

Norman was in The Shelter, it had been about two weeks since he had injected himself with the enhanced serum which was still unnamed, so he just called it Serum 001.

Two weeks since he could say he had died and had met Death itself as well as escaped it. Still, it was a real headache to even think that he now had a cosmic being after him.

He didn't count Lux and the other deities because from what he could deduce they probably didn't interfere in his life and Lux having contact with him was a one-time exception, but Death had no such restriction.

And he didn't even want to think about the possible implications that would arise with Death seeming to be interested in him, regardless of whether it was only for his soul. He didn't want to have to deal with either Deadpool or Thanos at the moment.

Partly because he wouldn't stand a chance against Thanos in his current state, of course he could escape him easily enough, but it would be a real problem to be constantly hiding.

As for Deadpool he simply didn't want to have to deal with a person like him, but even with that he knew he could be a good addition to his team at least as long as he paid him generously, but so far he hadn't managed to find any trace of the loud-mouthed mercenary.

Norman shook his head as he stopped thinking about that and simply concentrated on his training. With Forge's help he had easily managed to construct several machines and instruments to test the limits of his body that was now injected with Serum 001.

The results had been encouraging, Serum 001 originally worked in such a way that Extremis and The Lizard's serum were the predominant part while the Supersoldier's serum was to function as a stabilizing agent for the other two.

However, instead the Supersoldier Serum had somehow managed to boost The Lizard's serum which in turn was heavily influenced by Extremis resulting in an increase in power that he had not originally anticipated.

For the time being he was able to discover that he could lift around 22 tons before he felt a little pressure, but not enough to be his limit.

Unfortunately the machine had certain failures, and he was unable to continue his research, but Norman believed that his limit must be around 35 tons maybe a little more, anyway, he would find out once Forge finished the second version of the machine.

Overall it could be said that right now all his physical abilities had surpassed human level completely, his senses, his speed, his reaction time, everything had received an upgrade.

The regeneration factor had been something Norman wanted even more than all the previous features. For the time being he had done certain experiments that were a bit stupid and risky, but necessary to find out how powerful his ability was.

In simple words he had tested his regeneration factor by making a clean and complete cut of one of his hands. Just a few seconds later and almost instantaneously the finger regenerated.

Originally he wanted to continue with that kind of experiment, but he let himself be persuaded by Walter and Felicia not to do so. Instead, he was just running certain simulations based on his DNA. The simulations also served to prevent and monitor any abnormalities that might be in his body due to the serum.

"You're late" mentioned Norman as he opened his eyes to look at Felicia who was standing in front of him in an appropriate training outfit.

"I know" she replied, her tone of voice detonated a certain irritability, clearly something must have happened for her not to have her usual cheerful and mischievous demeanor.

"Sit down" Norman ordered her gently as he gestured with his head for the white-haired girl to sit next to him.

Felicia showed a little hesitation "Your mood is not right for training, you need to calm down, now sit down and relax" he explained calmly.

Hardy didn't take too long to follow Norman's instructions and adopt a pose similar to Osborn's, after all it wasn't the first time she practiced a little meditation with Norman, and she was almost sure it wouldn't be the last either.

Norman didn't mention anything else, he simply remained silent, the only sound he generated was the sound of his breaths.

"Are you seriously not going to ask me what's wrong with me?" the question from Felicia had a mixture of anger, disbelief, and disappointment directed towards Osborn.

"If you want to tell me then you will even if I don't ask you, on the other hand, if you don't want to tell me then you won't even if I ask you" she explained in simple words.

"I prefer to keep silent until you decide for yourself whether you want to talk about it or not" he added shortly after.

Under an intense stare from Felicia only seconds after finishing his words Norman sighed, "What happened?" he asked, surrendering in an unspoken way to Felicia.

"I had a fight with my mother" Felicia confessed.

"Why?" questioned Norman with a bit of curiosity, as with the conversations he was having with Felicia and Walter it was simple to discover that the three people got along very well.

"She thinks I'm doing somewhat questionable activities, after all since I started my training I tend to disappear for most of the day" replied Felicia quickly and Norman couldn't help but agree with her.

"Well it's not like there isn't some truth in her words" Norman mentioned, while it's true that the activities Felicia was doing weren't something questionable, the goal in mind for doing them certainly was.

"I know" Felicia mentioned, "But still I just don't like that she always wants to know what I'm doing and with whom" she added.

"Unlike dad who pretty much lets me be free most of the time, she's the opposite, she seems to want to control every aspect of my life" she explained with some anger just thinking about the times her mother had crossed the line regarding her privacy.

"Considering the admiration for your father and your strong desire to be like him, I think it is somewhat logical the concern your mother has for you" the words were simple and straightforward, so no matter how angry the Hardy should be able to see that she was right.

"Still it is also true that as a parent you need to give your children trust and privacy, so it would be best if you sat down with her and had a conversation" he started to say, but seeing that Felicia seemed to be about to speak to show her denial at his idea he continued speaking.

"A real conversation where you both listen to each other because I'm sure you never had one" he added, "You could even ask Walter to be the mediator" trying to give another piece of advice he spoke.

Felicia just kept silent at Norman's words, maybe it was simple for him to say it as someone who didn't have that difficulty, but at least he was giving him a sincere advice, hoping to help her, even a little bit.

Norman just continued with his meditation, he would give Felicia some time to think about his words, since in the end it was only her who could make a decision whether it was good or bad.

Norman was on his way to Dr. Curtis' laboratory, it had been a while since he had been in the lab, his working hours and training made it impossible for him to do so, but he was still aware of the research and the results that the Formula Connors was still having.

Even though the Formula Connors had passed any kind of regulation and safety tests it was still in the evaluation process, so Oscorp had not been able to start mass production and also could not make a profit with it.

Even with that situation Norman really wasn't too nervous or impatient to get the Formula Connors to market, while money would always be welcome at the moment he didn't have a desperate need to raise money.

The moment Norman walked through the door of the lab, his gaze was drawn to a young blonde haired woman wearing a white lab coat as she appeared to be concentrating on one of the microscopes in the room beside her, he could see several notebooks.

His entrance was heard by the young woman who quickly brought her gaze to Norman, "Mr. Osborn!" she exclaimed with excitement and joy.

A small smile formed on Osborn's face, "Miss Stacy it's good to see you again, I guess your presence means coming back to the lab on a regular schedule right?" Norman first greeted Gwen and then asked a small question.

"That's right, it's good to be back" she answered him with happiness and a big smile.

Norman just shook his head, although he had to admit that in a way Stacy did add a little life to the lab, so it really was good to have her back. With surprising naturalness Osborn took a seat next to Gwen while the other side showed no trace of discomfort.

Norman's gaze fell on one of the notebooks Stacy had, specifically the only one she had open, there were several words, drawings, and simple scratches all over the surface of the page.

"May I know what this is about?" asked Norman with a small trace of curiosity.

The excited and undisguised look Gwen gave him let Norman know that it was certainly something she was very excited about, "I've been thinking about the Connors Formula these days" she started to say.

"What was basically done was to bring back an amazing feature of reptiles, so following that kind of logic then we should be able to replicate features of other different animals" she continued and Norman could see where she was going with her words.

"The Connors Formula can only regenerate lost limbs, but an internal organ or some other type of damage or disease is not something it can cure" Gwen's voice became somewhat serious as she mentioned the weakness of the Connors Formula.

Before Gwen could say anything else Norman spoke up, "Gwen I can understand your idea and believe me I think it's an amazing project" he began.

"But?" asked Stacy already having deduced that there was a problem.

"First at the moment a new regenerative serum is not the priority, we have the Connors Formula and the development of Extremis is constantly advancing and the results are promising, among them is being able to cure diseases and internal body damage" he explained gently, not that he thought Gwen's idea was bad or anything similar, but at the moment there was no need for it at all.

Gwen just adopted a somewhat sad, but understandable attitude to the words Norman had said to her.

"Now having said that, I think it would be a good idea for you to help Dr. Hansen in her research" Norman casually commented.

" Can I?!" questioned with a little gasp the young and beautiful blonde.

"Well first I would have to consult Maya, but I'm sure it will be a positive answer" he replied confidently after all it was Norman himself who was giving the recommendation, and it was impossible to ignore him, besides Gwen herself was a brilliant scientist, so there was simply no way to turn her down.

"Thank you"" mentioned Gwen as she looked at Norman and seemed to move a little closer, but stopped with a thoughtful countenance, Osborn was just a little curious at that fact.

"Can I give you a hug?" asked Gwen shyly and with a little blush on her cheeks, Norman found Gwen's action a little cute, but wondered why she asked, as she usually did that kind of action without thinking too much about it.

Norman nodded his head without needing to say any words to convey his answer. Gwen no longer showed any hesitation in her action and pulled Norman into a tight hug.

"Thank you" she mentioned to him once again with sincerity, a few seconds later she separated from Osborn.

A comfortable silence formed between the male and female couple, which was interrupted at the arrival of Connors, small giggles and cheerful conversations began to be heard in the laboratory.

Well I have been very busy in my personal life so I can't write as often as I did in the beginning of the story.

An apology if there are more mistakes than usual but I made the chapter in a hurry.

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