
Another Shot At Life - My Mysterious Neighbour From Another World

In the bustling city of Seoul, Ananya's world was small yet secure – revolving around her studies, her intimate group of friends, and her devotion to her younger brother. But when a mysterious man moves in next door, her uneventful existence takes a drastic turn – not sure if for better or for worse. ******* Ananya Mehra, a 23-year old Indian girl pursuing her Masters in SK on a full-scholarship, has only one goal in life – to give her younger brother the best life that she possibly can, after their parents tragically passed away in a car accident. However, her world is turned upside down when her new neighbour, Jung-wook, enters her life with some shocking revelations: he claims to have no identity, that he does not belong to this world, that she is his answer to everything – and that her life is in danger! While her friend Dae-jung’s warm gestures make her heart skip a beat, her mind still cannot help but waver to Jung-wook’s oft-weird yet adorable antics. However, his identity and intentions still remain a mystery to her. As Ananya navigates the complexities of academics and her friendships, Jung-wook's cryptic words cast a looming shadow of doubt over everything she thought she knew. Who is he, and how true are his claims? What is his ulterior motive – and why her? And, most importantly, how can she trust him with her life when it may possibly be in danger? ******* Author’s Note: I'm sorry in advance if my uploads are inconsistent at any point, it might get a little tricky to juggle between my profession and my passion at times. I'll try sharing at least 5 chapters each week! Also, as you can probably guess from the cover, I am a beginner at digital artform (and manhwa/manga art in general). Do let me know how you like this story, and my rough attempt at art, thanks :)

Anjie_M · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: “You, again!?”

"Your life is in danger."

Ananya groaned, plopping down on her bed. She had been trying to push the irrational thoughts aside, to focus on her present. She had chores to do, a life to live, people to love, and goals to chase. But there was no way she would be able to do any of it right now – not with a million thoughts racing in her mind. 

After spending hours tossing, turning, and struggling with those thoughts; she finally nodded off to sleep – the pile of chores remaining just as is, a reminder of yet another day spent without seeing it through.

Ananya felt a sense of relief wash over her as she walked into her first lecture the next day. The familiar surroundings of the campus felt like a welcome change after the unsettling encounter last evening. She took a deep breath, trying to focus on the task at hand – her academics.

The lectures passed in a blur, her thoughts constantly drifting to that mysterious man, much to her dismay. Who was Jung-wook, really? Why did he seem so familiar, yet so foreign? And most importantly, what did he mean when he claimed that her life was in danger? 

Ananya shook her head, trying to concentrate on the professor's words – but in vain. She just couldn't shake off the strange feeling that had settled in her chest since she met Jung-wook.

"Rough day?" Dae-jung turned to her as the lecture ended, noticing the contemplative look on her face. She shrugged with a meek smile, wondering how much to let on since she wasn't quite sure about anything herself.

"Not really. Just had a lot on my mind, I guess."

Dae-jung's presence was warm, an oft-kind influence on her overwhelming thoughts. She glanced at him, recalling the numerous times he had stood up for her. From confronting the seniors who made snide remarks about her accent to ensuring her ideas don't get dismissed or her contributions unacknowledged – he had always been by her, helping and supporting her every step of the way since the day they met. 

"What happened?" His voice took her out of the reverie, eyebrows furrowed in concern. 

"I ran into this stranger near my new place. He seemed to know a lot about me, but I had no idea who he was. It was… a little unnerving."

Dae-jung leaned closer, his protective instincts seeming to kick in, "Did he threaten you or anything?"

Ananya chuckled, shaking her head, "No no, nothing like that. He just… said some strange things. I cannot really explain it, but it left me feeling a tad bit unsettled."

Dae-jung's eyes softened. "If you come across him again or ever feel unsafe, you know you can call me, right? Anytime, anywhere."

"There's just so much going on. New job, weird encounters, and then there's you."

Giving Ananya a playful nudge, he chuckled softly, "Me? What did I even do?" She laughed, shaking her head. "Nothing bad, don't worry. It's just that... you are always there for me. And I appreciate it more than you will ever know."

He smiled warmly, reaching out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Shhh, I know."

"What did I miss?" Ji-yeon chirped in, her hands clutching onto the iced coffee that she bought for the three of them. As they sat there, sharing coffee and fun conversations, Ananya felt a sense of peace and calm. Despite that shadow of uncertainty, moments like these that made everything seem worthwhile.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of classes and assignments. While her thoughts occasionally drifted back to Jung-wook, she managed to zone in on her studies. Her goodbyes were short-lived that evening as she remembered her new job – it was almost time for her first shift. 

She made her way to the convenience store, freezing in her tracks upon seeing the all-too familiar figure standing behind the counter, his face lit with a rather smug smile. 

The scream left her throat before she even realised. "You, again!?"