
Another Past, Another Future

"You always wanted to go back," the orphan mused. "Yes, but for what? So I could make the same mistakes over and over again?" "Maybe. But not everyone's given that chance, you know?" Erik smiled as he looked at the huge granite pillars, and the towering spiral ramps they held up. "So what do I do now?" The orphan propped himself up on one elbow, staring at his companion. "Learn."

M_Chapman · Urban
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4 Chs

The Well

Slowly, like a curtain being lifted from a stage, my consciousness returned. I was vaguely aware of a ticklish sensation on my nose, and my arm moved to wipe it away. I felt my limbs -- they all seemed okay -- and slowly opened my eyes.

I wasn't able to process the first images I saw. The sky was a vivid blue, and white clouds sailed effortlessly on its ocean. Towards the west, the sun shone brightly. I sat up, and my eyes caught the dark gray of colossal granite pillars. Suddenly, the events of the previous... wait, when was it? Was it yesterday? Just the past hour? I think I saw the bright sky here right before I fell...

I got up, as fast as my grogginess would let me, and looked around for the boy. I was standing at the far end of the city park, at the exact place where I last was. Except I wasn't exactly there...

I made my way towards the city. Panic grew in every step. Where exactly was I? More appropriately, when was I?

"I think you're about half a year back," a familiar voice intoned from behind me, as if reading my thoughts. I turned back, furious. The orphan boy was there, stepping out from behind a tree trunk, clutching my book in front of him like a shield.

"Why did you take me here?!" I shouted.

"I didn't! You fell on your own!"

I took several stomping steps towards the boy, but he stood his ground. "Why did you take me here?", I repeated, not sure what else to ask. My mind was still sorely trying to make sense of the situation.

"I thought you needed it."

I was silent for several moments. Then I looked behind me. The ramp reached up towards the sky. No sense climbing back up. "Why...?"

No one had ever managed to explain what they were. Not that no one tried. After all, several of these ramps were spread out around the world, serving as a sort of instant time portal. To where? No one really knows. Many people have tried going up and down these ramps, but no one ever made it back to tell the tale. Maybe it's just the way the ramps worked? As I grew up, several people I knew had jumped into that portal in the park. "The Well", we called it. One even tried to climb upwards. All of them disappeared without a trace. We all thought they had died in the journey, but my own experience says otherwise.

Now I was among those counted either dead or missing. Will my friends and family even come looking for me? Will they know what happened? I really hope someone had noticed me chasing this little brat through the streets. I glanced back at the boy and my book. And I sure hope the library doesn't miss that one.

Suddenly, I remembered something the boy just said. "Why... I need it?"

He grinned. "I watch you everyday, you know. I thought you could use a change of pace!", he answered cheerfully.

Now, I'm no longer sure if he's even serious. Maybe he was off the hinge. But then again, I'm even worse for following him here.

"If I am half a year back, I'm going to relieve the whole damn past six months of my life thanks to you!" My head pounded at the implication. All those studies I have to reread, those quizzes I have to endure again...

"I hope not." The boy stepped forward, and handed my back my book.

"What?" I snatched it from his hands.

"I said, I hope not. Don't you remember? Something really wrong happened around this time, right?"

I froze. He was right. But how?