
Another universe

Another universe... seems interesting right? Well, Majo and a lot of other humans have to undergo this scenario in order to save Earth, why is that you might ask? Earth got attacked by an alien race from the Andromeda Galaxy, the aliens weren't able to destroy Earth in time, however, they're travelling across the universe to definitely destroy the Earth. Majo, along with many people gets sent into Another universe by a God who wants the humans to stand a chance in this war against the aliens. This universe is full of magic, relics, skills and more, our protagonist and the others have 10 years to survive in this dangerous world and become as strong as possible, in order to defeat those aliens.

majak · Fantasy
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130 Chs

The Dark Secret Of The Royal Family - 7th Chapter Vol. 2


This woke me up , the boss is close I have to go and see him myself...

I looked at my other side and Akemi was also awake which means she also received the messages. We ran into the hall but we couldn't see anything nor anyone. This means only one thing.

The Boss is either below us or above us. We split up , Akemi went down and I went up. I didn't end up finding anyone. On the other hand Akemi did.

(Akemi's perspective while she was downstairs)

We split up with Majo , I went down and I saw the king entering some kind of a secret room by moving a book in the library... beside him was the boss.

[MurderKill] [A- Grade]

What the hell is that name bruh. Anyways I can't follow the king now it's too risky , I'll tell Majo about this and we'll come here later.

(Back to Majo's perspective)

I came downstairs and I saw Akemi , she told me about what she saw and we decided to go there today at the nightime when everyone will be asleep.

"So what will we do until then?" I asked.

"I am going to show you something." She said.

We went out of the palace and while we were going to the place she spoke of , she wouldn't tell me any details about it. And when we arrived I was genuinely in awe.

It was a beautiful waterfall , the entire scenery looked like something from a fairytale. Then Akemi said this.

"This is only one Level of this Dimension , there are also atleast NINE dimensions in this world as this is the ninth one , just imagine how many things are here to see , to explore , such a shame that us humans can't experience all of them because of our lifespan."

I did not expect such a deep "quote"/thought from Akemi , but yeah she's right , this is only ONE Level of ONE dimension , I wonder how much interesting stuff is in the Overworld , the different continents that are supposeddly so dangerous. I hope I'll be able to get a longer lifespan somehow... maybe there's something in the skill tree , unfortunately I cannot see any skills that I cannot unlock yet.

After this we went to the dangerous parts of this Level where she'd always go to , when she wanted to Level Up , it was a Jungle and the deeper you went the more dangerous it got. No clue how is there a jungle in this area , the worldbuilding in the Backrooms sure is weird.


I actually managed to Level Up before we went back. I put all points into Intelligence , I think that being able to use my Shadow skill for a longer tíme will be quite useful.

We've had dinner with the Royal Family and guess what happened , the Prince challenged me for a duel. Now then I am smart enough to realize what's going in here , it's quite simple really. The Prince was angry at me at the last dinner too and I assumed that it was because he liked Akemi and now that I am here and I slept in the same room as her he thinks that if he defeats me he's going to win Akemi's favour.

The Prince is actually not weak at all , he's a C Grade enemy but well , for me C Grade is already just too weak...

I told him that I accept his challenge , I did it because it seemed fun , Akemi couldn't really find a meaning behind it , but I think it's gonna be amusing to humble the Prince in front of the Kingdom. Why in front of the Kingdom?

Well the thing is that we'll be fighting in the Kingdom's coloseum which by the way has 5000 seats , pretty insane right? I am really looking forward to it tho , the only problem is that the fight will be tommorow at the noon , so I am not really sure if we'll get to be there as we are planning to go to the place where the boss resides today... well whatever.

We waited until midnight and we went there , thankfully we didn't bump into anyone on our way to the library , BUT we surely did bump into someone AT the library. Akemi went to a hiding spot and told me to hide aswell but I said I got this , the thing is , the person here in the library was the Princess and maybe I can "sweet-talk" her into something?

"Hey there Princess." I said with a flirty tone. (please help me)

She got jumpscared cuz she didn't see me or hear me approaching her.

"H- H- Hey there Sir Majo , what are you doing here in the library at this hour?" She said with her shy voice.

"No need for formalities , just call me Majo."

"O- Okay , M- Ma- Majo." ( I am dying from cringe right now but I have to pull through unfortunately...)

"Anyways the reason I am here is that I actually like reading books and I want to see what kind of books to you have in this world."

I said this but yeah I don't really care what kind of books they've got here , I also don't like reading books that much. I do but like not all the time.

"I didn't know you liked books , that's great let me show you this." She said as her eyes lit up and she started showing me the book she was reading.

When I saw what she was reading I was literally flabbergasted. It was a book about a genocide on people who are supposeddly in this Level too. They're another race and they've been at war with them for centuries.

Well I guess I learned something new atleast , also that book was according to real events which is pretty insane considering what was written in there.

After few minutes the Princess started getting tired and we talked for a bit then she said she's going back to her chamber and we said goodnight to eachother. She also took the book with her...

I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about something.

"You can come out now." I told Akemi.

"Allright now we just have to find which book was the one that the king pulled."

"You don't remember which one was it?"

"No but the book cover was red. Also it was somewhere here on this side." She said as she pointed towards a book shelf.

The books in here were usually one colored with many colors which means there weren't too many books of the same color and that made it easier for us.

We got it very quickly and the secret passage revealed itself. We went in and saw a lever , I assumed it was a lever that closed the secret passage and pulled it.

Fortunately I was correct. We looked ahead and I got a déjà vu , the way ahead looked VERY similar to the entrance to the Goblin Dungeon... Bad memories. Actually it's the reason that I am here in the first place , which might be good cuz I got much stronger after coming here. The Title is helping quite a bit , the 75% experience bonus is insane.

We started going forward and we descended...


Crap here it is , we entered some kind of a jail. Most cells were empty but in some of them there were people going crazy , mostly it was the monster people race but there were also some weird creatures that I've never seen in my life.

After looking around we saw a pit and in the middle of the pit there he was , the boss of this room. He was just standing there , no movements , just one emotion , bloodlust nothing else. I could definitely feel the bloodlust coming from his look. He was looking directly at me.

He actually resembled a human a little bit , he was also shredded , had a six pack and everything.

He was wearing some black pants and had a short black hair.

"You over there , you don't look like a prisoner nor anyone from the Royal Family , who are you?" He spoke to me.

"I came here to kill you." I answered.

He started laughing , but not in a funny way , it was a laugh of excitement.

"That's great , that's really great." He was saying as he kept on laughing. "You know I really don't care about anything else then killing people , there is only one thing that I like more."

Hmm I wonder what that is.

"That thing is ... killing strong people , you certainly look pretty strong , what's your name?" He asked.

"Majo , and I will be fighting you but not just me."

I said as Akemi revealed herself.

MurderKill started laughing even more than before and said - "Good good , she looks strong too , what's your name lady?"

"Akemi , and I'll kill you to be finally able to get out of here."

We jumped down to the pit. This guy is A- Grade, so unless he's got some surprises up his sleeve , there should be no way that he will defeat us. Afterall me and Ratbag managed to defeat that A Grade boss , and this time I am even stronger than before.

But the thing was that this guy was super fast compared to the Purple Shadow Abomination or Yellow Light Abomination , not as strong but still much faster. Imagine if I put all the points that I put into my strenght into my speed instead , well that's pretty much what this guy is.

He kept hitting me with his bare fists , he does have a sheated katana wrapped to his back but he's not using it so far. I couldn't strike back , the same thing for Akemi. Can we win this if he's got aces up his sleeve? And what about his katana? Is it some kind of a secret weapon or what? I guess we'll see soon enough.

[Current Health: 288/350]