
Another romance story.

I_hate_harem05 · Others
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Chapter 2


As Raziah and Ralph excitedly received their grade 11 class schedules, the anticipation was palpable. Raziah, flipping through the pages, discovered Lyney Mae's name among her classmates, filling her with a mix of joy and curiosity about the upcoming year.

Ralph, always the playful one, snatched Raziah's schedule and theatrically scanned it. "Lyney Mae, huh? Looks like someone's in for an interesting year," he teased, a mischievous grin on his face.

Just as the banter continued, Victor, who had been quietly observing, chimed in with a raised eyebrow, "Lyney Mae? Now, who might that be?"

Raziah, blushing slightly: "Uh, just someone from junior high, Victor. No big deal."

Ralph, grinning mischievously: "Oh, it's a big deal. Raziah's got a secret love that she's been admiring for a while now, by a while I mean the whole Junior highschool."

Victor, with a knowing smile: "Well, it seems like this school year is going to be quite eventful for you two, especially for our sis here who's in love." Victor added with a hint of teasing, sparking a chorus of laughter among the siblings.

Raziah, her cheeks tinged with a deeper shade of pink, stammered, "It's not like that, Victor. I just... I've admired Lyney Mae's... uh, talents and stuff. We've never really talked."

Ralph, still grinning, teased, "Oh, come on, Raz. Admired talents, secret admirer – sounds like love to me."

Victor, with a playful glint in his eyes, added, "Well, who knows what this school year holds? Maybe it's the perfect time for you two to finally have that conversation."

Raziah, unable to hide her blush, mumbled, "Yeah, maybe."

Deciding to leave her brother Ralph to his playful banter at home, Raziah quietly retreated to her room. The comfort of her personal space allowed her a moment of introspection, away from the bustling dynamics of sibling interactions.

Raziah, sitting at her desk, whispered to herself, "I need to gather the courage to make this happen. Lyney is in my class, and I can't let shyness hold me back."

As she contemplated various approaches, the echoes of anticipation mingled with a sense of vulnerability. With a determined yet shy resolve, Raziah set her mind on finding the right moment to initiate a conversation with Lyney.

As Raziah's fingers danced across the strings of her electric guitar, her thoughts ran in accord with the melodies of her favorite song. The familiar tune, intertwined with the soulful hum of the instrument, echoed in the confines of her room.

Raziah, immersed in the music, mused to herself: "There's something about 'Pleaser.' Its lyrics resonate so deeply, and the way the chords flow feels like a conversation with my heart. It's been my favorite for how relatable it is."

As Raziah continued to lose herself in the enchanting chords of 'Pleaser,' she found her thoughts drifting further into the meaning behind the lyrics. Each strum echoed the unspoken emotions she had harbored since junior high, and the resonance with the song intensified her connection to its relatable narrative.

Raziah, with a contemplative smile: "This song captures emotions I've never been able to put into words. It's like a companion that understands, reflecting the complexity of feelings I've had, especially when it comes to... well, people like Lyney."

As the echoes of 'Pleaser' faded into the quiet of her room, Raziah felt a sense of calm settling within her. The intensity of her emotions began to mellow, and with a contented sigh, she decided to put her electric guitar away.

Raziah, glancing at the instrument, whispered to herself: "Maybe music will find its way when the time is right, but for now, I need some rest."

With a gentle resolve, she placed her beloved guitar back in its corner. The dim glow of her bedside lamp cast a warm ambiance as she settled into the softness of her bed. The day's anticipation and the melodies of her favorite song accompanied her into a peaceful slumber.


The next morning, the sun casting a soft glow through Raziah's window, she found herself in a deep and restful sleep. Unbeknownst to her, time slipped away, and the clock ticked closer to the start of the school day.

Suddenly, a loud knock echoed through the hallway, jolting Raziah from her dreams. She groggily opened her eyes, realizing that she had overslept.

Raziah, startled: "Oh no, I'm going to be late for school!"

In a hurried frenzy, she rushed to Ralph's room, who was still lost in his own dreams.

Raziah, urgently shaking Ralph: "Ralph, wake up! We're going to be late for school!"

Ralph, half-asleep: "What? School? Already? Ugh, fine. I'm up, I'm up."

As the siblings hastily prepared for the day ahead, Raziah calls for Victor asking him why he didn't wake us both

As Raziah urgently dialed Victor's number, she was met with a slightly groggy voice on the other end.

Victor, sounding half-awake: "Hello?"

Raziah, a bit annoyed: "Victor, why didn't you wake us up? We're going to be late for school!"

Victor, with a casual tone: "Well, you both seemed to be sleeping so soundly, and I figured you could use the rest."

Raziah, frustrated: "We can't use the rest if we miss school altogether! Ugh, never mind. Ralph and I will catch up."

With a resigned sigh, Raziah hung up, realizing that Victor's laid-back approach to their morning routine had added an extra layer of chaos to their already rushed preparations. The siblings hurriedly got ready, determined to navigate the challenges of the morning and make it to school on time.


Raziah and Ralph, still slightly out of breath from their hurried journey, approached the school gates. Raziah had her electric guitar slung over her shoulder, a reminder of the morning's chaotic rush.

Ralph, panting a bit: "Well, that was an adventurous start to senior high, huh?"

Raziah, managing a smile: "Yeah, thanks to oversleeping and Victor's 'let them sleep, they look peaceful' philosophy."

As they entered the school grounds, the bell rang, signaling the beginning of classes. The siblings exchanged glances, realizing they were late.

Raziah, with a determined look: "Let's try to slip in quietly. Maybe the day can only get better from here."

With that, they navigated the halls, electric guitar in tow, aiming to join their first senior high class without drawing too much attention to their tardiness.

As Raziah and Ralph tried to discreetly slip into the classroom, the teacher, Ms. Amy, noticed their late arrival.

Ms. Amy, with a raised eyebrow: "students from this class I assume?, care to share why you're late on the very first day of senior high?"

Raziah, a bit flustered: "We overslept, Maam. It won't happen again."

Ms. Amy, a sly grin forming: "Well, since you two are fashionably late, how about an introduction to the class? And to spice things up, how about showing us a little talent?"

Ms. Amy, raising an eyebrow: " Raziah, care to share a talent as well?"

Raziah, glancing at her electric guitar: "I play the electric guitar."

Ms. Amy, intrigued: "Well then, Raziah, how about a little demonstration for the class?"

The unexpected challenge hung in the air, and Raziah, with a mix of nervousness and determination, prepared to turn the morning's chaotic start into an opportunity to showcase her musical talent.

Embracing the challenge, Raziah decided to turn the unexpected situation into an opportunity to showcase her talent. With determination in her eyes, she stepped to the front of the class, electric guitar in hand.

Raziah, addressing the class: "Hi, I'm Raziah. I play the electric guitar, and today, I'll share a little piece with you."

As she began to play, the room was filled with the resonant and emotive tones of her guitar. The melody flowed with a mix of precision and passion, capturing the attention of her classmates and even Ms. Amy. Even, Lyney, Lyney's eye's are surprised and a unique interest starts inside of Lyney's vision.

As she finished playing, the room was met with silence before it grows into a cheer.The cheers of the classmates and the applause seemed to fade into the background for Raziah as her eyes met Lyney's and caught that blossoming smile. It was in that moment that she felt a deeper connection beyond the music—a shared understanding that transcended the notes she played.

Raziah, still holding her guitar, couldn't help but smile back at Lyney. The interest she saw in her eyes echoed her own curiosity about the potential connections to be explored in this new chapter of senior high.

As the cheers and applause subsided, Ms. Amy, with a smile, gestured for Raziah to take a seat.

Ms. Amy: "Bravo, Raziah! That was quite an impressive introduction. Now, why don't you take a seat next to Lyney over there?"

Raziah, a mixture of surprise and anticipation, followed Ms. Amy's direction and made her way to the seat next to Lyney.

Lyney, offering a friendly smile: "That was amazing. I didn't expect such talent on the first day."

Raziah, feeling a blush forming in her face replies: "Yeah.."

Lyney continued with genuine interest: "You play with so much emotion. Do you compose your own music?"

Raziah, still blushing and a bit shy: "Uh, n-not really. I mostly play existing songs, but I try to add my own touch."

Lyney, intrigued: "That's incredible. I'd love to hear more sometime."

Raziah, her shyness showing through: "Sure, maybe we could... um, talk about music sometime?"

Lyney, with a friendly nod: "Absolutely. I'd really like that."

As the conversation unfolded, Raziah felt her heart racing, and she discreetly hid her slightly shaky hands under the desk, hoping to conceal her nervousness. The warmth of Lyney's smile and the genuine interest she showed intensified her shyness, creating a mix of excitement and apprehension.

Lyney, unaware of Raziah's internal struggle, continued the conversation with genuine enthusiasm, oblivious to the impact her words had on her.

Meanwhile, in the background, Ralph, seizing the opportunity to showcase his talent, began to sing with a surprisingly melodic voice. His choice of song echoed through the room, adding a layer of lively entertainment to the unfolding scene.

Ralph, singing with flair: "I'm not the best, but I can sure hit those high notes!"

His unexpected serenade drew a few surprised looks, but soon the classroom was filled with a mixture of laughter and applause. Even Ms. Amy couldn't hide a smile as she tried to keep the classroom in order.

Ms. Amy, chuckling: "Well, that's one way to lighten the mood. Ralph take your seat aswell behind ms. Raziah."

Ralph, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, strolled to his seat, glancing at Raziah and Lyney with a teasing expression.

Lyney, with a friendly tone, remarked, "Hey, Ralph, that was a great and fun performance you did there."

He leaned slightly on Raziah's desk, casting a nod towards Ralph, who was reveling in the attention.

Ralph, grinning: "Well, Lyney, I believe in keeping things interesting. You should join in sometime. Maybe a duet with Raziah?"

Lyney, chuckling: "Who knows? Maybe I will."

As Lyney slightly leaned on Raziah's desk, a wave of chaotic thoughts surged through her mind. Her heartbeat quickened, and she couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and excitement.

'Okay, stay calm, Raziah. Lyney's just being friendly. But why does it feel like my heart is doing somersaults? Focus, focus on what he's saying.'

Lyney, oblivious to Raziah's internal chaos, continued chatting about the recent events with a friendly smile. However, each word he spoke seemed to echo in Raziah's mind, creating a whirlwind of emotions.

'Is he getting closer? No, he's just leaning. But what if he notices how fast my heart is beating? Play it cool, Raziah. You got this.'

Despite the chaos in her mind, Raziah managed to nod and respond appropriately to Lyney's words. The subtle closeness and the friendly conversation added a layer of complexity to Raziah's emotions.


During recess, Lyney approached Raziah with a gleam in her eyes, suggesting, "Hey, Raziah, let's grab something from the canteen. It's a bit crowded, but trust me, it's worth it."

Raziah nodded with a smile. As they maneuvered through the bustling canteen, the crowd became denser, and Lyney, almost playfully, leaned on Raziah to avoid the jostling.

'Okay, this is a bit much. Is she leaning on me on purpose? Maybe it's just the crowd. Stay calm, Raziah. Don't overthink it.'

Despite Raziah's attempt to rationalize the situation, the crowded canteen turned into a scenario where Lyney's leaning became more pronounced.

'Is this normal? Are we too close? Maybe she's just trying to navigate the crowd. But seriously, how close is too close?'

As the duo finally secured their snacks and navigated out of the canteen chaos, Raziah couldn't help but wonder about the intricacies of the moment. It was just like yesterday when Raziah would rather just admire Lyney from afar, but now she gets to talk to her and interact with her more.

'How did we go from silent admiration to navigating crowded canteens together? It's like a dream, but it's real. I used to admire her from a distance, and now we share moments like this. Is this the magic of turning admiration into connection?'

As they found a quieter spot to enjoy their snacks, Raziah reflected on the transformation of her relationship with Lyney.

As they returned to the classroom after their snack, the lesson continued, and Lyney, feeling a bit fatigued, decided to take a brief nap at her desk. Raziah, seated nearby, found herself once again captivated by Lyney's serene features as she dozed off.

'She looks so peaceful when she's asleep. The way her eyelashes rest against her cheeks and the gentle rise and fall of her chest. It's mesmerizing, How can she be beautiful without even trying. How did I get so lucky to be this close, to admire this beautiful girl with glasses in such intimate moments?'

"I just know I've loved you the moment I saw you." Raziah whispers to herself.

Despite the ongoing lesson, Raziah's attention was drawn to Lyney's slumber. The echoes of admiration that had once been silent from a distance now echoed in the shared space of the classroom.

As the class came to an end, Raziah gathered her belongings, stealing a final glance at the peacefully napping Lyney.

'Sorry I would like to admire your beautiful face a little bit more but my brothers waiting sorry.'

Exiting the classroom, she found Ralph waiting in the corridor with a mischievous grin.

Ralph "So, Raziah, spill the tea! How was your day with Lyney? Any juicy details?"

Raziah, blushing slightly "Oh, stop it, Ralph. It was... interesting. We had snacks together, and she took a nap in class. It's just... different, you know?"

Ralph, teasingly "Different, huh? Tell me everything!"

Raziah, sighing with a smile. "Alright, Ralph. You already know I've liked Lyney since junior high. Today was like a dream come true. We talked, shared moments—it's more than I could have imagined."

Ralph, grinning "Well, well, looks like my sister's been making moves. You two make a cute pair. It's about time you got closer."

As they walked home, Raziah couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and contentment. The echoes of enchantment had transformed into a melody of realization, painting the day's events with the hues of long-held feelings finally finding their way into the light.