
Chapter 22: Efficacy of Potion No. 11

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

"Doctor, your report must be incorrect. This can't be my mother's report." Ji Gaosheng looked at the report that the doctor handed to him and immediately discovered that it was wrong.

"Everything on the report is normal. The patient's name is Huang Fang, and it's stated that she's 67 years old this year. Is there any issue?" 

The doctor was also confused by Ji Gaosheng. Generally, the family members of ill-stricken patients would refuse to accept the truth of the report. Yet, Ji Gaosheng refused to accept his mother's health report even though it was normal. The doctor did not have it easy. 

"Everything is normal. That's exactly why it's impossible. I shall put it this way. There should be a tumor in my mother's brain that is about two centimeters in diameter." 

"Impossible, two centimeters is already large enough for it to be seen in the report." 

"That's why I said the report can't be my mother's." 

Seeing how firm Ji Gaosheng was, the doctor began to feel uncertain. 

He beckoned the nurse on duty in the accident and emergency department. Subsequently, he repeatedly confirmed that the report was the correct one. However, Ji Gaosheng asserted that the report was wrong, and both of them insisted on their own opinions.

"I still have my mother's report saved in my mobile phone. If you don't believe me, you can take a look." 

The doctor was a little apprehensive. Initially, he didn't entirely understand the pathological report, and could only judge it according to the diagnosis on it. However, he looked at the photos displayed on Ji Gaosheng's mobile phone. 

The photos had clearly captured the report from all angles. Judging from the shape of the brain, both reports should belong to one person, but as Ji Gaosheng said, there was a tiny shadow in the brain that was captured in the pathology report displayed on his mobile phone.

What… what is going on? Could the tumor have been treated after the heatstroke?

Upon hearing that, Zhou Kun guessed that the sudden disappearance of the brain tumor was mostly related to the bottle of Potion No. 11 that he had made the elderly lady consume. Due to such, he left with a guilty conscience.

After filling his stomach with food, Zhou Kun returned to the ward in the hospital, only to find that the elderly lady had regained consciousness. She was teasing the silly dog. 

The silly dog looked at the orange in the elderly lady's hand, almost drooling. 

"Come on, obedient dog, jump. Jump and I'll give you the orange in my hand." 

Upon hearing her words, the dog jumped up and scurried towards the elderly lady immediately, as if it were trying to ask for credit. 

"Hurry and eat. Obedient dog, you're so well-behaved." 

"Mother, you should also eat a few more pieces of fruit. Don't be so engrossed with teasing the dog," said Ji Gaosheng who was at the side. He had no choice either. The two oranges that he had peeled were all fed to the dog. He felt like a wimp.

Upon sight of such a scene, Zhou Kun instantly felt vexed and troubled. He felt that he had to bring the silly dog back to the other world as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would create trouble sooner or later. 

"Madam, since your son has arrived and the air has been cleared, I'll get going," said Zhou Kun who then motioned for the dog to follow him as he got ready to leave. 

"Huh? You're leaving so soon? I still want the obedient dog to accompany me for a while." It was no wonder that people often say that the older one gets, the more they become like children. Which patient would want the company of a dog? 

Ji Gaosheng stood up with a sullen expression and said to Zhou Kun, "Little Brother Zhou, I know that this request may be a bit abrupt, but you've seen how much my mother likes your dog. So, I'd like to buy it from you..." 

Zhou Kun didn't expect that Ji Gaosheng would suddenly make such a request, but he was stunned and didn't know how to refuse.

However, before Zhou Kun could come up with a lie, the elderly lady smashed the stainless steel basin in her hand against Ji Gaosheng's head with a loud bang. 

"You must be tired of living. Can you hear what you just said? Do you think this dog is a toy? Its someone else's family member. Why don't you ask to buy your mother?" 

Zhou Kun could not help but feel scared for Ji Gaosheng after seeing how feisty the elderly lady was. 

"Mother, simmer down. That's not what I meant. I just feel that you hit it off rather well with this dog, so I wanted to see if I can bring it home." 

"Bring it home? I'm not even welcome in your home, and you guys wish you could chase me away. How could you allow the dog to live in your home?" 

There were obviously other meanings in those words. Ji Gaosheng suddenly fell silent, but Zhou Kun could not intervene in the family affairs of others, so he did not speak.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry and get Little Zhou's contact number. You still haven't thanked him properly for saving me!" 

She proceeded to speak to the silly dog in a benevolent and affectionate tone, which was completely different. "Obedient dog, I'll go visit you after I get discharged. I'll bring you some tasty food then."

When Zhou Kun came out of the hospital, he suddenly felt relieved. Staring at the silly husky beside him, Zhou Kun headed straight to the pet shop.

He purchased a dog leash, a food bowl, dog food, bath supplies, and nutritional supplements that were meant for dogs. 

Zhou Kun, who had never had a pet before, never knew that he would need to prepare so many things when raising a dog. 

Zhou Kun spent 2000 yuan before fleeing the pet shop. 

"From today onwards, you will be named Two Thousand. Remember, you just made me spend 2000 yuan. I can't recoup my losses even if I sell you." 

The silly dog was not resistant towards its new name, Two Thousand. It yawned and looked at Zhou Kun cheaply, seemingly trying to say, "How can this name be good enough for me?" 

Zhou Kun ignored it and took it back to the warehouse using the dog leash. After all, there had been a huge delay, and there were still several orders from the members of the chat group that had not been dispatched. 

As of today, almost all 1000 kilograms of the first batch of dragon fruits that he had brought back from the other world had sold out, and he earned a total of 20,000 yuan. It may not be much compared to the money he had made from Pilux, and considering the Dragon Crystals that he had spent, he had actually incurred losses. 

However, through the various transactions, Zhou Kun gradually found a way to earn money. 

After all, he had no special abilities or magical systems, but he had discovered that passage to another world. He felt that his achievements were already rather splendid for an ordinary person. Well, at least, he was satisfied with them. 

Most importantly, he had found a way to heal his parents. That was the greatest wealth that he had gained in the past few days. What else could he be dissatisfied with?

Zhou Kun walked Two Thousand to the store and prepared to pour some dog food for it. In the end, the silly dog sniffed the food and looked at Zhou Kun with a disdainful gaze, clearly not willing to eat it.

Zhou Kun was also stunned. He thought, 'No matter what, I had spent a few hundred yuan on this. What's wrong with just taking a mouthful of it?' 

"Be sensible and just take a bite. Otherwise..."

Before Zhou Kun could finish speaking, Two Thousand seemed to have smelled something and started to run excitedly.

Zhou Kun put a leash on the dog, but he inevitably got dragged away by it and hence, started running. 

"Two Thousand, stop... You silly dog, you'd better stop!" 

Zhou Kun and the silly dog were undoubtedly rare sights in the entire wholesale market.

Originally, Old Li from Xingyuan Fruit Wholesalers was carrying peaches when he saw a dog dragging a man towards him from a distance.

Bang— Due to the fact that the dog could not stop in time, it knocked into a crate of peaches and fainted. 

Old Li shifted his gaze onto the other end of the dog leash, only to see its owner, Zhou Kun, looking at him with embarrassment.