
Another Place

Andrey is a young omega in the New Moon pack, living his parents since childhood took a turn in his life, as he tries to live through it with the help of his best friend Sofia. He receives strange visions concerning an incoming war, which makes his life even more complicated as he follows the path, he Homer, an ex warrior who fought under his father. Join him on his quest to discover his origin.

DorianTripp · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Self Discovery

Self Discovery


"Was it a dream ouch!! my head hurts so bad."

Hi I'm Andrey as you probably know already,17 year old member of the New Moon pack, the newest and most respected pack among the clan. So I just woke up from what one would call a dream or whatever accompanied by a splitting headache.

"Hurry up Drey!!" I could hear Sofia outside my door. Oh, did I also forget to mention that we're Omega's( Lowest Class in the pack) and Sofia's my best friend.

The Alphas were about to have a meeting and this meant we were going to work our butts off in the pack house on their arrival. I and Sofia headed to the kitchen to begin our chores.

"I just hope the other Alphas are nicer than ours,said Sofia"

"I doubt. "I huffed."They might even be worse than ours, but I don't care cos they're all the same."

"No need to be so negative Drey."Sofia spoke almost whispering.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked.

"Oh My God!!! Are you both Nuts?"Martha yelled walking towards us.

"They' on their way, so better be quick with the food."

I hissed, "we're almost done already."

She Slaps me. "How dare you? You dare to talk back at me"

"It'll be worse next time, she said as she walked away."

Sofia pats me,"Sorry Drey she's been this way ever since she and the Alpha king started dating."

"Why does everyone act so different towards me

You're not always bullied Sofia."

"It's gonna be fine, just put yourself together and let's continue our chores, she encourages."

"Why does she have to be so mean?" Ares my wolf growled.

"It sucks Ares, I just wish I could just disappear for once."

"And leave Sofia behind?, Are you nuts?"

"Well I guess it wouldn't be fair I mean,she's my best friend."

"Uhm...more like ONLY FRIEND, besides who leaves their best friends just like that?"

"Yeah, You're right."

"I'm always right!!" I could feel him being proud of himself.

"Okay okay." Then he went silent again.

"Uh, Sofia I'm done with the dishes!!"Oh,right,the food is ready, can you help me set the table?"

"Do you really have to ask?" I said with a smirk.

The Alpha King's Palace

Aiden(The Alpha King )

"Ok People pls hurry up, we're almost late for the meeting."

"Okay Dad," Lucas( the Alpha Prince)

"All we have to do is wait, because Roxanne(the Alpha Princess)takes a lot of time to get ready!!"

"Huh, I bet she does," Adriana(Roxanne's twin sister) scoffs.

No I don't, she chips in annoyed

Yes you do!!!

Ok Let's go,oh and try to BEHAVE over there, You're not kids anymore.

Sir your car is taken care of and ready to go,Sedric(the head guard) said

That's great, so shall we.

I know it's been a while since we came up here but it'll be really nice to see my Martha again.

It was a two hour drive, so we got there a little bit tired. We're welcomed by their Alpha and of course my Martha and settled for the meeting at the pack ball room.

So,how was the first chapter guys?

Hope you enjoyed it?

Well,if you did or didn’t,Stay tuned for more interesting chapters and heartwarming adventures.


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