
Another Side Of The Universe

Invited by The famous Admiral Maskmana, Axion starts another journey to venture galaxies beyond only to find herself working alongside space rangers. Along the way, Axion meet a man. Kaizo the legendary space rebel.

NoxRavenA · TV
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128 Chs

Chapter 8 : New mission

"WHAT?!!" Rum exclaimed as she slams the table. Surprising the whole cafetaria. "There's no way Axion would do that!" She yelled. "I-i mean... they're...." She stops her words, not knowing what to say.

"Well, we're just wondering." Said Tiramisu.

"It's just an opinion, Rum. Maybe Axion get high rank and stuff because The Admiral make things easier for her." Said Toso.

"So you're saying that Axion get through her test because the Admiral helped her?" Said Rum.

"Yeah. Like, don't you think it's unfair? The admiral is giving her special training. Helping her to go through tests easier while leaving us to struggle by ourselves." Said Olivia.

"The Admiral gives her training just like any of us." Said Rum. "I know how strong and smart Axion is. She deserves that rank." Rum insist.

"Rum, I know you want to keep her honor since you're in the same team. But the Admiral is especially close to her. I'd believe it if The Admiral gives her extra points on her marks." Said Toso.

"And how you're so sure about it? Do you have evidence? Can you prove it?" Rum ask. Her face showed stress of her anger. She clenched her fists.

The cafeteria falls into silent awkwardness.

"Unbelievable. You believe baseless rumor just because someone is better than you? How could you dishonor your own friend like this?" Said Rum. She stands up from her seat and furiously walks away.

They looked at each other in discomfort.

"Maybe she's right. Maybe we shouldn't think bad about Axion." Said Tiramisu.

They all steal glance at Spicy gluten.

"Maybe Rum is also left out by Axion. She doesn't know anything. Afterall, Rum is a naïve person." Said Spicy Gluten. Calming down the situation as she slightly implying that Axion is so cunning that she doesn't let Rum know about her.


"We received distress call from M81 galaxy messier. A space ship named Rubri containing a group of troops from Planet Rubrum. The ship is highly damaged. The engine system is corrupted. Making them unable to power their ship." Said Admiral Maskmana. "Our mission is to rescue the survivor. It's a good mission to start this semester."

"The people of Rubrum are... not very good with communicating with alien. So I will be coming with you. For diplomatic reasons." He add. "Any question?"

"No, Admiral!" Said Kaizo's team in unison.

"Then, let's board the ship and complete this mission!" Said Admiral Maskmana.

"Yes, Admiral!" Said Kaizo's team as they give a salute.

They board the ship and fly towards the distress signal.

"Admiral." Said Ramenman.

"What is it?" Admiral ask.

"You mentioned that the people of Rubrum are not very good with communicating with alien. What does that mean? As far as I know, people of Rubrum learned how to speak in universal language." Said Ramenman.

"You're right. The people of Rubrum are hard to communicate with, not because they don't understand our language. But because they're a bit reluctant towards people outside their race. Don't get it wrong. They're not racist. They're just wary of outsiders. Rubrum is an isolated society with high cultural value." Said Admiral Maskmana.

"Sounds like people who are full of themselves. Why are we helping people like that?" Axion ask.

"For peace. Our job as space rangers is to keep peace of the universe. That means to help planets and its inhabitants regardless of their race. Also, although they don't really have big influence, Rubrum is still part of space alliance." Said Admiral.

"For the space alliance diplomacy, then." Said Axion slightly sarcastic. She never really liked it when things involved diplomacy.

The Admiral laugh. "Yes. For diplomacy."

Axion glanced at Rum. Her eyes blank and she seemed in deep thought.

"Rum, are you okay?" Axion asked.

"Huh, yeah... Yeah. I'm fine." Said Rum slightly startled.

"What's wrong? You have a problem?" Ask Axion as she caress Rum's shoulder.

Rum looked at her. She then glances at The Admiral and the others.

Axion noticed Rum's eyes. "Let's go somewhere private." Said Axion as she pull Rum.

"You girls, okay?" Ssk Ramenman.

"Girls business. Boys, stay away." Said Axion. Stopping Ramenman from following.

"Come on… I can be a good advisor for women's problems too." Said Ramenman.

Axion chuckled as she walks to the door with Rum.

"So, what is it?" Ask Axion once they're outside the control room.

Rum silent. After a moment, she finally speaks.

"Axion, is it true that you get special treatment by the Admiral?" Rum ask.

Axion give a confused expression for a moment. "What do you mean?"

"The other cadets said that you get a high rank because The Admiral have been helping you. Giving you extra points for your test." Said Rum.

"And...? Do you believe them?"

"Actually, I don't believe them. I know you're smart and strong. I know you deserves to get a high rank." Said Rum.

"Then there's nothing that you need to worry about." Said Axion with a smile. "You're worried about me aren't you? You want me to do something about those rumors. Don't worry about it. Just leave them be."

"But... "

"I understand. You want to clean my name." Axion put her hand on Rum's shoulder. "Thanks, for standing up for me and keeping my honor."

Suddenly a beeping sound comes from Axion's watch.

"Axion, we're almost there. Get ready to start the mission." said Admiral from the communicator.

"Understood!" Said Axion. "Let's go," she said to Rum.