
Chapter 5


He stood in front of Jacques in the man's office, his scroll projecting a short gameplay of his finished game as the man looked at it in confusion.

"What is this supposed to be?" Jacques asked with a confused look on his face.

"This is the project I've been working on. The business idea I told you about earlier. It's a game I created myself." As he said that, any complaints or remarks Jacques was about to make vanished as a shocked look appeared on his face.

"Let me get this straight. You made this by yourself?" He asked for clarification.

Wynne only nodded with a confident smile. "I did and I've already released it." He said as the projection of the gameplay switched to a graph with high numerical values.

"After I released it, I hired a few outlets to spread the news. It's only been a week since the game's launch and the number of downloads has gone over a million and it's still rising. The number of in game purchases is also steadily rising." He underestimated the impact it would bring.

The bar for quality games in Remnant was too low so this new game, Huntsman Legends, was making waves. He set up a separate business account and legal entity under the name Schnee Entertainment.

The paperwork was easily sped up with a few incentives here and there but in the end, he was raking in money.

Seeing the displayed profit that was steadily increasing, Jacques' eyes widened before a proud smirk emerged on his face.

"You've truly outdone yourself this time Wynne. I can't think of anyone better suited to uphold the Schnee legacy." Jacques said, more relaxed than he'd been when Wynne first displayed the game.

"Now, let's talk big."


He couldn't be more shocked than he was at the moment. When did Wynne have the time to learn how to create a game from scratch?

He didn't have any tutors for that, which meant that he learnt it himself…under three weeks?!

The boy had been busy ever since he first came to meet him for funding and that was only three weeks ago.

Three weeks and he had created a video game that, from what he could see, was steadily climbing the billboard. Admittedly, he didn't know much about video games but he knew a lot of things about money and it seemed that Wynne did as well.

He could practically see the headlines already. Not only would this new endeavor bring more money, it would also raise their reputation quite a bit.

He had indeed groomed the perfect heir.


"No fair! That's cheating!" Ruby yelled in indignation as she played a game on her scroll.

"Ruby, you're yelling again." Their dad pointed out again as he entered the room. It wasn't the first time her sister raged while soaked in that game.

"Honestly, I don't get why you're so obsessed with that game." Their father, Taiyang, said as he sipped a cup of coffee.

"Of course you wouldn't get it, dad. This game is so co-! You cheater!" She screamed abruptly.

Yang peeped over Ruby's shoulder. "What game is that?"

"You haven't heard of it? It just came out and it's super fun and super cool! No! No! No!" Yang flinched as Ruby went into another game rage.

"Is it really that good?" She asked.

Ruby didn't answer, screaming that whoever she was playing with was cheating. Maybe she should check out the game.

It couldn't be that hard.


"Take that you bastard!" She screamed.

"Yang! Language!" Taiyang warned but the girl barely paid any attention to him.

This 'SnowWhite' was cheating. They had to be cheating. There was no way they killed her and her two teammates without them taking their health below half.

If he wanted to play it that way, she'd have to step up her game.

"Dad! I need your credit card!"


Huntsman Legends was an even bigger hit than he thought. Other than the profit from in-app purchases, he was already getting emails from small businesses who wanted to advertise their products or services on the game.

He had carefully screened them out, only picking a select few offers to accept. He could accept them all and make even more money but he knew the frustration that came with too many ads.

He was technically the CEO…could it be called a company if he was the only staff? He didn't know and frankly he didn't care that much.

The running of things related to Schnee Entertainment were left to him seeing as how he knew more about games than Jacques. The man's belief about his control over his 'Loyal Heir' was amusing.

"Remember, they can't use what you don't give them. You hold the power, they are just sheep." Jacques said quietly as they walked down the stairs of the manor.

As they got to the entrance, they were met with many reporters waiting with cameras and microphones.

As soon as they caught sight of Wynne, the cameras started flashing as they rushed to surround him, Jacques standing back to watch.

"Wynne Schnee!"

"Wynne Schnee! Over here!"

"Over here! What are you feeling right now?"

"How does it feel to create your own video game at only 17?"

The questions just kept coming, each reporter loudly talking over the other and making it a cluster of voices.

"Please, I'll answer your questions. One at a time." Wynne said, calming the crowd as he pointed to a reporter.

"Huntsman Legends is now the most played game in Atlas as well as the other three kingdoms. How does it feel to be on top?" The reporter asked.

"Honestly, it feels great. I'm just happy that people are having fun with it." He answered, pointing to another reporter.

"Huntsman Legends took over the gaming industry only a short while after it was released. What inspired you to create it?" He could almost laugh at the question but he stayed composed.

"I felt that the gaming sector was a bit lacking for my taste so I decided to go out of my way to fix that." Wynne answered as he pointed to another one, a female this time.

"Is Schnee Entertainment a subsidiary of the SDC and what does it mean for your status as the heir of the SDC?" She asked.

"For the first question, yes. Schnee Entertainment is a branch of the SDC that I personally am in charge of running. As of the moment, I am still the heir to the Schnee Dust Company and that doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon." He answered easily. "One last question."

He pointed to another reporter. "Do you have any more games you're planning to release?"

"I have a few ideas that I'm working on as of now but there is no confirmed date. I will make an announcement on any other matter of importance. That will be all." Wynne said, dismissing the crowd as they were throwing out questions while being escorted out of the manor.

Wynne walked back to where Jacques stood, the man giving him a nod.

"Well done."

Next chapter