand holding her chin.

"And I'm also surprised both of you would challenge a dungeon that clearly is over your tier."

Selene scratched ger cheek, laughing awkwardly

 "Hehehe, thanks"

"It wasn't a compliment, Selene. Do you not fear for your lives? Both of you are the leading leaders of your respective nations in the future. Treasure your loves more"

Sorry, Violet, fearing for our lives is the last thing we should do for the sake of the world.

"Anyways, I am interested on how you dealt with such a dungeon when both of you were low tiers."

Theo placed his finger on top of his mask around where his mouth usually was.

"Sorry, its a secret"

"I see, then, I'm looking forward to knowing this secret when we become closer friends" Violet said, extending her hand towards Theo in an amicable manner.

Theo shook Violet's hand, showing his sincerity to Violet's words.

Theo didn't have much information about Violet. She was only vaguely mentioned in the game. There weren't any negatives to befriending her whatsoever. Her personality was respectable, her pride wasn't sky high like most nobles and most importantly, Selene treated her really well.

And Theo trusts Selene's judgment.

If she thinks that Violet won't get in the way of our goal, rather, a hand that they can ask for, Theo had no qualms befriending her as well.

He also had an inkling that the person his shaking his hands with will be a vital part of their plan in the future.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am now proud to announce that the Auction has begun!!!!"

A man with a top hat and monocle announced on a mic artifact with a booming voice.

Clap!* Clap!* Clap!* Clap!*

"Oh it's starting"

Selene, Theo and Violet turned their attention to the announcer on the stage of the venue.

"Thank you again for coming to this wonderful auction! Newcomers and Old comers alike! I am Mein Holister and I will be your host tonight! I am glad to be a part of this! The items tonight are quite special."

After a brief introduction from the announcer, the curtains behind him swung wide open, revealing an item that laid on a pedestal. It was a necklace adorned with a variety of different stones.

"The first item of the night is quite the unique one! Each stone contains an astute tier spirit that protects the wearer! This i

s an item that's definitely a must for those who desire protection for their loved ones!"

Selene scoffed at the first item that was presented

Mid-item and it's also only single use, judging from the spirit stones embedded on the necklace.

<Selene, the bet begins> Theo

<Heh, you bet that you're losing this easily> Selene.

Selene reached out and rang the bell to call on an attendant of the auction place. Violet who saw this tilted her head in confusion.

For what reason??

Knock knock

"Come in" 

Theo said to the knocker of the door, revealing a familiar butler that guided them to their room.

The butler treaded the room in silence and bowed towards the trio from behind.

"How can I be of service to you, dear guests?" The Butler uttered with an experienced form and professional voice.

Theo smiled, a hint of mischief gleaming on the side of his eye.

"I would love to order every single non-alcoholic drink you have and two of each kind" 

Theo might be of age to drink alcohol however Selene was not, a couple more days she'd be able to.

The butler nodded in response, finding the order of Theo natural.

The butler had weirder orders before and this kind of order has already been done before so he wasn't a bit surprised with Theo's request and simply nodded.

But it was different for Violet, she was baffled with the request Theo made, wondering what intentions he had to order such large amounts of drinks.

"As you wish, dear guest. It will take ten minutes to prepare for everything. Anything else that I may do for you?"

Theo glanced towards Violet, asking her if she wanted anything.

"I-I would like a glass of apple juice... That is all for me" Violet stuttered in response, still confused.

"Then that will be all, thank you" Theo thanked the butler and waved him goodbye.

After the door closed, Violet glanced at Theo, asking him about the absurd request that he just did.

"Me and Selene made a bet. The first one to finish all the free VIP drinks wins. The loser must listen to the winner's request as long as it doesn't harm the person too much"

Selene nodded to Theo's statement

"Just don't mind us Violet, it's just going to be a friendly match between me and Theo"

Violet became even more confused at Selene's affirmation

A competition? drinking as much as possible to win? And Selene agrees to this?

 Violet was baffled at the actions of two imperial individuals who are about to make a tomfoolery out of themselves.

"I- I see" Violet stuttered,confused on how to react.

Selene suddenly had a light bulb on tip of her head.

 Her eyes sparkled with excitement and closed in on Violet.

"Do you perhaps want to join us? It'll be fun! I swear, winning again this dim-, Ehem! I mean Theo is the best feeling in the world"

Her true personality almost slipped there.

Theo thought with a deadpan expression.

Selene held Violet's hands, egging and pestering him to join in on the bet.

"I- I shall pass for now, Selene. Maybe I'll join you another time."

Violet was surprised by how much Selene changed when she was with Theo. It was far different from her eccentric, outgoing and graceful appearance.

Selene frowned in disappointment

"I see too bad, but your welcome to change your mind we still have a few more minutes left till the drinks arrive"


"100 Gold! 100 gold going once! 100 Gold going twice! SOLD! Number 69 gets the pill of rejuvenation for 100 gold!"


The host hit gavel once, announcing the end of the bid.

"To spend 100 gold for an item for 'that' kind of activity is vile"'

"Sh*t! I haven't been able to get it up! This was my last chance!"

"Shame, If only the auction was held a month later and I would have been able to buy it"

The crowd had different kinds of reactions with the item being sold. More than half were appalled with the presented item and rest were either neutral or craving for the item.


"Holy crap something got sold for 100 Gold coins, rejuvenation pill was it?" Selene muttered as she drank chocolate milk leisurely.

"Indeed, the announcer said that it would give the person a great amount of stamina, beautifies them and cure impotence." Violet explained as she sipped on her almost empty glass of apple juice.

I could have bought a decent sized house with that money, with servants to boot. That number 69 guy definitely has a packed wallet.

A commoner's average salary was two silver, so annually they earn around seven gold. The person who paid for the pill basically paid for an item that was worth more than 10 years of a commoner's average salary.

It doesn't really matter to me. I can also easily spend that kind of money as the owner of the hand cream and as the Princess of Vitoten. 

".... ugh..." Theo groaned as he collapsed on his own couch, defeated.

kekeke, bro really challenged me in a drinking contest, Foolish.

"Do... you... have a black hole in.. your stomach????"

"All I'm hearing is that you, my dear, have a skill issue" Selene said with a smug face and mocking tone.

"Ugh.... never again..." 

A plethora of empty drinks stood on top of the relatively large coffee table in front of the trio.

 There were some noticeable drinks that were still not empty on Theo's side, but Selene already finished all of hers and was on the last drink.

A monster, I've seen a monster

Theo woefully placed the back of his hand on his forehead, believing that it was all a dream, sadly for him Selene's unending black hole of a stomach was a definite fact.

She also runs almost all of our dessert supply out whenever she visits, luckily we have adapted and started increasing the ingredients on our pantry, so dissatisfying Selene was the least of their concerns.

Violet, who already experienced Selene's monstrous diet, was smiling in delight that she knew something that Theo didn't know about Selene. She also found the situation very amusing. 

It took a lof of willpower to hold herself from laughing at Theo.

This is one of the weirdest, yet funniest competition she'd ever seen in her life.

She saw the process of the Prince of Virtus slowly degrade into a poor mess, whilst Selene showed her insatiable hunger and thirst.

"I'm going out to the washroom, I feel like I'm about to throw up...."

"Kekeke, Have fun, I'll enjoy my chocolate milk while your at it." 

Selene tilted her head upwards and goaded at the poor figure of Theo.


Violet simply stared in silence at the absurd display of her friend.