
Another Me(s)

A nerdy teenage boy who is having hard times to socialize with his classmates and even got bullied, until one day he found a magical stone that grant him super powers and another personalities

Vincenzo08 · Action
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56 Chs

All hail the King!

Alex arrived at the Medieval Universe. The place of Kingdoms and Knights. Alex surveyed around the town to look for information. Everyone was looking at him with suspicious look. Alex confused with the look of the villagers.

" What are you looking at?! "

Everyone was whispering one another

" Who do you think he is?" asked villager 1

" I think he's the apprentice of the Dark Witch."

said villager 2

" I don't think he's the Dark Witch's apprentice, his outfit is different. I think he's magical creatures." said villager 3

" Do you realize that I can hear you clearly?"

Everyone murmured about him.

" Halt!! "

An armored general arrived with his 2 soldier.

" You're under arrest for making a chaos among the villagers."

" Chaos?!! I just got here!! They were talking about me and they think I'm the bad guy."

" Stop talking nonsense! You ought to come with me, strange human."


" Then you shall perish! Hiya!! "

" NINJA!! "

Then Alex turned into a Ninja and everyone gasped.

" What kind of sorcery is that?"

" Surprised?! Me too!! "

" But still you shall perish! Guard attack!!"

Then Alex used Duplicated Ninja attack to both guards and the guards were defeated. Alex threw Shurikens at the armored general but he deflected it.

" I cannot be assaulted with ease!!"

" We'll see about that! SAMURAI!! "

Alex turned into a Samurai and delivered a Glory Slash to the armored general and the general got thrown away.

" Arrgh! Impossible! I should be undefeated! I'm the champion of the king!"

" First time for everything metal boy!"

The armored General stood up and rushed towards Alex. When both of them about to clash the King arrived with the Queen and stopped the fight.

" Halt! That's enough General! "

" But your highness, he is---"

" I said enough! That is a command General!"

" Understood my King."

Then the King stepped down from his horse and came towards Alex.

" What?! Are you going to fight me too?!"

" That's not the way to the King!"

" No General! He's being furious and that's because of you!"

The general stood silent.

" Are you Alex from another universe? "

" Yes I am. And you are Alex as well?"

" Indeed myself from another universe. I am King Alex and this is my Queen Eleanor."

" Greetings my Queen! You look stunning your highness! "

" Oh I'm touched."

" Wowww!! For real!! I'm a King here?!!

" The Alternate you to be precise."

" My King are you going to let this mockery passed by?"

" This is not a mockery General. He is just being too enthusiastic of me being a King."

" Now Alex from another universe, follow me to my kingdom. "

" My King! You should concern about----"

" Nonsense General! He possessed no threat to our Kingdom!"

" Understood your Majesty."

King Alex and Alex marched to the Kingdom.

" Welcome to my Kingdom Alex! Follow me to the dining room. We are going to have a feast together."

The Chef of the Kingdom prepared the best and the most delicious feast of all time.

" Now Alex please enjoy the feast of the Kingdom!"

" Understood your Majesty. I will enjoy your kind treatment here!"

Alex then devoured the feast along with the King Alex, Queen Eleanor and the Armored General. But the General wasn't very pleased with the presence of Alex.

" My King. Are you going to let such a hillbilly feasting in your precious dining room?"

" You know I can hear you loud and clear metal boy."

" If you feel unpleasant with his presence, we could settle it out at the kingdom arena."

" It's my duty to serve as General to make him suffer my King."

"I'm in! We'll see who's the best!"

" The winner of this duel will be crowned as the Kingdom Champion."

After the feast, Alex and the armored General headed to the Kingdom Arena to duel. At the arena the King Alex announced that the winner of this duel will be crowned as the Kingdom Champion.

" My beloved people!! This duel will determine who is the next champion of this kingdom!!"

Everyone was excited.

" I will make you disappear once and for all little pest! "

" I would like to see you try metal boy."

The General charged towards Alex and drew his sword on him.

" Hiyyaa!!!"

Alex dodged and transformed into the Caveman.

" My turn!!"

Alex swang the Stone Axe to the General and got thrown to the ground.

" Ngghhh!! I wasn't paying attention to you! "

" Then you gonna have to metal boy."

The General tackled Alex off his feet and tried to cut in two but Alex rolled to the right side.

" Oofff that was close. GENTLEMAN!! "

Alex transformed into the Gentleman

" Now shall we dance metal boy?"

Gentleman Alex swang his fencing sword toward the armored general and hit him several times. The Armored General was upset and stroke him with several slashes but Alex dodged it. Eventually the Armored General tore Alex's suit and kicked him to the ground.

" Very well then. I shall use the waterworld power. ATLANTIAN!!"

Alex transformed into the Atlantian form.

" Huh?! A walking human fish?! You will be cooked here in this arena!"

" We'll see about that."

The Atlantian Alex created a big wave of the ocean and made the Armored General sank.

" Now here's the best part."

Atlantian Alex used telepathy to summon a great white shark to attack the general. General's armors shattered from his body all over the arena and Alex won the duel.

" My beloved people! Hereby I declare a new champion of the kingdom.....ALEX!!"

*everyone cheers*

" Nay nay nay!! This is not possible! My King please do tell that this is not the truth!"

" I already announced that the winner of this game will be the Kingdom's champion."

" Hey it's a game, don't take it personally. You're still a General though."

A battered General walk out of the arena with disappointment in his eyes.

" Where you going?"

" Leave him alone Alex. He will be just fine in a couple moment."

" We'll see who is not going to be okay." whispered the General.

The General headed to top mountain to find a cave of the Dark Witch and Wizard. When the General reached the top Mountain, a huge Komodo Dragon Wizard and a Giant Snake Witch appeared from inside the mist.

" What is a Noble battered Knight doing here?!" asked the Komodo Dragon.

" Are you going to given up your pathetic life?!" said the Giant snake.

" I am here to declare a war with my King and in order to do that I need the Great Wizard and the Witch's assistance!"

" Oh hohoho...Why would you against your own King pathetic knight?" asked the Komodo.

" Because they have a new champion and the King doesn't appreciate me anymore!"

" What do we get in return?!" asked the Snake.

" You can own all Kingdom on this land, especially my former Kingdom."

" Very well! We'll cast Dark Magic Strength upon you."

The Wizard and The Witch casted their Dark Magic Spell on the battered General and the General became the Dark Shadows Knight with a Dark Magical Axe in his hand.

" I'm feeling the great power flowing within me!!"

" Remember this General. If you lose, your soul is ours!!" said the Wizard.

" I will not let you down your highness."

Then the Dark Shadows Knight marched toward the Kingdom and he summoned the army of darkness, the giants of darkness, and the winged armys.


the army, the giants and the winged army rushed toward the Kingdom.

" Sire we are under attack by the army of darkness!!"

" Prepare our infantrymen, archers, everything to battle them!!" said King Alex.

" Affirmative Sire!!"

" What's going on my King Bro?"

" We are under attack by the army of darkness. Do you want to join me in the battle Alex?"

" Yes I would love to!!"

At the Battlefield every guard is preparing for the assault.

" Archers ready!! Wait for my signal! FIRE!!"

The arrows fired at the dark armys and many of them disappeared because of it. Then the giants threw a rock to the castle and broke the Kingdom's tower. The army of darkness entered the kingdom and every Knight battled them out.

" Here we go! CAVEMAN!"

Alex then turned into the Caveman Alex and slayed the army of darkness. Then suddenly someone from behind hit him really hard and made got thrown away.

" Ooff who was that?!"

" Remember me?!! Champion?!!"

" Oh wow you got upgraded but still I will kick your butt."

Then Alex delivered an attack to the Dark Shadows Knight and it got countered. Dark Shadows Knight beat Alex really bad with Dark Shadows Slash and Alex couldn't stand on his feet.

" Still thinking that you are a Champion?! Champion?!"

" I didn't see that coming from you." said Alex while coughing.

" Alex!! Use this stone and summon its power."

The King threw a stone power at Alex and Alex caught it.

" Very well then. KNIGHT!!"

Alex turned into a Knight Alex with a Shining Armor on his body.

" Still you wouldn't be able to defeat me!!"

" We'll see about that."

Knight Alex battled it out with the Dark Shadows Knight. Alex delivered Shining Slash to Dark Shadows Knight and cracked his armor.

" Impossible!! I should be the strongest Knight ever!!!"

Then Alex delivered light armor punch to Dark Shadows Knight and broke the horn of his helmet.

" No no no no no!!!"

" Now this is the last touch!"

Alex delivered the Shining Light Beam by stabbing the sword onto the ground and perished all the armys, giants and the winged armys of darkness including the Dark Shadows Knight Armor.

" Arrgghh! This is not possible! I can not be defeated!!"

Then a huge Komodo Dragon Wizard and the Giant Snake Witch appeared.

" Well how did it go?" asked the Wizard.

" Please I'm begging you I can do this!"

" You had your chance pathetic one." said the Witch.

" Devour him!" ordered the Wizard.

" Wait wait wait!! NO!!!!"

then the Giant Snake Witch devoured the General and left with Komodo Dragon Wizard.

" Phew! Well that went well!"

Then a portal appeared and pulled Alex into.

" See you later me in the King. Hope to see you soon!!"

" Affirmative my Champion!"

Then Alex went into the portal and headed to the universe, Futuristic Universe.