
Another World’s Good Swindler (Don't read)

Joyboyhahaha · Others
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35 Chs

Chapter 6 – Necromancer Assistant’s Journal

By the time we reached the city, the sky was getting darker. The stone walls are so high that you have to bend your head and look up at the sky to see the end. And in front of the wall is a deep moat.

It is truly a castle itself that makes the heart magnificent as seen in movies.

I looked at Natalia, who was walking beside me. Her breasts hidden under her robes are equally magnificent. I think tonight will be fun.

Upon seeing the city, Natalia stopped and waved her finger in the air. Following her fingertips, a blue thread began to form in the air, and soon she scattered and permeated the seven skeletons standing around us.

-Passeuk! Less!

As the skeletons scattered, the bones disintegrated and turned into small balls. Natalya collected all of her floating white balls in the air and put them in a small bag slung around her waist.

"Did you get rid of the skeletons?"

"Yes. You can't bring a skeleton into the city, so you have to dismantle it like this."


Are necromancers allowed to enter the city? I'm a bit uneasy, but as Natalya walks confidently to the gates, she decides to follow me without telling me that I am too.

People are standing in line at the gate. It's not that long, but you can see people standing in groups talking to the guards and going in. It was probably going through an entrance examination, so I stuck my head out and watched the people in front of me.

A group of mixed men and women drew bronze plaques from their bosoms and handed them to the guards. The guard took it and went back and forth to check it carefully.

"Um, four tier 3 mercenaries? What is the purpose?"

"A visit to the mercenary guild."


After saying that, the guard handed the mercenaries bronze plaques. Is it like an ID? Fucked. I don't have an ID.

"Hey Natalie. I don't have an ID. Maybe it's good?"

"Take this."

What Natalya handed over was a bronze plaque, the same item that the mercenaries in front of her had. It was written in Korean, but I could read it thanks to Natalia's magic.

Johnson, 3rd class mercenary.

What is your name Johnson? Johnson.


"They belong to those I killed in the forest earlier. Please submit this and go in."

Stay strong Natalie!

Soon it was our turn. As the guards blocked her way, Natalia took out a black card from her bosom and held it up.

"Are you Aleksandr Natalia from the Wizards Guild?"


The guard bastard, he squeaks at the mercenaries in front of him earlier, but then he becomes polite to Natalia. Are even necromancers treated as wizards?

I also handed the plaque to the guard.

"Level 3 mercenary, hmm. Are you guys?"

The bitch is talking nonsense to me.

"Yes, we are together."

I said that and put my hand around Natalya's waist.

"What's wrong?!"

As soon as Natalya let out a shrill voice, the guard cleared her throat and handed me a bronze plaque, as if she knew that Natalya and I weren't normal.

"Hmm, you can go in."

"Thank you. Hehe."

As I passed through the gate and entered the city while holding Natalya's waist, Natalya, whose body was stiff, carefully grabbed my hand around his waist and said,

"Ha, Hansung? Why is my waist all of a sudden?"

"I just suddenly wanted to cuddle. Is it not okay?"

"It's an honor??."

Haha. No matter how you look at it, the real Natalya is fucking obedient. She removed her hand from Natalya's waist and fiddled with the bronze plaque.

This is my ID. Isn't this actually a fake ID?

"Is this plaque going to be my ID from now on?"

"No. I will make you a new citizenship card. It was given to me because I needed it when I entered the city."

"Can't you come in without an ID?"

I handed the card back to Natalia. Having received the card, Natalia put it into her bosom and said,

"Usually, people are arrested as smugglers and serve their sentence as slaves before being issued a citizenship card."

It is a story that if he had left the forest alone and came to the city as planned, he would have been captured by the guards and served as a slave.

The real Natalie. I would have been fucked if I hadn't met her. Natalie, I have to go home and give her lots of compliments. Looking at the people passing by in the city, I don't see anyone dressed as well as Natalya. He must be quite wealthy. Besides, a wizard obedient to me. Keke is so great

"Natalie, where is your house?"

"I didn't buy a house because I moved around rather than settling in one place."

"Then where will you sleep today?"

"I will go to the inn. Aren't you hungry?"

In fact, I am hungry. But now I am a god who knows nothing about the body. Don't forget this setting. If suspected, they might be horribly murdered.


"The human body needs to eat. Don't you feel the pain in the upper part of your belly, the pit of the stomach?"

"Well, come to think of it, my stomach has definitely been hurting since before. What is this? The body is uncomfortable."

"It is hunger."

"I see… This is hunger??."

??. Now that I think about it, I think I can ask Nataliya to do anything if I set this up well.

The cock started to grow louder.

"In that case, it would be better to grab a room and have a meal. The inn is… I think it will be fine here."

The place where Natalia stopped was a huge five-story building. When I opened the luxurious door and entered, I saw a stylish restaurant with a bright interior. Looking around, the bright room was the light coming from the lights on the wall. I don't think it's a candle, but is it some kind of magical tool?

A man in a suit was seen at the counter. Formal wear in such a world, as well as the refined atmosphere of the hall on the first floor, it seems to be a very nice inn.

"Two people, I want to stay."

"Um, do you two share the same room?"


Natalya looked at me with a little thought. Of course we have to share the same room. I'm going to teach you all night.

"Give me the same room."

"All right. 1 silver 50 bronze per night."

Silver and bronze seem to be the concept of currency. Natalya took a silver coin and five copper coins from her bosom and handed them over.

"Would you like to have a meal at our inn?"

"Yes. Please come up to your room."

"All right. Please go to room 403."

Having received the key the innkeeper gave her, Natalya pressed the button next to her steps.


This familiar sound. Maybe an elevator?

– Crunches! Drooling!

It's a real elevator. I don't think the world is so uncivilized that an inn has an elevator.

"This is an elevator. You can come in."

As I watched, Natalya explained.

"Oh, well. I see."

– Dripping! Crunchy! Wheein!

Oh fuck it goes up It's a worse ride than the modern elevators I know, but it's a real elevator. When I reached the fourth floor, I followed Natalya as she got off the elevator. Looking at the numbers on the wall, Natalya was looking for room 403.

I walked all the way to find a door marked Room 403 at the end of the hallway, opened it with the key, and entered.

It is a luxurious room. Luxurious lights hung on the walls, like those seen in the hall on the first floor, illuminate the interior, the windows are made of glass, and a huge queen-size bed is placed in the middle of the room.

Looking around the room, I saw a door in the corner of the room. Normally, there would be a bathroom over there, but is there a proper bathroom here?


It's a proper toilet. The white toilet, washbasin and bathtub are close to modern toilets. The sink and bathtub have good running water. The water supply seems to be working properly.

As I was looking at the bathroom in admiration, Natalya, who took off her robe and wore a see-through one-piece, came up behind me before I knew it.

"There is also a bathtub here. This is a place called the bathroom."


"When humans eat food, they have to digest it and excrete the leftovers. In the case of men, they excrete a liquid called urine through the penis."

Natalya blushed and said it was the penis. I'll make you say 'Jajijoayoong?' sooner or later. Just thinking about it makes me smile.

First of all, since I am now a child god who knows nothing about the human body, I have to keep asking Natalya about this and that to distract her.

"Hmm, then, is the white thing I expelled from Natalya's body just urine? Well, no, it's called sperm, so it must be something else. So, Natalie, is the clear liquid you spouted out urine?"

"Oh, no."

Natalya's face turned red, and she vigorously denied it, shaking her head from side to side with her palms showing to me.

"That, that's called sexual juice, and it's a liquid that helps the penis move smoothly when it enters the vagina."

Haha. Natalia teacher's human body classroom? More than that, I started to get tired of talking about urinating. Well, let's ask Natalia to help her pee.

"Ugh, Natalie. My body is strange."

"Yes, four?!"

Saying that, I took off my robe and thrust my cock, which had not yet been erected, into Natalya.

"Something hurts in my lower stomach, um, it feels like something is full here."

"Ah, that, that's a sign that you need to urinate."

"Uhm, then should I discharge it right away?"

"Oh no! Urine needs to be flushed into that thing called the toilet!"

When I gestured that I needed to pee, Natalya, embarrassed, hurriedly took me into the bathroom and stood me in front of the toilet. But my purpose is to get Natalia to help me pee.

Aye, I'm a god. Baby god knows nothing Natalie, Nunna, you have to do everything.

I stood in front of the toilet and looked at Natalia, who was standing next to me.

"Now, can I just let out the full stomach?"

"That, you need to aim so that it doesn't bounce around the toilet."

"Aiming? How are you doing? Can you help me?"

I don't know what goto!

"Ha ha. Oh, I see."

Natalya's long-lashed eyelids quivered and she grabbed my cock carefully.

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