
Another reincarnation

The continuation of i got reincarnated as a villain but i plan to be the protagonist, Arthur accidentally brought the old world, back to his, but this time he won't be killed easily.

West_walker · Fantasy
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21 Chs


After that day, my mom allowed me to walk around the neighbourhood. I walked up to an old looking ghost and said "hello mr. Do you have any request to complete your missing work?"

He was happy and said "you almost brought an old man to tears..." then he continued "well i have a great grandson who is having troubles, he doesn't have money and is living a poor life."

Then he pointed at a tree and said "under that tree is my old treasure, a photo of me, my wife, and our child... Along with a gold bar, and a large ore of cazethium."

If i remember correctly cazethium is an ore used to make low grade weapons, but even this ore is considered a treasure.

I digged under the tree and indeed under it was a large lockbox, the size of microwave. I remember my parents brought me a pulling cart for children, i put the lockbox inside.

Then i covered it over with some bricks, sticks, and a few ropes. Then i walked towards my sister (rose) and said "hey sis I'm gonna go to adventure and fight monsters! Don't find me!"

She just chuckled and said "stay safe!" then i headed out, many people paid no mind to me as i was just a child, screwing around.

Then we arrived at a house, the walls were made of roofings, and the door is just made of bamboo... The old man said "what a sorry sight... I feel sorry for him..."

We are currently in the dark parts of town, everyone here seems like good people, but the problem is the way they live, they are even helping each other out...

I knocked on the door, then a man answered, he looked hungry, i can see his ribs. He said "a child? Please come in!" then i entered, and sat at a table.

He said "I'm sorry i don't have anything sweet, would you like some tea?" even after being in a harsh situation... He still has a kind heart...

I sighed and said "keep the tea, I'm only here give a father's dying wish." then the ghost said "the passcode for the lockbox is 276991"

I put in the passcode and there it is, a gold bar, the ore, and a photo. He was surprised and shocked, he was in tears. He said "thank you! But how did you know my father?"

Then i said "I'm a psychic, i only did what your great grandfather told me." Then i left and went back home, then i asked the ghost "so what was up with your child?"

He replied "he died of car crash... His wife died of child labor... I raised the grandkid, then died when he was 20, up to that point i was just watching over him..."

I absorbed him and finished absorbing within 10 minutes, there are no stat window, but i can feel power no longer surging through me. After that i completed 3 more tasks the ghosts wanted.

"secrecy: you know how to hide secrets, increasing secrecy efficiency by 20%."