
Another Life With Sayori

Look a little deeper inside yourself, and you will find something beautiful. ... It's the Doki-Doki Literature Club, but everything is a little different. Four girls came together and made a humble literature club. Sayori has her childhood friend, but it's Natsuki! Natsuki comes off as harsh, but those close to her just understand that's how she is! Yuri is a loner that is into books, but she always has Natsuki to confide to! Monika always ponders over philosophical problems... then shares her thoughts with the others! Everyone has a few issues and insecurities here and there, but they slowly bond and overcome them. Things get a little awkward at times, but they get past it together, blossoming into new beautiful relationships.

Disgrace · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

One Step at a Time

I hummed a little tune to myself, swaying my head back and forth.

Natsuki reached over with her dainty hand, brushing a few crumbs off my collar.

"Geez. If I ate as fast as you, I would get a stomachache."

I giggled.

"That's my superpower from eating so much!"

Natsuki sighed.

"Why do you sound so proud of that?"

I laid one hand in my hair while the tip of my tongue peeked out from my lips.

As Natsuki said, it only took me a few moments to finish both the cupcake and piece of toast. The cupcake was simply too tasty, while the toast was nice and filling.

The streets were crowded with people on their way to school. Most of them were either in large groups or couples holding hands.

I clasped my hands together, interlocking my fingers.

"Hey, Natsuki."

Natsuki turned to me with a curious expression.


A cheeky smile appeared on my face.

"If we hold hands, we will look just like all the other couples!"

I held out my hand, so Natsuki could easily hold it.

Natsuki looked at my hand before blushing furiously.

After a few moments of silence, she reached out...

Then smacked my hand away.

"I-Idiot! What are you even talking about?"

I lightly brushed the back of my hair.

"Hehe, it was just a joke!"

Natsuki puffed her cheeks.

"I just can't understand you sometimes..."

I let out a light-hearted giggle.

Like that, the two of us got to school.

Natsuki shot me a sad glance.

"Well... I'll see you later."

Natsuki and I didn't share any classes together, so it would be a while before the two of us met.

I tried my best to give her an uplifting smile.

"Lunch will come by fast!"

I reached out to aggressively pat her soft hair.


Natsuki balled her hands into tiny fists before swinging them at me.

"I told you before, no patting!"

I hurriedly scampered away, giggling to myself.

Natsuki crossed her arms, squirming around slightly.



I laid my head on the desk in frustration.

"...I don't get it at all."

I was sitting at the front of class. Our philosophy teacher had just finished his lecture and gave us the rest of the period to study independently.

A pout formed on my face.

"Why is philosophy a mandatory course?..."

"Oh, don't say that. Philosophy is fun so long as you get over that initial hump."

I turned my head to the side to see who was talking.

It was a girl with long coral-brown hair that curled slightly at the ends. She had a large white bow that tied back her long, beautiful ponytail. She had two bangs that stretched down just past her chest.

Her eyes were bright emerald green, sucking me in like a whirlpool. A gentle, yet mature smile rested on her face, making it hard for me to remember we were actually in the same year. She just... felt so much older.

It was Monika, the class president.

I let out an ashamed giggle.

"Philosophy just goes right past me! I don't think I'll ever get over the initial hump..."

Monika smiled sweetly.

"Don't worry. I can teach you."

I rose from the desk in shock. My eyes blinked rapidly in disbelief.

"Eh? Th-The class president is going to teach me!"

Monika chuckled.

"Is it really such a big deal?"

I looked to the side, unable to maintain eye contact.

"Well... you always score full marks on every test! If you teach me, I have a chance of passing this course!"

Monika gave me a helpless look.

"Oh come on, give yourself more credit. I'm sure you can get into the high eighties if you take it seriously! Plus, I don't score full marks on every test."

I pressed the tips of my index fingers together.

"Ehehe... I've been taking it seriously. I thought sitting at the front would help but..."

Monika smiled bitterly.

"Have more confidence in yourself. Let's start with Plato, why don't we?"

I nodded enthusiastically.


Monika dragged her desk over to mine.

Our shoulders were really close to touching!

Monika reached over to flip the pages of the philosophy textbook on my desk, brushing by my arm in the process. After a few seconds, she used her slender hands to smoothen the page. Then, she laid her finger next to a quote.

Monika turned to me.

"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. What does this quote mean to you?"

There was a gentle smile on her face. Honestly, it was a little hard for me to respond. Although I was paying close attention to Monika's words, it was more so on how silky smooth and pleasing they were to my ears.

I lightly brushed the back of my hair as an awkward smile spread out on my face.

"Ehehe... I don't know."

Monika sighed. She smiled a little helplessly.

"It doesn't have to be correct! If nothing else, just tell me the emotion it evokes when you read it."

I nodded.


My eyes shifted to the quote Monika was pointing at.


So the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light...

I scratched the side of my forehead with my index finger.

"I still don't understand it... but it makes me feel sad."

Monika smiled.

"That's a great start!"

I turned to Monika with confusion.

"Eh? Isn't that... really bad? I couldn't understand it even after looking at it twice!"

Monika giggled softly.

"Since you feel sad, it means you subconsciously understand the quote, but can't put it into words!"

I gasped, raising my hands above my shoulders.

"I secretly understand it? Why can't my subscriber tell me!"

Monika smiled sweetly.

"Don't worry, we will take it one step at a time. Also... it's subconscious"

I nodded with a small smile on my face.

"Ok, one step at a time!"

The reason I started this novel was because of my strange obsession with Sayori I could never really shake off. Honestly, writing this story gives me a strange feeling that is both good and bad at the same time.

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