
Another Shot At Life - My Mysterious Neighbour From Another World

In the bustling city of Seoul, Ananya's world was small yet secure – revolving around her studies, her intimate group of friends, and her devotion to her younger brother. But when a mysterious man moves in next door, her uneventful existence takes a drastic turn – not sure if for better or for worse. ******* Ananya Mehra, a 23-year old Indian girl pursuing her Masters in SK on a full-scholarship, has only one goal in life – to give her younger brother the best life that she possibly can, after their parents tragically passed away in a car accident. However, her world is turned upside down when her new neighbour, Jung-wook, enters her life with some shocking revelations: he claims to have no identity, that he does not belong to this world, that she is his answer to everything – and that her life is in danger! While her friend Dae-jung’s warm gestures make her heart skip a beat, her mind still cannot help but waver to Jung-wook’s oft-weird yet adorable antics. However, his identity and intentions still remain a mystery to her. As Ananya navigates the complexities of academics and her friendships, Jung-wook's cryptic words cast a looming shadow of doubt over everything she thought she knew. Who is he, and how true are his claims? What is his ulterior motive – and why her? And, most importantly, how can she trust him with her life when it may possibly be in danger? ******* Author’s Note: I'm sorry in advance if my uploads are inconsistent at any point, it might get a little tricky to juggle between my profession and my passion at times. I'll try sharing at least 5 chapters each week! Also, as you can probably guess from the cover, I am a beginner at digital artform (and manhwa/manga art in general). Do let me know how you like this story, and my rough attempt at art, thanks :)

Anjie_M · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 2: "Who are you?"

"Huh?" It escaped Ananya's throat before she realised, her disbelief clearly evident in her tone, "What? Come again?"

The strange man took his hands off her shoulder, running his fingers through his hair as turned away while gritting his teeth, "I know how ridiculous this sounds. I'm having an incredibly hard time wrapping my head around everything too."

"Is…is this some YouTube prank or social experiment? Where are the cameras?" She blurted out, going on her tiptoes to look over him for any sign of someone recording. 

"P-Prank!?" He shot an incredulous look her way, "Does any of this sound like a prank to you?" 

"Are you one of those goons trying to rope innocent people into some weird cult?" She continued to peer at him, her hands on her hips as she inched closer in a bid to intimidate him away. 

Ji-yeon had told Ananya about how a certain group of people to stay away from, as they try manipulating innocent people into joining their cult – often by instilling some kind of irrational fear of the future in them. She did not realise that these cults hired conventionally attractive people too – but there was no way she was letting her guard down.

"Cult?" He burst into a laugh, wiping the tears off his face, "That honestly does not sound like a bad idea anymore; I may have a lot of interesting things to base it off of now."

"What does that even mean? Who are you?" Ananya asked exasperatedly, her brows furrowed. 

"I am not sure who I am anymore either, whether I even exist in this world." He sighed, casting a glance at her as he drew out a box of smokes from one of his pockets. "But I guess you can call me Jung-wook."

"Mr. Jung-wook", She heaved a sigh, "I am sorry but I don't have any time to spare right now. I am not interested in whatever it is that you are trying to sell to me. I hope you have a good day." 

"Looks like this will be a hard bargain." Jung-wook chuckled, inching closer and holding her face in his hands, "But I am so glad to see you alive and well. Maybe a lot sassier than when I met you for the first time." Before she could respond, he let go of her, waving her a bye as he walked away, "I will see you soon again, for sure!"

Ananya kept looking his way as he disappeared in the next lane, the look of sheer confusion refusing to leave her face. Who was this man really, and what was all of this about? She shook her head, entering the convenience store to apply for the job as she had intended to before this all went down. 

The interview went pretty well. In fact, the owner seemed quite keen on having her work at his store. Whether it was due to her answers or her 'exotic' identity – she was glad to have landed a job in her very first go, and that too in the middle of the way from her home to the university!

As she walked home, Ananya couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in her chest. The sudden appearance of this man and his ominous words had stirred up memories of the nightmare she had woken up from earlier – and she couldn't help but wonder if there was some deeper meaning behind it all.

What did that nightmare signify? Was it just a random spin by her subconscious, or was there something more to it? Who was this Jung-wook guy, and how did he know her? What did he mean when he said her life is in danger – and why her?