
Another Me(s)

A nerdy teenage boy who is having hard times to socialize with his classmates and even got bullied, until one day he found a magical stone that grant him super powers and another personalities

Vincenzo08 · Action
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56 Chs

La mode est ma passion

Alex has arrived in the universe where everyone is fashionable. Everyone here is wearing the latest trend of clothing. He also noticed a restaurant said 50% off for the best outfit in the house.

" Okay that's new to me. I might not get that offer."

Then he saw on the billboard said latest edition of clothing is out now. Everyone was in a rush to get that latest edition.

Alex felt tired so he wants to sit down for a little bit. When he was sitting down, a fashionable lady yelled at him.

" Why are you sitting down here?! You're not allowed to sit on this bench? "

" Oh yeah? Why is that? "

" Can't you the sign over there?! people with sense of fashion only."

" Well who cares I'm tired anyway and I need to sit down."

" Ugghh!! Move now!"

" No I won't!"

" Lady no need to be angry. Let's just call the Fashion Police Department." said the Fashionable Gentleman.

" That's a great idea."

" Fashion Police? Sounds like a joke to me."

Then the fashionable gentleman called the Fashion Police Department. The Fashion Police officer arrived right away and arrested Alex.

" Hey what are you doing?!"

" You're under arrest for violating our policy." said the fashion police officer 1.

" Policy? What policy?!"

" You broke the rule of our city now you have to come with us." said fashion police officer 2.

" No I won't!! Let go off me!! Arrghh!!"

Alex was taken to the fashion police department and put behind the bars.

" Hey stupid officer! You put someone behind the bars just for sitting down on the bench?!"

" That is what happened if you're an old school person." said the man who shared the same cell with Alex.

" Huh really? That doesn't make sense. By the way name's Alex. What yours?"

" My name is Alex as well."

" Wait what? Why are you here? What did you do?"

" Well I misspelled the word fashion on my artwork and they banished me here for it."

" That's ridiculous. Is that really a crime here?!"

" Unfortunately yes."

" We need to get ourselves outta here!"

" I believe that is not possible."

" It is possible! Let me think a way!"

Alex thought so hard to find a way to get out and he finally found the only way.

" I will transform myself into a girl!"

" How? That is not possible!"

" Trust me on this. I need to get us out. FEMINISM!"

Alex transformed into Alexa.

" That was out of the world!"

" Now I will call the officer. Guards!! Let us out of here!!"

" Who is talking? Oh my goodness! My Lady what are you doing here?"

" You imprisoned me and my Designer! Do you want me to report for mistakenly imprisoned Fashionista?"

" No no no please don't! We will become a homeless old fashioned person."

" Let us out now!"

" Right away My Lady!"

The Fashion Police officer opened the jail and let Alexa and old fashioned Alex out.

" I didn't know that would work."

" Shhhhhh just follow my lead."

Alex and old fashioned Alex headed to the old fashioned Alex's apartment.

" Wait a minute! You live in this beautiful place and got imprisoned because you misspelled?"

" Yeah apparently and some things didn't change at all here."

" Okay we need you to be fashionable again and also make look fashionable as well."

" Alright let's get ourselves a new design!"

Old Fashion Alex worked so hard to make a new design for himself and Alex. Alex helped out with material picking and cutting. They worked for about 2 days and they made an amazing results.

" It's show time!" said Alex.

Alex and Fashionable Alex went to the street with their new looks and everyone was amazed by them.

" Excuse me sire how much for this looks?" said the gentleman 1.

" Sorry this is not for sale." said Alex.

" Name your price sir and I will make sure that I can afford it."

" Hmmm let me think. How about I will let you know later." said the Fashionable Alex.

" Huh fans of yours?" asked Alex.

" Definitely. Now Alex here's my power stone. Use it when you need fashion sense in your time."

" Thanks and I will!"

Then a portal showed up and pulled Alex into it.

" I'll see you soon Fashionable Me. Thanks for the clothing."

Then Alex went in to the portal and visited a new universe, Monster and Titan.