
Another System Novel

So basically some guy gets reincarnated with a system. This was originally from the Novel section. i don't own any of the characters, and the pictures, skills and names from the respective anime.

That_Guy_Is_Smart · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs


(Tsuki POV)

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault






I woke up gasping for air, I could feel cold sweat rolling down my neck.

I slowly rose out of my bed and started my daily stretches. I looked outside of my window and I could see the whole village.

"It's all so beautiful"

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, they instantly turned from black to the usual red. 'I can't believe this village will burn soon.

I had spent a month here now. Everything was better than I expected, after a few days of staying around Ray's group I finally made friends with everyone. Erza started talking to me without being so nervous and even kagura started to approach me.

I wiped the tears away as I washed my body and my bed with magic. I went out of my room to greet elder, whenever I had time I would usual either listen to some of his stories or share some fake stories I made up to make my identity more credible.

Tsuki:"Hello elder, I'm going out to do my katana training, I'll be out for the whole day today"

Elder:"Oh it's feels quite weird to see you up this late"


I was confused as to what he meant by me waking up late.

Elder:"You usually wake up around sunrise right? it's been a few hours past that"

Tsuki:"What!!? Bye elder it seems I need to hurry to train them if I woke up late"

Elder:"Stay safe and don't over do it"

I ran straight to the forest today, I needed to have a chat with Siri!

Tsuki:"Siri, why didn't you wake me up, it's way past my usual schedule!?"

I was vexed and confused about the situation, my mind started to cloud up and anger filled me as I spoke to Siri.

Siri:"Tsuki calm down, I wasn't able to wake you up this morning"

Tsuki:"What do you mean not able to wake me up!? you've done it before, why couldn't you do it this time!? What was so different!?"

Is she starting to malfunction, I can't believe I got paired up with such a worthless system.

Siri:"As I said Tsuki calm down, when I tried to wake you up with the usual alarm you didn't wake up, I called you several times but I failed, I even tried to enter through to your mind but it seems I was blocked of by an unknown force"

Tsuki:"You tried to enter my mind!? What do you mean by that Siri, tell me this instant!"

WTF has she been trying to do with my mind. This worthless system is trying to invade my mind!?

Siri:"Calm d--"


Siri:"I was created that when your mind would become unstable would happen to your mind I would be able to enter your mind and stablize it, this was set up by the void, as we were unsure whether traveling between world's would badly affect your already unstable mental state"

Tsuki:"I see, so you conspired a way to control me if I did something that the old man wouldn't like did you?"

I had already gotten sick of this shit. I can't take when people conspire against me, there's always someone trying to get rid of me or hurt me isn't there!?



Unstable force detected in host

Manual control activated

Host will enter a state of rest as system clears hosts mind of any unstable forces"


Before Tsuki could even finish he started to pass out, his body fell from the tree he was on and hit the ground.









The sun was now setting and everyone was returning to their houses for rest.

Erza:"Elder where did elder brother Tsuki go?"

All the kids had came to look for Tsuki, when they didn't find him at his usual spot near the lake, they were told by Tsuki not to go see him when he was training and he would join them after a while, but this time he didn't show up to play.

Elder:"He wasn't playing with all of you?"

Ray:"No he didn't come to play"

Everyone started to get worried when they heard this, Tsuki had gotten close to everyone. He would play with the kids, share stories with elder, help Jonas with chores and help around in the village. With how close he had gotten with the everyone, they couldn't help but worry about him.

Jonas:" I'll go search for him in the forest, Simon take the twins and search the village, Ray go to check his usual spots"

Erza:" How about me?"

Erza looked at Jonas with eyes filled with expectations.

Jonas:"You have to stay with kagura"

Erza:" But I want to look for him as well, Kagura can stay with elder!"

*sigh*. Jonas just gave up on fighting with Erza, he knew that once she decided on something she would continue on no matter what.

He ran out of the house and straight to the forest. He ran around the lake with Erza following him and started his frantic search for Tsuki.

Not long after going into the forest, he found Tsukis body lying on the floor. He ran as fast as he could towards his body and immediately checked his pulse on his wrist.


Erza had just caught up with Jonas and saw how Tsuki was lying on the ground. Tears started to gather in her eyes and her legs felt weak.

Jonas:"He's alright Erza!! He seems to just have passed out, we need to take him to the elder for a full check up quickly"

Taking Tsuki with them, they ran towards the elders house in a rush.

Jonas:"Elder we found Tsuki unconscious in the forest, we need you to check on him"

Elder started looking over his body once Jonas had laid Tsuki's body on the ground and told him the situation. Even though Elder was no longer a wizard he could still use some magic and was very knowledgeable.

After inspecting Tsuki's body, a frown formed on the elders face.

Elder:"It seems he has been cursed"

The elder was using one of his abilities, eye of wisdom, using this eye he could see auras of people, this is how he could tell whether someone was good or not.

He could see a dark aura leaking out of Tsuki's body, it was concentrated around his eyes and forehead. He had encountered someone with a curse before, but this was the first time he saw a curse seeping out a body and not trying to invade it.

Elder:"It seems we can't help him, Jonas take him to his room and place him on his bed"

Erza:"Isn't there any magic to make him better!?"

The elder shook his head in defeat. He did not know of a way to cure curses, and all he could do was see if Tsuki could overcome it

Kagura:"Is elder brother Tsuki ok?"

Kagura came up behind Erza, tugging on her dress she looked up to her with worry in her eyes.

Erza:"Don't worry he's only asleep"

Erza tried her best to force a smile as she lied to Kagura and herself.

It was night time when everyone finally went to their own houses. Everyone was worried about Tsuki, none of them could even think about sleeping.

Lol trash chapter ngl

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